God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 886: Bring hope

Yongyue Forest, the central part of the Eight-Pole Purgatory City.

Because the Excalibur broke through the air, this city towering in the forest, the defense is not as good as before.

However, even so, the Eight-Pole Purgatory City is the safest area for the people of the mainland, and there are many powerful people.

Decades ago, Shi Yan and the corpse, Kanter X Ghost Peak, violent, and thorny people disappeared from the mainland of God. From that moment on, the battle of the gods and the various ethnic groups gradually subsided. .

After being swept by the various ethnic groups, the **** Enfu Lu, the human race was the most injured, and only a very small number of people survived, and now they are recuperating in the night forest.

The depletion of energy and the power of the various ethnic groups can feel the awareness. The strong of each race, after the leader leaves, does not dare to start the war.

Fighting means that energy will be consumed. Yuanjing is born with rich energy and becomes the most conspicuous consumable. Once the battle breaks out, Yuanjing will be quickly wasted. In the state of depletion of energy, there will be no more between heaven and earth. More Yuanjing was born.

There are Yuanjing, and everyone can still insist on it for a little longer. Otherwise, it will enter the situation where the power of the realm is greatly degraded.

Therefore, after the disappearance of Shiyan and others, there was no fierce battle outbreak on the mainland.

All ethnic groups are very interesting. They try to gather Yuanjing in their respective jurisdictions to supplement their strength and dare not provoke battle. These years are the most peaceful days on the mainland.

Today, the Eight-Pole Purgatory City of Yongyue Forest, Yiran has become a strange place, the remaining human race lives here, the Yinmei and Wing ethnic groups are also active here, and even some of the Yaozu people, from time to time Will appear in the city...

The Eight-Pole Purgatory City has become one of the most inclusive and inclusive places of God's grace. Many people who have nowhere to go, or who have survived the sweep of all ethnic groups, have gathered here.

Yang Qingdi, Longzhu, Yi, Cao Qiudao, Qi Tianmo, Emperor Mountain, Yurou, Yu Yujiang, Tang Yuannan, Li Wei, etc., the strong people on the land of China, sitting here, because of the ghost peak Canter, Kanter, the corpse of the various alien leaders and Shiyan disappeared together, this power of the Yongye Forest, in today's Shen En-continental power, not many people dare to touch.

Under the care of those who are strong, the Eight-Pole Purgatory City is still solid if it is not in the sword.

However, what they need to confront now is not the strong of the aliens, but the exhaustion of the energy of heaven and earth.

A corner of the city.

Yang Qingdi blinked and his face was cold and cold, as if he was seriously exploring something.

Longzhu, Yi, Cao Qiudao, Emperor, Li, and others, sitting on the side, a little excited, uneasily walking around, seems to be waiting silently.

For a long while, Yang Qingdi opened his eyes, his eyes were vast, his face was pulled, and he smiled lightly: "He is back."

When this statement came out, everyone couldn't help but cheer up and be happy as a holiday.

"Are you sure? Really coming back?" The ice-cold city of the Ice Emperor City was stunned and glamorous, licking his lips, and his voice was slightly trembling.

Like her, the other three ice flowers are also slightly trembled, and the eyes shine with amazing luster, which makes people sway.

"Come back, I will come soon." Yang Qingdi nodded seriously, but his heart was a tribute. "Good boy, after so many years, people still have to worry about day and night, really have a hand."

"It’s good to come back, come back..." Bing Qing whispered, and the crystal-clear white neck had an amazing pink color. "Whether the energy is exhausted, as long as people come back, it will suffice."

Han Cui, Frost and Rain Bamboo, and Cold Dan Qing are silently swaying. The ketone body of the faint whistle is shaking, and the exquisite curve is like a wave, which is fascinating.

"I don't know, did you bring back hope?" He held the teacup, and he snorted without a bite. His eyes were unspeakable and his heart was not calm.

Long Zhu, Cao Qiudao, Li Wei, Yu Yujiang and other warriors of the land of China, heard the words, were silent, and looked dark.

Time is like a shuttle, and it’s really fast, and with a blink of an eye, Shiyan has been away for ten years.

These ten years are the most difficult moments of all life, watching the gradual exhaustion of the heavens and the earth, all helpless, there is no way to find a way out, struggling in the dark, never seeing the bright despair and helplessness.

Under the torture of the day and night, the Yang Qing Emperor, who understands the power of despair, has even broken through the realm of the world, reaching the peak of the soul.

Only one step, as long as there is another step, there is enough energy to support, he will progress to the king of God.

It’s the grace of the mainland, and what is missing the most is the energy of filling...

To reach the peak of the true gods, not only Yang Qingdi, but the dragon has already been at the peak of the true gods, and the 皖 and Yu 皖 跸 also belonged to the three gods of the true God. For more than ten years, everyone has not been idle, and the realm is more or more. Less have grown

Just, they are all stuck.

Without sufficient energy support, what is the use of the realm?

Like a mob with a sharp weapon, his hands and feet are tied up, his strength is exhausted, he can only lie there, watching his eyes slowly decay and die.

Very desperate and helpless feeling...

"We will have an answer soon." Yang Qingdi was self-conscious, indifferent looking to the front of the void, looking at the thick gray cloud cotton, "He will arrive soon.

Subconsciously, everyone came out of the city one after another, together with 1zlx knifewood to the outside of the city wall.

Many warriors in the city realized that there might be something big happening, and they all looked up and frowned.

Among these people, there are Cao lords, He Qingman, Yu Qingqing, Yang Lan, Li Fenger, Yang Meng, Fan Zhanyun, Jim, Yuelu, Yunxiu, and Laurie, Lauren brothers, and colorful...

Many people who are familiar or unfamiliar with Shiyan, or on the wall of the city, or in the high platform of the city, or in the window of a certain group of buildings, look at the most powerful group of peaks in the city, the general agreement came to the outside, like Waiting silently for something.

Many people don't know the situation, just look at it with doubts, and secretly guess who is coming.

Today's gods and continents can threaten the alien strong people here. They no longer exist, and there are no high-profile characters. You can alarm Yang Qingdi, Longzhu, and Yi people to meet each other.

who can that be?

Everyone has a question mark in their minds, and they can't think of it. They can only stare seriously and wait and see.

The void, the sun, the moon and the stars are still high, and never darkness will come.

Yang Qingdi blinked and stood in the forefront. Suddenly his eyebrows moved and he said softly to the side of the stone: "He is back."

Shi Jian, who is in the triple heaven of the gods, has a firm face and shakes it. The ten fingers in the cuffs are clenched in the flesh and blood, and hoarse voices: "The child has suffered."

Nodded, Yang Qingdi sighed. "Yes, the responsibility of this continent should not be borne by him. For him, it will be extremely hard."

"I hope I can help him." Shi Jian bit his teeth. "Unfortunately, we don't have that power."

"I think, we will have it later." Yang Qingdi smiled.

At this time, in front of the void, suddenly rippled layers of ripples, fish scales spread out layer by layer, lava visible.

Within the layers of corrugations, there are very obvious spatial fluctuations. Gradually, in the turbulence, a series of fine electric lights emerge, and the electric light flies out like a snake, tearing the space like a flash.


Such as the void burst, a figure seems to pass through the door of the layer of space, suddenly appeared, quietly fell in front of Yang Qingdi.


"It's Shiyan!"

"Have he not disappeared for more than ten years?"

"He is coming back!"


In the Eight-Pole Purgatory City, Yang Lan, Cao Zhuo, He Qingman, Yu Qing, Lauren Brothers, and the colorful costumes all screamed and screamed in disgust.

More buzzing, from every corner of the city, for a time, Baji Purgatory City seems to be the most lively vegetable market, all kinds of arguments are heard, and the name of Shiyan in each area is constantly being Repeated.

Many of the warriors who had stayed in the city flew up and floated outside the city. They gathered like a goshawk, and they looked at it with surprise.

Longzhu, 殒昊 and other people, shocked, eyes flying, the mouth of the mouth with an inexplicable smile.

They saw it, today's Shiyan, the realm far exceeds them.

"It’s good to come back." Yang Qingdi smiled and smiled. "Working hard."

Shi Yan was slightly covered and seriously said: "I am coming back. I want to take everyone out of this continent that is about to dry up."

Everyone was shocked.

"You, have you really found a new continent?"

"It's far better than here." Shi Yan nodded with a smile.

Everyone is overjoyed.

"You will be back soon." Ice Qing 挣 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 彤 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰 冰

Han Cui, Frost Yuzhu, and Leng Danqing also bite their teeth. Seeing that the most thin-faced big sisters on weekdays are so open, they all come together and gather at the side of Shiyan, and they stare at him fieryly.

Shi Yan grinned and smiled. "I can see you again. I don't want to chase after the fire of hope. Everyone is very good, and I am relieved."

In the distance, He Qingman, Yan Qing, Cao Zhuo and other women, revealing a trace of ecstasy, they wanted to go forward, silently stopped, just looking at this piece, watching everyone reminiscent.

"Everyone is ready, the door of the virtual world is in the windy island of the endless sea. I will build a transmission array and go straight to the windy island." Shi Yan smiled lightly. "Many things don't have to be carried, such as Yuanjing or something. The spirit of Lingcao, in the new place, is worthless."

"Yuanjing is not a circulation thing?"

"Shen Jing is." Shi Yan nodded with a smile. "New places, you have to adapt slowly, but I believe that you will be able to break through quickly. Because you can go to the peak here, you will continue to emerge in other places." ""

"What level are you today?" asked weakly.

"The Three Kings of God, only one step away from the source god." Shi Yan said sincerely: "My strength is still very weak in the new place, above the gods, active god, virtual god, first **** junior God, I am still far away."

Everyone was full of smiles.

......(To be continued

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