God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 878: Are you a little beast?

Just a teenager, it is ten meters high, and it is like a golden god.

Fei Lan, Lianna, Zi Yao, and Kashun are all from the flames of the flames. They seem to have never seen such a race. Seeing the appearance of the giants, they are extremely shocked, and they want to subconsciously. Hands-on.

"And slow!" Shi Yan sighed and stopped everyone's instigation, and his attitude was dignified: "Don't be in conflict, the other party has not revealed maliciousness, don't provoke others first."

He saw that this huge giant boy is actually not in a high state. The gold giant is only the level of the king of God.

This boy, the top dead in the king of God, three heavens, really if it is a desperate struggle, not the opponents of Ferran, Lianna and others.

The giants are full of youthful, dark-painted eyes, full of curiosity, looking down at them, like seeing strange creatures, slowly squatting, a huge head plunged forward, sounds like a bell Road: "Hey, are you a beast? I have never seen such a small beast, so cute."

He is ten meters high, even if he leans over and kneels down, it seems as if a golden cloud covers the light and gives heavy pressure.

He looked at Shi Yan and others, just like Shi Yan and others looked at the mouse on the ground. Compared with his body shape, Shi Yan and his party really looked so shabby.

Good morning...

The group was all dumbfounded.

Regardless of how they imagined, fearing that they would not have expected, the first creatures touched in this area would actually say that they were awkward...

"Are you a little beast?" The giant of the Giants continued to curiously ask, "Would you like to be my pet? I will find you delicious."

Everyone looked black.

This giant of the giant family seems to have never seen a small creature, living in a closed world, knowing a huge beast. When they see such a small race, they are very happy.

"We are not a beast." Shi Yan smiled bitterly. Looking up at the sky, he felt a lot of pressure. "Like you, we have flesh and blood, and we are also living. Just, we are a few times smaller than you, that... why are you here? ?"


The young man’s stomach screamed and he didn’t feel guilty. He touched his stomach and screamed at the messy hair. “I’m hungry. Do you want to get some food first?”

Shiyan is amazed.

Fei Lan, Li Anna and others looked at each other and didn't know how to be good. They felt a bit puzzling.

...the giants, they have never seen or heard, and they have seen such a huge race, they are all in vain, and Shiyan is extremely friendly, and they are deliberately handed over, making them confused. Can't touch his true intentions.

"Okay." Shi Yan readily agreed.

"Follow me, I will give you some food." The teenager was very happy, and he cheered. "You are so small, you shouldn't eat much. The guy I hunted is very big, enough for you to eat for a long time."

Then, the youngsters excitedly went to the fire-sea area, and the footsteps swayed, and the roar of the shaking of the mountain shook, and it rang again.

"Shi Yan, are you?" Ferran frowned deeply. "Do you know this kind of race?"

"Giant, have you not seen it?" Shi Yan wondered.

"I have never heard of it." Cato looked strange.

"This way." Shi Yan stunned and smiled. "In my homeland, there are rumors of this race. This is a very hospitable race. Although it is powerful, it has never been bad. The first encounter is They, it looks like we are lucky."

Gas... Giants, your hometown, have this race? Here, is it your homeland? "Ferland shines brightly."

Shaking his head, Shi Yan looked at it. "If this is my hometown, I will not go to your flames in disregard of everything. I said earlier that my hometown is exhausted and not suitable for the military to survive."

"So why do the giants in your hometown live here?" Feng Qi curiously asked.

"God knows." Shi Yan said with a smile, and immediately said: "Let's go, we used to talk to the children. Let's remember, don't provoke the battle. Although the giants are very honest, they never fear, but instead Once they have determined that you are an enemy, they are definitely not dead!"

Everyone's face changed slightly.

Ferran hesitated, nodded, and said: "Who listens to him, who dares to open up and break, and blame me for being ruthless."

Shi Yan has taken the lead in leaving the teenager.

Everyone stunned, and they all tightened their hands and silently kept up, trying to see how Shiyan responded.

Not long after, everyone came to the flames.

It was a huge fire, burning the trunk of the ten-rooted man's waist. On the fire, there was a fierce beast that was ten meters long. The beast was baked red and the fragrance was full.

The giant of the giant family, kneeling beside the big fire, carrying another snow-white bone spear, continually tumbling, letting the fire burn on the beast.

The yellowed beast meat, flowing out of the rich oil and water, the teenager did not care about the hot, tearing a piece of meat, chewing on it, and seeing Shiyan and his party came over, he grinned and said: "Give you."

A large piece of roast meat was torn from his hard life, and it was hundreds of pounds. It was the most feminine leg bone tender meat, and the meat was fragrant and scented and fell directly to a slate at the foot of everyone.


The barbecue is grounded, the splash of oil splashes, and the scent of the mouth is full of scent.

The warrior is not able to eat forever. On the contrary, the food of most warriors is extremely amazing. Just because there is a magical ring, when you go out to fight, you can get some dry food from the ring.

Everyone was already hungry. From the time they left the city, they had not eaten a cooked meat. The barbecue had landed. All the people felt a strong greedy desire from their stomachs, and their lips secreted saliva.

"No... what's the problem?" Refining chemist Jester, licking his tongue, has some concerns.

Shi Yan's face was cold, and the mouth was blue. The first one started, tearing a large piece of barbecue, and biting it up quickly. The mouthful of oil and water could not help but shout: "Happy!"

"Drink a bit of wine." Kashun's eyes lit up, and he laughed. He had a flash of illusion in his hand, and the wine of the altar appeared, arranged in front of him and allowed to be taken by everyone.

Kashin's greedy cup is famous for its flames, and there is never a bad wine in the magical emptiness. The wine of an altar is untied by him, and the fragrance immediately spreads.

Shi Yan was a little polite, and reached out and grabbed it. A jar of wine fell into the palm of his hand and he sipped his head and drank it.

Jester and Cato, hesitated, and quietly reached out and wanted to grab the jar.

At this time, a golden giant palm descended from the sky and pressed down.

Jester and Cato were all discolored, and their strength was lifted out, and the fierce light in their eyes flashed.

"Don't move!" Shi Yan gave a low drink.

Cato immediately put down his vigilance and frowned.

Jester hesitated, and he did not move.

The golden palms slowly descend from the sky, such as the golden clouds. When they are about to press, they avoid the heads of Jester and Cato, and the fingers are twisted with a wine and they are lifted up.

He just takes the wine.

The large watermelon-like jar, in his hand, is just a small pocket-sized wine glass. The giant tribe squats and sips it out. He said, "It’s so delicious, it’s too little."

Then, he continued to reach out and grabbed the jars in front of Kashun.

At this time, everyone knows that he is not malicious, just like a child who is greedy for drinking, all showing a little weird smile, watching him screw up the jar, drink it, and then continue to take it.

Ten years later, after half a minute, he was drunk into an empty jar. He still felt that he was not addicted. He looked at Kashun and looked forward to it. "Is there anything else?"

"Yes." Katsien smiled. As soon as he saw the magical ring, more jars appeared and were neatly arranged in front of him.

The teenager’s eyes lit up and smiled and said: “You are very good. My name is Xiao Man. I am very glad to meet you. Your juice is very mellow. It’s better than A Shu’s, it’s too little, not enough. I am drinking it alone."

During the speech, he came over and reached out, not knowing the politeness, repeating the wine, and then drinking it, and then continued.

Soon, there were nearly a hundred large jars in front of Kashun, all empty.

"Hey..." The young boy’s head was a little bit, and he had a cellar, and he felt satisfied with his stomach. He sat down and his golden cheeks were red. "Little beasts, you and I will go home, I will let Auntie built a good beast for you..."

Kashun, Cato, Jester, and others, look awkward and smile.

"We are not little beasts, like you, they are creatures." Katsien explained seriously.

The giant boy sat on the ground, drunk and stunned, and said with a red face: "Oh, I know, you are smart little beasts, will talk to me." After a pause, he continued: "The little beasts Come home with me..."

Everyone is covered with black lines.

"He looks like... drunk?" Kashun's eyes were wrong, and he looked at Shiyan. "You don't want to talk about it? Can you start now?"

"Set of words?" Shi Yan was amazed, and immediately dissatisfied: "I have such a bad mind? Treat them with such a straightforward person, use a set of words? Just ask, no matter how drunk or drunk, he will honestly say He is just a child, not as complicated as you think."

"I have a bad heart, don't think everyone is like you." Lianna sighed coldly.

Katsien was full of sorrows and smiled and said: "Hey, I just casually talk about it. You think too much, think too much..." I don't know why, he seems to be extremely afraid of Lianna.

"Little beasts, I am going to be an adult. When the bones on my collar are full, I can go back to the mountains. Well, as long as I hunt 30, I will complete the adulthood..."

The giant tribe is young and drunk, looking at the distance, the nightmare said: "I haven’t seen the aunt for a long time. He knows that I will be very happy when I pass the adult ceremony so soon.... The bad guy, adult, just Can kill people, kill people..."

The young man murmured, his eyelids trembled, and suddenly fell to the ground, lying next to the fire, and in a short while, he made an earth-shattering grunt, and the thunder was generally loud.

Everyone looked blank.

......(To be continued

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