God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 885: came back

Just like yesterday.

Familiar days, familiar earth, endless oceans, countless islands, this is endless sea.

If the energy of the thin heavens and the earth is absent, it is not a meticulous feeling of traction, or even hard to detect. This energy cycle goes to the end of the life star, not to mention the giants do not adapt, even the Ferran and Lianna from the flames. People also feel a little unbearable.

The cultivation of the warriors is advanced, with the aura of heaven and earth as the fundamental source, constantly pulling and gathering, slowly tempering, turning into the essence of nourishing flesh and blood soul.

Any star with a powerful warrior has a necessary premise... The energy of the heavens and the earth is extremely rich!

Without energy as a support, the military cannot continue to cultivate, and it is naturally difficult to reach a profound realm and gain insight into the true meaning of power.

There are many stars in the flames of the Stars, and the land of the Giants is the star of life of the seventh level, and the energy of the heavens and the earth is full.

Suddenly came to the mainland of God, they seem extremely uncomfortable, such stars are about to dry up, making them feel like they have entered the dead star.

A famous soldier of the Giants crashed into the windy island, and the body was a little swaying. It seemed that even the station was a little unstable. Some of them were slightly poorly balanced, and they collapsed. The huge body was like a ball on the island. Twist up.

Compared with the star of life in which they live, God’s continent has a hundred times less gravity.

The Giants were used to the Star of Life, and they couldn’t help but feel that the body was as light as a feather, and they couldn’t grasp the balance so much that they came out.

Immediately, they realized the difference, one by one sitting down on the Yinfeng Island, like a baby toddler, slowly adapting a little.

“What do I need to help?” Shi Yan’s eyes were uplifting and came to the old man’s body. “You are not familiar with here. Do you want to show you any direction?”

"Direction?" The giants of the giants shook their heads. "No, our ancestors had ancient pictures to take us to our homeland. Here we have a few guardians to avoid accidents. Right, now, the homeland, the level of the strong. 9" Shi Yan smiled, "True deities, I think, can only birth this level of existence."

The old man was amazed and nodded. "It seems that for us, there will be no danger here. Well, we will adapt to it for a while. When we are finished, we will go to our ancestral ancient icon. You have to Busy, don't need to take care of us."

"Alright." Shi Yan smiled and slammed the sensory sense.

There are countless islands in the endless sea. They have experienced various kinds of hardships. Many of the forces of the year were uprooted by the Mozu, and many mortal civilians were slaughtered.

At that time, with the help of his transmission array, some of the forces such as Yangjia, Xiajia, Caojia and Sanism were separated from the endless seas and entered the land of China, avoiding some casualties.

However, most of them who have not left through the transmission array have been cleared by the Mozu. Many laborers have been captured and entered the magical domain for a never-ending life.

The gods of the kingly kingdom cover the entire endless sea, and the islands are like gravel, in his mind - reflected.

On most of the islands, there are no living beings. Only a few islands still have some traces of life. The breath is very weak. In his view, the weak is like an ant. He understands that those are just mortals and do not understand the mystery of martial arts.

The mortal, in the eyes of the military, is the lowest end of the food chain, and even worse than the fierce beast.

However, when the volatility of the mortal life appeared in his knowledge of the sea, Shi Yan sighed in his heart and felt that today's God's grace, as a mortal, is not necessarily a bad thing.

The mortal does not need to suffer, does not seek a long life, and does not realize the change of the energy of the heavens and the earth. When the age reaches a certain level, it naturally dies, and luck is good. It is very happy and healthy throughout life, and does not need to go through battle.

The islands of the endless sea, passing through the sea, can not detect the life of the strong. Many islands that used to be powerful have dried up and become dead.

God is still extending...

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly showed the wrong color, frowned and whispered: "Weird."

"Senior brother, do we need our help?" Cato asked with diligence, "If the warriors here are just true gods, the brothers want to sweep the place, it is easy."

"Sweeping?" Shi Yan shook his head. "This is my hometown. I don't want to see someone coming."

Cato glanced and nodded, seriously: "I listen to my brother."

Both Ferran and Lily, after the advent of the gods on the mainland, also used the gods to sense the four sides. When it was discovered that the energy of the heavens and the earth was indeed extremely thin, they sighed and knew that Shiyan’s words were true.

Without a hundred years, there will be no trace of heaven and earth energy available on this continent. At that time, the warriors will not be able to cultivate, the realm will gradually fall back, the power will be lost a little, and all the creatures that have been incomparably strong will follow. Weak down.

It is no wonder that Shiyan has to find a star of life.

"Is there anything I need to help?" Kashun came up and asked with a smile.

Some of the warriors who came from the flames of the starry field stayed in the life star of the giants' lives, and some of them headed into the gods and cried.

They want to see, the stars that can give birth to this miracle of stone rock, there will be strange things.

Just, I really came over and saw it, but I felt disappointed.

The people of the Giants are still adapting to the gravity here. The stone rock is floating, and for a while, faintly said: "I am going to a place."

"Do you want me to follow?" Cato asked.

"No." Shiyan shook his head and refused. He stepped out of the air. The void showed numerous space ripples. The corrugations, such as the layered wave channel of the torrents, were very mysterious.

His body is shuttled through the layers of the channel, looming, seemingly close at hand, but life is getting farther and farther.

This is a kind of power evolution of space. Snapped!

Cangwu Sea, Tianhui Mountain.

Among the rolling mountains, there is a forbidden area, countless roots of bright pillars, only inserted into the sky, the columns are scattered, faintly forming a strange and wonderful demon array. In the demon squad, there are seven huge demon giants holding them. Each giant hand has a size of tens of mu of land. The palm has a delicate and cumbersome demon pattern. The giant hand holds the six-pointed star demon array. A few faint breaths remain.

The sneaky scorpion, the golden silkworm, the king of the sorcerer, the Holy Spirit, and the small ones who had been separated from him, all have a very weak breath, released from the six-pointed star demon array, if he did not reach the peak of the gods today, fear Hard to sense.

The demon array of the six-pointed star, without a ray of light, seems to have exhausted all the energy, becoming the most simple stone.

Shi Yan frowned, walking silently in the demon squad, looking at the texture inside the giant hand, watching the cumbersome array of veins in the six-pointed star demon array, serious.

Without any alienation, the six-pointed star demon array is really dead, showing no energy fluctuations, seems to have been damaged, or damaged from the inside.

The gods let go, and walked around any material in the demon array, no one found.

Standing in the demon squad, with his eyes closed, he slammed the energy in the blood of the undead, and with the mystery of the blood, tried to sense the sneaky, golden silkworm.

The ghost, the golden silkworm, and the king of the worm have his undead blood. With his realm of today and today, as long as he is on the mainland of God, he will never be able to perceive it.

Undead blood has splashed and turned into a wonderful energy stream, following a magical route, and it has stirred into the extraterrestrial starry sky, flying between the stars and the sea, exploring it to some unknown land.

However, a few drops of undead blood consumed energy and still failed to determine their direction and star field.

But one thing is that the ghosts, the golden silkworms, the king of the worms, and the Holy Spirit are all alive, and he has a feeling of faintness. These few of you...the law is quite moist, as if it is extremely powerful. It feels uncomfortable to come with the connection of undead blood, and there is an unknown wonder.

Especially the sneaky, he felt that ... the power of strength, it seems not inferior to him today!

He didn't know what happened, but he was sure that it wasn't just that he had an adventure. The sneaky, the golden silkworm, the king of the worm and the Holy Spirit seemed to have gained some wonderful energy and got rid of the gods. The embarrassment has entered the unknowable domain.

He couldn't help but look deeply at the demon that lost everything, revealing a thoughtful expression.

For a long time, he had a forehead, and the Tianhuo altar was separated from the sea of ​​knowledge and stared at the Tianhuo altar. Shiyan asked: "What stage are you at today?"

"Sixth order." Xuan Bing cold flame communication.

"Sixth order." The heart fire answered.


Seven kinds of skyfire, one after another, came out of the soul.

In the day when he punishes the city to engulf the soul altar, the soul greatly benefits, and the great fires have made great progress. The Xuan Bing cold flame in the forbidden land also absorbs a lot of extreme cold power, the heart fire and the Zhuque real fire. Get the residual energy of a strong flame, and also get a breakthrough, and the corpse poison of the poisonous dragon is also reinforced by the corpse fire.

Xuanbing cold flame, geocentric fire, and extinction Lei Yan are now sixth-order, nine secluded soul flames, ghosts and ghosts, and the corpse fire in the fifth order. As for the Suzaku real people... it is climbing seven steps!

The heavens that the gods know about the mainland, the fire of the earth is not counted, there are nine kinds, and now six are on him, only the three kinds of purgatory fire, the ancient demon fire and the chaotic flame, and the gathering of the sky fire is the spirit of the spirit. He remembers.

"There are two kinds of ignorant skyfires, Taikoo demon fires and chaotic flames. If you don't expect it, you should also be on the mainland of God. You can help me find them. We have the same mind, as long as you don't show the gods, once you pass the thoughts, I will I can immediately investigate." Shi Yan told me that he would collect the sky and worship the sea. "Go, find me, all-round!"

Seven kinds of skyfires, scattered from his knowledge of the sea, turned into seven bundles of different colors of fire, and went in seven different directions. The stone rock is serene, the space is fluctuating and spurting, and the space is guided by the space, and goes to the land of the night of the Shenzhou land, one step away. Ps: The third is finished, weakly seeking the next month's ticket, m arched in the middle of the ...... (to be continued)

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