God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 887: Amazing discovery!

The Eight-Pole Purgatory City... In the inner city hall, Shi Yan and Yang Youdi and the strong ones sat here, and made a detailed account of his ten years of history.

Inadvertently entering the flame star field, imprisoned, doing a period of personal medicine tripod, breaking free from bondage, the struggle of the Japanese star bursting field, the insurrection of the Purgatory Star, the battle of the heavenly city...

For more than a decade, when Yang Qingdi and Qiang Liren were silently repairing, his series of circumstances was dazzling.

Everyone listened to his narrative, his thoughts drifted, and sometimes he was upset, sometimes frowning, and he was blinded by four women. When he heard that he was imprisoned, when he became a personal medicine, he was even more wet and heartbroken.

After a while, Shi Yan listened and smiled lightly. He said: "The beginning is quite difficult. It is a step by step, and it has been tied for a while. But then it was dark and clear, and finally found a vitality. As the realm improved, the situation became more and more All right……".

In addition to the bloodthirsty gossip, in most cases, he did not conceal, said very detailed, is to let everyone know what other stars are.

When I heard that the origin of the righteousness was passed down, the exquisiteness of all kinds of mystery, the filling energy of Shenjing, the huge magic of the warship, everyone could not help but reveal the color of fascination.

"The new star of life, I am not too familiar, certainly with great danger." Shi Yan indulged a little, seriously said: "But the comfortable life is not suitable for your breakthrough advanced, I think... A little pressure is not a bad thing."

"Lanbi stayed here and waited for the energy to dry up and die?" Li Wei sighed slightly.

Shi Yan's brow wrinkled, and suddenly remembered the things that had been decided earlier. He couldn't help but ask: "The night is long wind. After I came over, I looked at it. I didn't find his fluctuation. He was not in the Eight Pole Purgatory City?"

Li Yan’s eyes suddenly dimmed.

Shi Yan was amazed. "What happened? That kid gave you a mess?"

"I hope he will give me trouble." Li Yan took a deep breath and looked sullen: "Three years ago, he went to the Necropolis Mountains, and he has disappeared and never returned."

“Netherland Mountains?” Shi Yan’s face sank “the area of ​​the Dark Spirits activity?”

"The dark spirits rarely show up, it seems... concealed, but in the mountains of the Necropolis, there will be dead bodies and evils from time to time, which will bring a lot of life." Li Yu explained, "death, spirit The evil hole is quite strange and weird. I also suspect that the kid has fallen into the middle. However, it is impossible to search for the position of the dead spirit evil hole."

"I have been to the dead spirit evil hole." Shi Yan muttered thoughtfully.

In the exhibition of the Necropolis Mountains, he really took a look at the soul and penetrated into it. There is a sinister space in the dead spirit evil cave. There is a vast ocean of yangsen, and there seems to be an extremely extraordinary evil creature at the bottom of the ocean.

The dark spirits have some kind of agreement with the evil creatures. It seems that they can gain power through the evil creatures. The dead spirits are as if they are controlled by the creatures.

"What is the situation inside?" Li Wei hurriedly asked.

"It's not easy to say, it's quite complicated. It seems that I have to explore it in person. Maybe I can find something." Shi Yan got up and said seriously: "You don't have to follow up, adjust the staff as soon as possible. We will go to the windbreak island."

"Good." Yang Qingdi is very simple.

Ice and sunny, four women, see him so fast to go, showing the meaning of reluctance but did not say anything.

Today's Shiyan, in the three kingdoms of the gods, is the height that the warriors can't imagine at this time. He also has access to the space, and one person will have less trouble.

Although I have the heart to follow, I can see that Shiyan did not bring their meaning, and I can only helplessly stay.

"There are many opportunities to get along with each other, no hurry." Shi Yan smiled lightly, his eyes flashed a trace of warmth.

The ice and the four women's faces were slightly better, smiled and nodded.

"Hurry up and prepare." Shiyan immediately turned into a beam of electric light, piercing the sky, and disappeared in a flash.

Inside the city, in every corner, many people he knows well, looking at the sky with the shimmering light, the complex look.

Among these people, there are Yueyue, Yunxiu, Cao Yu, He Qingman, Yu Qing, and Lauren Brothers and Choi...

In the meantime, after more than ten years, the rocky rock that has been amazingly dazzled has grown to a height that makes them feel unattainable. It is beyond the shackles of the gods and the land of the king of the gods. Said that today's Shiyan is both familiar and unfamiliar.

Obviously still a person, but nowadays, there is an inexplicable pressure. This pressure is not because of the strong strength of Shiyan, but his dazzling light and amazing achievements.

He made many people talk about shape and contrast, and felt that they were extremely small.

A few women who had been in love with Shiyan and fell in love with each other, found that they had not been able to give birth to this thought, and they were powerless...

The gap is too big, not a person of the world, which makes them painfully discover that they have no courage to dare to love.

Shi Yan didn't know how they thought, and thoughts flew far away.

Under the wonderful effect of space ambiguity, he built a bridge of space in a small area, and shuttled through the layers of space. The Buddha Buddha constantly tumbling and changing the sea otters!

An electric light flashed. He stayed in the Lingzhi Valley area of ​​the Necropolis Mountains. The Lingji Valley was still in ruins. The collapsed house stones were covered with dust, and no one had ever been there.

After the emergence of the Dark Spirit tribes, the Necropolis Mountains became their site, and the clans were cautious to avoid coming, especially the Terran, and they would not easily get involved.

The night is long and windy, and the activities in the Necropolis Mountain Range are sure to have any plans of its own. Unfortunately, the luck is not good enough, and it will be attacked by the Dark Spirit tribes, otherwise it will not disappear for many years.

For this guy, Shi Yan has always had a good impression. This hastily rushed in, on the one hand, it is for the purgatory, but he really has the idea of ​​saving him. The premise is that he is still alive.

The gods let go, covering the entire Necropolis Mountains, and Shiyan squinted slightly and looked cold.

With the cultivation he entered as the realm, it is not difficult to bring the Lingling Mountains into the mind with the knowledge of God. The gods know like a shuttle, quickly circulate, and shoot toward the corners of the mountains, constantly extending...

When he went deep into the scene of the evil spirits, he was remembered by him, and he seriously thought about it.

In that year, he had a sense of spirituality and entered a foreign world. There were countless space cracks, and there was an endless green soul sea. There was no trace of souls floating in the woods. The soul sea constantly swallowed the souls of life. Oh, weird to the extreme.

In the crack above the green soul sea, the weak people of the dark spirit family stayed, and they all resisted the strong suction force generated by the green soul sea.

The powerful tribes of the Dark Spirit and the evil spirits of the Green Soul Sea seem to have reached an agreement, except for them to capture the souls of the soul and give them to the souls of the green soul sea. The evil creatures are to make them stronger and help them out of the foreign world. .

Many scenes of the year, in his mind - passing, Shiyan frowned, and the gods continued to wander unconsciously.

Suddenly, what seemed to be touched by the gods immediately reflected his mind.

A very weak space fluctuation...

He was deeply impressed by the power of space, and he felt silent for a while, his eyes were bright and quietly passed.

After a quarter of an hour.

On the back of a mountain, he runs his power, sweeps away the many weeds in the shadow, and sees a dark cave. There are faint spaces in the cave, sometimes strong, sometimes remorse...

Smell the eyes, Shi Yan smiled coldly, running the soul altar, the field of God spread.

The mystery of the imprisoned space, covering the past with him as the center, seems to stop the unstable space.

In the cave, the green color is faintly lustrous, and a green light point gradually expands. It is like a big mouth opened by a fierce beast. From a fist to a grinding disc, the green light is vast and the power of the soul is absorbed. Huoran stirred up.

Shi Yan has a shackle and his face suddenly changes.

He reached the kingdom of the three kings of heaven, and the soul altars all had an unstable feeling, as if they were to be drawn by hard and hard, and the spirit of the top of the altar was a little blurred.

A cold and wicked will, suddenly emerged from the evil spirits, like ice knives, to cut the spirit of the stone.


Shi Yan's face was cold, and he snorted, and the space was reappearing. A thought flashed through, as if he had a heavy chain, and he would hold the cold and evil will.

The power of the stars circulates, and the vast starlight quietly condenses and gathers. In the starlight, there is a little hot sun inflammation. It instantly wraps the cold will, and under the burning of the sun's solar energy, the will will be consumed. Drop it.

However, he is still happy in the future. From the dead spirits, he suddenly shoots more cold and evil energy, such as a ghost, and swears.


Shi Yan's **** and ten fingers, starlight bursts, a layer of star-studded mask, as if the most splendid brilliance, will bind him all over the body.

The soul altar whirls, and he quietly pulls out the Excalibur, his eyes gradually become fierce and bloody, and all kinds of negative fluctuations flow from the acupoints.

"Break a little bigger."

A beam of light flashed through the mind, and the gods knew how to practice the rainbow, carrying the space edge and slamming into the evil spirit hole.

The dead spirit evil hole wriggled, and really opened a huge mouth, one of the frames that once familiar, showed a corner...

Endless green soul in the sea, squirming a soulless life, stunned to the extreme, above the sea of ​​roses, quilted, there is no one of the dark spirits, seems to have been swallowed by the green rose, the sea .

In the strange aliens, only the soul of the sea is rising, and the cold will of evil is coming. The deepest part of the green ocean is faintly fading, and gradually becomes more obvious.

A mountain figure, I don’t know when it started, and it quietly appeared. I was shocked to see the dead spirit evil hole. "The beginning of the world! This is the world of the fallen soul of the soul of the soul!"

He is the old man of the Giants.

Shiyan is amazed.

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