God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 876: only friends……

Everyone was shrouded in absolute darkness, and they couldn’t see the sights around them just rushing forward.

It didn't take long for the group to fall into the abyss and squat down.


One by one, they were down to earth, and they felt a whirlwind, and they recovered for a while.


The immortal Jupiter figure held by Ferran suddenly bursts open and dissipates between heaven and earth, becoming ashes.

The darkness faded away.

A bright picture, slowly opened in the eyes of everyone...

Infinite forests, old trees, small trees, and dozens of meters tall, bigger, such as hills and leaves, even a hundred meters tall, trunks occupy a few acres, hundreds of people embrace, fear is not enough stand up.

Hundreds of times of gravity!

Any **** and king who is strong in the kingdom cannot fly off the ground under the horrible gravity. If he reaches the source of the gods, he can hang up without any touch. If Ferran exists, he can escape from gravity and float. Ten meters in the sky.

The rich natural energy of the heavens and the earth is like a sea of ​​oceans. The rich people let the people only feel the soul clear, and they all seem to be bathed in the ocean of energy. It is unbelievable.

Not far away, there is a lake that has not been polluted and clarified to the bottom. The water is filled with mist, and the upper part is surrounded by strong water, the water vapor is filled, and the moisture is extremely heavy.

On the edge of the lake, there are many bright plants growing in a variety of colors. Some plants have several branches and leaves, some are multicolored, and some roots are crystal clear like jade, which are filled with very awkward vitality, like there is Spirituality is average.

The refining pharmacist Jester looked shocked, and the eyes burst into flames like a starlight, looking at the flowers and plants on the lakeside, and the mouth was trembling with a nightmare whisper: "The top of the three-leaf crown orchid, the water lily..."

He whispered, enchanted, and subconsciously stepped toward the lake, forgetting where he was.

Ferran frowned and his face was heavy, and said to Liana, who was next to her: "The star map bursts open, and the void passage does not know where it is. Even if it is found, it is difficult to return without a star map."

Liana’s face changed slightly and whispered to herself: “Where is this?”

"Where are the cranes?" Shi Yan whispered.

He said this, all the talents reacted and couldn’t help but look around, but found that there were no traces of Fanhe, Fengyi and his entourage, the strongest of the three forces, and the predators led by Fengqi. I don’t know why. For what reason, the landing point is not consistent with everyone.

Here, only dozens of Cato are from, Feng, Kashen and Zi Yao.

There are no more familiar people.

When the pharmacist Jester chose to come to Shiyan at the time of the banned soul platform, he was brought along with more people, because there was no one, it seemed to spread out. "Take them to life and death." Lianna snorted, not cold or hot: "It’s good to die, lest you have to get rid of it."

He did not like the three powerful forces, and seemed to be unsatisfactory to the predators. Except for the secret inheritors such as Cato and Shiyan, other people, even Zi Yao, were not seen by her.

"They are in the same direction as us, but the landing point is different. I will investigate." Ferran calmly squinted and seemed to let go of the superb knowledge.

For a moment, she shook her head. "This place is strange, vast, even my gods can't all glimpse, but the area I can sense, they are definitely not."

Shiyan is amazed.

Ferran is a virtual state, the most powerful level he has ever seen, and the land of divine punishment is enormous. Under her knowledge, she still has an unobstructed view. There is no corner and she can escape her peeping.

However, this piece of dense forest, she said that it can not be fully perceived, does it mean that this forest alone is even wider than the land of punishment?

"Seventh-level star of life, at least to this extent! God, where the star map is marked, it is not a false statement! It is really a seven-level star of life!" Jester at the lake, carefully collecting those spiritual medicine spirits Grass, excited as a child sees the treasure, dancing and saying: "The natural spirit medicine spirit produced by the seven-level life star is the best medicine! You can see so many refined medicine materials, even if it is dead, it is worth It is."

"Seven-level life star?" Shi Yan looked shocked, and the hope in his heart was infinitely magnified. "Is it really seven?!"

“Required!” Jester focused on the head. “It’s not a seven-level star of life. Can you give birth to such a potion? No matter what it is, it’s definitely a dream place for our refining pot!”

Ferran and Liana, there is no excitement and joy in Jess's words, and his face is surprisingly dignified.

"What are you worried about?" Shi Yan was amazed, and his heart was full of puzzles.

"The heavens and the earth are so rich, I hope there is no life. If there is, I am afraid that it is extremely horrible!" Ferran took a deep breath and his mouth was bitter. "In our flames, there is no seven-level life star. Even so, he Can appear the king of the gods, the source of the gods of the strong, and I, through thousands of years of accumulation, into the virtual state of God. Here, the heaven and earth energy is full of energy, if the soul is cultivation, it will be twice the result with half the effort, the advanced speed Faster!"

"The seven-level star of life, the spiritual medicine grass that can be nurtured, the heaven and earth materials and the ore crystals that are absorbed are absolutely beyond the imagination of your imagination. If there are creatures who know how to cultivate, with abundant world energy, and The ubiquitous spirit medicine spirit grass **** crystal stone, cultivation speed is bound to be extremely fast, virtual God ... for this life star, it should not be as difficult as the flame star field." Lianna also face heavy.

To the two men, Shi Yan suddenly silenced.

Yes, the energy of the gods is exhausted, and at the end of the cycle, the true gods and peaks can be born. The flame star has five levels of life stars, and can appear like the characters such as the plating, the crane, and the virtual world. Ferran.

Here, the natural resources are superior, and the energy is full. If there are creatures who know how to use cultivation, the achievements can definitely exceed the flames.

"You stay here, I look around." Fei Lan indulged, and Liliana and Shiyan gave a message, not waiting for the two to express, they slowly floated and drifted away in the distance.

She is in a virtual state, if she is flying in the flame field, it is easy to move for a moment. However, in such a magical land hundreds of times of gravity, her flight speed is correspondingly delayed hundreds of times, the sign of the void floating, Shiyan A group of people can even see clearly.

"Shiyan..." At this time, Zi Yao got together and smiled at the corner of his mouth. "I broke through."

Shiyan stunned and immediately smiled. He said: "Congratulations, the source of the gods... Your power will be greatly improved. If you want to come in the Kingdom of God, you will not rely on anyone, and you will have a place."

"You are not very powerful." Zi Yao did not have a trace of pride and complacency. "Compared with you, the speed of cultivation of anyone is not fast. When I met you, you only had true deities, your cultivation speed. Said a miracle."

"I am lucky." Shi Yan smiled and said naturally: "You seem to have been delayed on your way, otherwise it will not be so slow to come." "Well, I have another chance, it took a little while to break through." ”

Zi Yao smiled and nodded. "Now the predator is separated from you. What are your plans for the future?"

"I am one of the predators. How do you call it apart?" Feng Xiao cold-faced, cold and prevent it from coming out, holding a stone arm, and sticking to him, making a relative, "From him and me by purgatory From the day the star left, he is not the person of your kingdom, and you have no power to restrain him."

After a pause, Feng Wei looked at Shi Yan and bit the lower lip: "Do you still want to be attached to her? Be her follower?"

Shi Yan frowned, for the time being silent.

Zhai Yaomei flashed a bit of shame, indulged a bit, and said faintly: "I have never regarded Shiyan as a sire. In my heart, he has always been my best friend and will not change in the future."

“Friends?” Feng Yi looked mocking. “Where was he when the Purgatory Star was persecuted by Ogudo? When he was counted by Oglas, what are you doing? You want to treat him as a good friend. Once he is in crisis, should you immediately resolve it? Can you really help?"

"The princess didn't know about it. When Shiyan was trapped in the purgatory, the princess did search for it. I can testify." Kasiuen smiled and held the watch.

Liana looked indifferent. She looked at Shiyan's sandwich between the two women. She was a little headache, and she was indifferent. She also took the initiative to retreat a bit. She didn't seem to want to intervene to say anything more, let Shiyan handle it herself.

"I also treat the princess as a friend. It has always been like this." Shi Yan smiled and smiled in the eyes of Feng, naturally saying: "I am also a friend in the future. The princess's treatment is not thin, I remember it."


Zi Yao’s eyes flashed through a faint sigh of relief, and soon returned to normal. He nodded and smiled. “Yes, it’s friends, it’s always been”

"Just a friend?" Feng Wei looked at Shiyan.

"Well, just friends." Shi Yan is sure.

Feng Xin’s heart was a little loose, and Jiao Rong had a gorgeous smile. He didn’t have any troubles any more. He said with interest: “That’s good, between your friends... I’m going to talk about it, I won’t bother.” Take the initiative to avoid.

She is a smart woman, knowing when to be tough, when to relax, and knowing what to do so will not provoke someone to be unhappy.

Because she cares about someone, she will think for the other side, the defender should defend, but also know to give the other party a private space.

Katsien smiled lightly. "You talk." He also took the initiative to leave the area to the two and let them communicate for a while.

When Feng Xi and Kashoen left, Shi Yan and Zi Yao fell silent and the atmosphere was a bit stunned.

......(To be continued

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