God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 877: Unwilling to be ordinary

"I admit, I have thought about using you, using your relationship with the one who knows the death of the righteous, but I never thought about harming you."

Zi Yao was silent for a long time, and suddenly said quietly.

Shiyan glanced, smiled lightly and nodded: "I believe."[]

"Ogras wants to frame you, I really don't know, Ogudo is going to kill you in the Purgatory Star, and I can't predict it. Now, I have already cleared up with Oglas..."

Zi Yao is serious.

Shi Yan is a smile again. "I know that you don't know, because Oglas and Ogudo, the people who count, are not just me, mainly for you. I can be sure that Oglas and Platinum must be There is any agreement, of course, Oglas should not want you to die, just hey... get you."

Zi Yao’s pretty face is red and the beauty is shining with a strange color. “I know his mind and always know.”

"Then why do you stay with him?" Shiyan was amazed.

"I need to take advantage of the power behind Oglas to win the throne for my brother."

Zi Yao bit her lower lip, slightly down, gas... Before him, I didn't know you. If I knew you very early, I don't think I would do that. ”

“Why?” Shiyan’s glimpse.

"With you, it will be enough." Zi Yao two red and bright, did not dare to look at him, looked down on the toes, look a little uneasy, as if a bit awkward.

Shi Yan’s face was stagnation, his eyes were wrong, and he didn’t speak for a while.

He didn't talk, and Zi Yao was even more uneasy. He was uncomfortable, his head was motionless, and his neck was full of amazing colors.

She is the most splendid flower of the flames, and it is the enchanting beauty of all men's dreams. It is so shy, it is really thrilling, so that any man is moved.

Although the meaning in her words is concealed, but Shi Yan is not stupid, can hear the meaning of the string...

Because he understands, because he does not know how to deal with it, he is silent.

The encounter with Zi Yao, a series of encounters such as a bright picture, in his mind did not overwhelm, the first sight of the shock of heaven, the sun star burst in the field of common trouble, all kinds of scenes, seems suddenly Fresh, just like yesterday.

However, the two of today are different.

Zi Yao is the princess of the gods of the gods, and the most loved daughter of the gods, of course, will put the kingdom of God in the first place, no matter what the future, for her, it is impossible to abandon the country of God alone.

Shi Yan, who doesn't like jealousy, doesn't like to rely on any powerful forces. He has his pursuit. He knows his responsibility, and he can't lay down his belief in a woman for many years.

Today, he and Feng Qi walked together and made a good match with the predators. From the distribution of the power of the flames, he and Zi Yao are in opposition, unless he cuts off the abundance, puts down his persistence, and regards the country as a god. At home, otherwise, he will have greater differences with Zi Yao in the future.

He naturally won't do this.

He came to the flames of the stars, is to find a living path for his relatives and friends, he is the inheritor of the blood pattern ring, shouldering the heavy responsibility, life is afraid not to stop, can not stay in the kingdom of God, because a woman, sell himself to God country.

Therefore, after a long silence, he frowned and said: "I only have the king of God, I am struggling with pain all my life. In this world, I am not willing to be ordinary. I am destined to spur the blood in the thorns of the earth. I am destined to go. Difficult and dangerous, maybe tomorrow, I will be annihilated, and my soul will fly. I am a friend, if you are in danger, I will never sit back and watch, but I will not let you down because of you, nor because of you, Give up everything..."

Zi Yao Huo uplifted, beautiful, and looked at him deeply, so loudly, faintly said: "If it is... I am willing to give up everything because of you? If I let go of power, I will ignore the chaos of the kingdom and share with you. Hard, what will you do?"

Shi Yan’s eyes slammed and his eyes moved.

At this time, Ferran's figure slowly emerged from afar, and when the people looked up and raised their eyes, they fell in the middle of the crowd.

Shi Yan and Zi Yao suspended the unfinished discourse and looked at Fei Lan in a different way, wanting to hear her investigation.

"I have not been able to walk out of the forest. This forest is extremely vast, and it is thousands of times more than the land of punishment." After Ferran stopped, his look was grim. "The direction of my exploration has many beasts, extremely large, and so on." Not low. There is a tens of thousands of meters of giant mountains, towering, and there seems to be a huge building complex on the top of the mountain..."

Everyone is ashamed.

“Is there any signs of living?” Shi Yan asked calmly.

"Maybe not, maybe." Ferran indulged, and the language was unknown.

"How do you say?" Shi Yan is amazed.

"If it is a creature below the virtual state, I can perceive it, but if the realm of life exceeds me, I will not be able to perceive it." Feilan frowned deeply. "On the mountain, I always feel that there is fluctuation, it seems There is some kind of power to hang over, I can't sense any signs in the mountains. But the majestic buildings on the mountains can be seen thousands of miles apart. I think...

Perhaps there is life activity. ”

"Or, have we carefully investigated it in the past?" Shi Yan proposed.

Both Ferran and Liana were gloomy and did not rush to answer.

"Do you know what level of the beast that was in front of the singularity of the land before the battle?" Feilan suddenly looked at him.

Shi Yan shook his head.

"Twelve levels, in line with the virtual reality of the martial arts, is a kind of ferocious animal that I have never seen before. It is a ethnic group. I have responded through the void passage, leaving a sigh of corrosion. Now I can confirm that they are also coming in the same direction. Here, there is only a different landing point.” Feilan took a deep breath and said simply: “This is the ancestral home of the fierce beast. There are twelve of them. This place is not rumored and has not been dug. But there should be souls and masters."

Jester’s face changed slightly. “How is it possible? If there is a star of the Lord’s life, then how many spirits and herbs will be left in the air? In our flames, the rumors about the star map are clear, the star icon The star field is not open, so I see it."

Ferran's eyes were cold, and he dismissed: "When you come to see the rare spiritual medicine, for the owner of the land, it may be just a common thing. Everything is everywhere, will you pay attention?"

Jester’s body was shocked and his face was dull.

He is not stupid, telling Ferran so much, and suddenly understands.

Yes, here is the seven-level star of life, and the spirit of the spiritual medicine that is bred will certainly be extraordinary. In the flames of the refining pharmacists, the extremely precious refining materials may be just plain things here.

Only the refining materials that he has never heard of, in the eyes of the existence of this place, may be worthy of attention.

Because of the limitations of his origins, his cognition clearly entered the misunderstanding at the beginning, and he thought that the best of refining drugs, he thought that others were treated the same.

"I want to tell you that if there is a living being here, it will be a strong horror. If you don't touch it, maybe it's our blessing. If you really see it, it's not a good thing." Ferran silenced for a few seconds and said again: "Now, you guys Still insist on exploring? Still insisting on going to the giant mountain?"

Everyone looked ugly and didn't say anything.

"I insisted." Half a ring, Shiyan took the lead in speaking. "We don't know anything about this place. We don't see local creatures. It's like a labyrinth. I don't like this sense of unknown. Seeing the locals helps. We understand this place. As for the crisis

... We have come, every moment exists, and escaping is not the way. ”

In the smoky eyes of Ferran, there was a slight appreciation. He nodded and continued to ask: "Is there still a persistent person? I have made up my mind and can go with me, but I remind you in advance that you can’t be defeated. I will not take care of you. You can stay, practice in this temporarily safe area, collect spiritual medicine, find all kinds of cultivation materials, and maybe break through quickly. Maybe I will not force you to choose. ""

"I am naturally with you." Feng Xiao chuckled and immediately stood with Shi Yan.

"I also want to go see." Zi Yao stated.

"Of course I followed my brother." Cato raised his hand.

"Hey, if the seniors are not there, if we are in danger, will we die faster?" Jester is the smartest, although he is not willing to take risks, but seeing Ferran has a decision, he can only follow.

His remarks were recognized by everyone, and he was hesitant to follow suit.

Ferran is the only virtual god. Liana is the source of God's three heavens, not following them, is not looking for a dead end?

They know how to make a choice.

"That's good, let's go to the giant mountain, go now." Ferran nodded, not galloping, but walking in front of the road, heading for mysterious and unpredictable.

A few days later, everyone saw a lot of huge bones, the bones were crystal-clear, and there was no trace of flesh and blood, as if they had been cleaned by a knife.

Those skeletons are very large, and some of them are nearly a kilometer in length. They are obviously fierce beasts of very high ranks. Many people are glad to have come to see these skeletons of the beasts, or they will be alone. It is absolutely fierce.

Time is rushing, blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

On this day, everyone in the road saw the raging flames in front of them, the sizzling sounds burning inside the forest, and the leading Ferran, his face changed slightly, and suddenly said: "There are creatures."

Everyone was nervous and upset.

Ferran's speculation became a reality. This seven-level life star is not unexplored. There is a living being, which means that there should be a Lord.

Rumble! Rumble!

The vibration of the ground shaking the mountain came from the front of the sea of ​​fire, shaking like a drum, hitting every heart, letting their gods tremble.

Everyone looks to the front and wants to know what is coming from the living beings.


A small tree with a slightly small tree, the sound of a bursting sound, seems to have been broken by a hard life. After a raging wind, a teenager wearing a animal skin shirt and a straight face is holding a 30-meter long The crystal-shaped spear has a collar that is filled with animal bones on the neck, and the eyes are covered with a bone.

He is ten meters high, and is like a golden juice pouring water, gold light can be a can, such as wearing a gold armor.

Giant family.

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