God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 879: Eight heritages

The juveniles of the giants are not wary. It seems that the roots are sinister and sinister. Nearly a hundred altars of spirits have entered the abdomen, and they are drunk and slumber.

Jester and Kashun are all people, cautiously guarding them, and thinking of others as they are, suddenly discovering that the other side is so simple that they have not been wary of their sleep, and everyone is ashamed. The juvenile's honesty is amazed. []

Hungry for a long time, the strong star of the flame star, see him sleeping, no longer think about it, like the stone rock, eat a few hundred pounds of barbecue to eat clean.

Touching the stomach, everyone is satisfied, for the time being forgotten the sinister danger of this place, lazily scattered, looking up at the starry sky without sun and moon, very comfortable.

At this time, Fei Lan suddenly got up and glanced at Shiyan and Cato, faintly said: "Come with me, I have something to say to you."

Shi Yan, Cato Momo got up, along with Liana, followed by Ferran.

Kashun, Jester, Zi Yao, Feng Wei and others showed a thoughtful look, but no one dared to chase after the eavesdropping, still staying in place.

They knew in their hearts that there might be some hidden secrets in these four people. If not, the stone rock of the outsiders and the Cato of the predators will be mixed with the ranks of Ferran and Liana.

Ferran and Lianna are the guardians of the heavenly city, and the other is the head of the five great princes of the gods. Why do they know for a long time?

In the dense forest, there are shadows of ancient villages everywhere. Shiyan and his four people are in a shade of trees, and they are bound by inexplicable power, so that outsiders can't hear their communication.

"Let's you." Ferran sinks and looks at Liana.

Lianna nodded and said to Shi Yan and Cato: "If you want to come, you must be full of doubts in your heart."

Shi Yan, Cato one - floating astronomy - the head, indeed curious.

"Actually, until now we can't guess everything, I tell you what we know so far." Lianna sighed and slowly came: "A long time ago, our family was just a small star of life. Civilian."


"It’s a mortal." Liana nodded. "Our ancestors lived by the sea of ​​the little life star, fishing for a living, not knowing the power of the righteousness, no one was born."

"Until... one day, my ancestors found a floating man at the beach. He was devastated and dying, as if he would die at any time."

"My ancestors took him home and took good care of him. It took him a long time to regain consciousness. When he woke up, he rushed to leave, but he was grateful to my ancestors for his treatment, and for his inheritance, his inheritance. After staying, it is the inheritance of darkness."

"Before he left, he told my ancestors that he would go to an ancient continent with its origins, go to his homeland, and leave the inheritance of his master. He said that he might not live for too long, let us practice the darkness, save He did not die, he did not leave his name, but gave us the name of the family, for the 'dark sky, a pulse, he worried that the chasers would find out, not long after the wake, then they went away."

"At the time, my ancestors were shocked and discovered that he was the most horrible power between heaven and earth. Because he had seen his power, because of the worship and desire for power, he remembered his command and regarded the darkness as the truth. Basically, I have been suffering."

"The darkness is profound and profound. With this kind of mystery, my ancestors became the hegemon of the star of life. Because of the organic origin, it became the first national teacher of the Kingdom of God, with a high degree of weight and a strong sense of darkness, shocking the whole. Star field."

"Just, my ancestors failed to reach the peak because of their qualifications, but they still annihilated. But he remembered the entrustment of the man, the darkness of the righteousness is the family's foundation, and he knows that this is the cornerstone of the family's prosperity. The first generation is passing down."

When I got here, Lianna paused and looked at Shiyan. "It is certain that the unknown and powerful who taught us the darkness and the righteousness is the one you said."

Shiyan frowned deeply and nodded. "It should be good. My homeland, before the energy has not been exhausted, is indeed the ancient continent, with the origin of the life star. My inheritance also comes from there."

"We have never said anything about him, never. I know that one day someone asked for it." Liana paused.

"Who?" Shiyan eyes lit up.

"After many years, one day, a mysterious strongman appeared in the flame star field, practicing the death of the righteousness, sweeping away many stars of life and becoming deserted." Lianna took a deep breath and looked at Shiyan. "The legend of that person, I want you to know one or two from Zi Yaokou?"

Shi Yan looked shocked and nodded again.

"After his flames, he was rampant and ruined dozens of life stars to restore his injuries. At the beginning, the forces gathered together to try to kill him. My other ancestor is still the country of God. Teacher, also involved in this matter..."

"As a result, you all know that the most powerful flame star in that period, after seeing that person, only know the gap, it is not a level opponent. Originally, all parties gathered strong, they should all die."

"Why didn't you die?" Cato interrupted.

"Because of my generation of ancestors, he released the darkness of the Olympics." Liana continued to look at Shiyan.

"The same pulse, he recognized." Shi Yan's heart is bright.

"Yes, his confirmation, he stayed, so other powerful powers were killed by the waves. And my generation of ancestors, the national teacher of the Kingdom of God, was left by him, and he explained something. ......"

"what's up?"

"He asked my ancestors to pass on the inheritance, saying that leaving the darkness of the inheritors, like him, is one of the eight great inheritances, and he is the inheritance of death. He said that he came to the flames, is to save a The brother is another inheritor, and the inheritor cultivates chaos and is confined to the land of God in the land of divine punishment."

Cato's eyes suddenly turned bright and looked at her for a moment.

Lianna nodded and continued: "He also said that he has a brother who cultivates corruption and has been completely annihilated. He said that he does not know whether he can survive or not, and he will leave the inheritance of his brother. Therefore, He also gave a heritage, which corroded the mystery, which is now cultivated by the aunt. He wants my ancestor to be responsible for the practice of corrosion in the family, and to keep this heritage intact."

"He also gave a blood shield, saying that it was one of the master's life, let the ancestors of my ancestors give him the blood shield if he had the origin of his master's inheritor.

It is also through him that my ancestors knew that the eight great inheritors had **** imprinting patterns, and the eight great inheritors of the service had a ring, and his inheritor and ring were the signs. ”

When she got here, Liana looked at Shiyan and looked at the **** ring on his finger.

Shiyan’s body trembled and his eyes jerked.

"He still left, to save his other brother in the land of blasphemy, and our ancestors continued to stay in the flames of the stars, pass on the corrupted mystery, and feel a little grateful, trying to go to the land of God one day. Look at it, unravel the mystery of the eight lost."

"My ancestors were generations of national teachers of the gods of the gods. Because of the darkness and the erosion of the mystery of the righteousness, they stood still and became more and more powerful. Later, my ancestors could even control the kingdom of the kingdom of God. The position is the real master of the kingdom of God. The family is getting stronger and stronger, the resources are infinite, and the ambitions are slowly rising. Until one day, the elders of the family have enough power to explore the land of the gods. Open the secrets of the eight heritages."

"The same is true. After years of exploration, there is a star map."

"In the last generation of the family, my father cultivated the darkness of the mystery, and the uncle practiced the erosion of the mystery. The realm was extremely strong. In the flames of the starry field, there was no one to stop. The father was the dark giant hidden by the kingdom of God, and he was in charge of the power of the kingdom. The uncle was in the land of divine punishment, conquering and controlling all the predators alone. The forces of power held by the two men dominated the flames. In one day, my father and uncle broke through and intervened in the virtual state. Finally, I couldn’t help myself, and I used my ancestors to portray the star map, and I wanted to explore the land of God."

"At the time, I was very small and very small, but I already knew the truth of the darkness. My aunt, I also inherited the corruption. My father and uncle, I know that I may be in danger and even annihilated, so my aunt and I did not participate, keep the darkness, Corrosion is inseparable."

"This will not come back."

"When the father and the uncle went, they brought a lot of family powers, and they completely disappeared, and the family went on the ruin. Because the power was sharply reduced, the dark sky was no longer capable of holding the kingdom of God. At that time, the flames of the stars joined forces. The strong ones in our dark sky are finally destroyed. I am only stabbed young, and I have escaped because I was connected to the land of God. Nowadays, the darkness of the sky, the name of the flame star is the real thing. The overlord, and only me and the aunt, the only thing that is fortunate is that my aunt and I are still alive, and the darkness and erosion of the mysterious inheritance have not been extinguished."

When I got here, Liana looked blank and gradually stopped.

"On the day when I saw you, I knew that the once-death sinister inheritor should have failed. The strong man who cultivated chaos and ignorance, because of annihilation, you can inherit the chaos of good luck, and so is it. You have been for many years." Ferran glanced at Cato, indifferent.

"I remember it in my heart." Cato was full of anger.

"This is roughly the case." Liana briefly summed up, "The predecessors and the practitioners who died in the death, have met my ancestors, leaving darkness and corrosion inherited. My family has become the hegemon of the flames. And because my father and uncle want to unravel the mystery of the eight great inheritances, and go deep into the land of God, I still don’t know life and death, let my family go on the verge of destruction, and only stab me and my aunt have survived to this day."

“Why didn’t the star map be taken away?” Shiyan was amazed.

"My father knows the star icon, and naturally does not need a star map. His star map is left for the future generations of our future generations. The star map has been in the purgatory of the Purgatory Star, which was established by my ancestors. But I didn't think that you would get it by chance. It seems that there is God in the midst of it." Liana was quite emotional.

"You cultivated the darkness of the Austrian fork, and even returned to the **** of the gods, the day of the heavens will be able to get you?" Shi Yan was surprised.

"I have to admit that this person is indeed the hegemon of the hegemony. He clearly knows my origins and origins, and he also appoints a heavy responsibility. Excluding the public opinion, let me be on the princehood. He is more than his ancestors. There is a discouragement and means, because he thinks he can suppress me all the time." Liana really admired.

... (to be continued)

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