God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 893: Take the source!

Necrotic Mountains.

Na Xin and Ouyang Luoshuang are not far apart, they look up at the sky and look solemn.

An oil-green light spot is suspended in the Ouyangluo frost Tianling cover, sparkling with a greenish luster, constantly shrinking and swelling, and recurring.

That is the evil spirit hole.

Because of the temporary rise of the Taikoo demon fire, this time the death of the evil spirits led by Ouyang Luoshuang, the beginning of the boundary, is equivalent to her real control.

Ouyang Luoshuang squinted slightly, his face was cold, and he quietly swirled the soul altar to achieve a wonderful resonance between the power of the soul and the beginning.

The wonderful fluctuations are released from her, and the dead spirits are jumping more and more, the frequency is getting faster and faster...

Na Xin frowned and glanced at her and said indifferently: "It's useless, you can't find the unknowable place. There, only those who merge with the skyfire, when the fire is swallowed up, the main talent can enter it. And you, without a fusion of skyfire, even if you cultivate the space, you can't find it."

Ouyang Luo cream has a faint faintness, a bitter sigh. "Sure enough, a trace can't be caught."

"In the inheritance of the beginning of the world, can you have a way to collect the source?" Na Xin suddenly came to the interest and looked at her deeply. "As far as I know, only the most outstanding group of people know how to Collect the source. You just... anxiously charged, can't you really know the correct way?"

"Isn't it a fusion of the soul?" Ouyang Luoshuang is a bit confused. "Is there still a lot of attention?"

Na Xin was amazed, and immediately smiled strangely. "You didn't know it. You gimmick, huh, huh, fortunately, I didn't enter the center of the earth, I saw the source. Otherwise, I will only act like a god." The traces will not stay."

Ouyang Luoshuang's face changed, "Want to hear it?"

"I do not know either."

Na Xin smiled and shook his head. "The ancient continent with its origins is rarely rare. There are only a handful of stars in the vast sky. In my cognition, there are countless powerful attempts to collect the source, often without it. There is no good end to the action..."

"He doesn't know." Ouyang Luoshuang looked shocked and stood up. His eyes flashed a bit of urgency. "He is so eager to enter, the impulse of charging, will not fall into the shape of your gods." The end?"

Na Xin frowned. "He shouldn't be so rash?"

"You should explain it a little bit before!" Ouyang Luo cream snorted. "That guy is afraid to collect it, maybe it will be harmed by you!" She said something a bit heavy.

"He is not a rash person, there should be no problem." Na Xin indulged a moment. "The origin of this ancestral home is hundreds of millions of people. Numerous powerful people were born on this continent. The source still exists, indicating that no one has successfully collected it. This means that Of course, there is some kind of wonder, he should be able to see clearly."

"If you can't see clearly, take it off?" Ouyang Luoshuang shouted.

"I am afraid, I am afraid that there will be no good end." Na Xin calmed his face. "I don't think he will have trouble. The skyfire he got has the power of the source. He can communicate with the skyfire. It must be a special means. There should be no hinder."

"You'd better be right." Ouyang Luo cream cold face, seems extremely reluctant to see Shiyan accident.

Na Xin hesitated for a moment, as if he realized the seriousness of the problem. After a long delay, he suddenly closed his eyes and waved the soul covering the entire Shen's mainland. He suddenly released from him and went straight to the depths of the earth.

Ten seconds later, Na Xin opened his eyes and sipped: "Found."

His soul consciousness, through the vast land, actually connected with the stone rock soul!

"Don't take the source, if you can't take the law, just wait and see!" Na Xin's thoughts, like the thunder, generally burst into the sea.

The stone rock with a little ambiguity was awakened, and the eyes trembled and the body vibrated.

He consumes too much vitality...

The fierce battle between Skyfire is far more dangerous than he imagined. This time, the fierce battle of the sky is different from the past!

The Taikoo demon fire and the chaotic flame are the two highest ranks in the sky, the wisdom is accessible, the life form is perfect, and it is the most wonderful creature in the world.

The eighth-order Taikoo demon fire, the Chaos holy fire that makes the Taikoo demon fire fear, the first-ranking Tianhuo, what kind of order is it?

Nine steps!

The peak of the sky fire!

A chill, from the Tianling cover into the soul, drowning the sea, let him have a strong sense of uneasiness.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he was too reckless, but when he broke through to the peak of the king of God, he thought that he could do whatever he wanted on the mainland, and gathered all the remaining skyfires.

The appearance of the Taikoo demon fire and the chaotic flame, stunned him to let him understand the strange creatures of this kind, and how terrible it would be after reaching the high level.

Na Xin's soul consciousness, coming fast, going faster, just disappeared at a glance.

His face was surprisingly dignified, his mind flashed constantly, and he was trying to find a way to help Skyfire.

"I have already warned him." Outside, Na Xin took a deep breath and barely smiled. "It's not too late. He hasn't acted recklessly. With my reminder, it shouldn't be messy."

Ouyang Luoshuang quietly breathed a sigh of relief. She used Shiyan as a thorn road painted by Wu Road, and used stone rock as a transcendence to persevere. If Shiyan crashed down, she would be at a loss.

At least, I have to shoot it myself, and after he defeats him, he can fall!

Ouyang Luoshuang secretly thought.

The fierce battle of the skyfire is getting fiercer and fiercer. The stone rock in the center of the deep underground can even perceive the chill of the mysterious ice and the tremor of the heart fire...

When the chaotic flame did not come out, the battle between the Seven Gods and the Taikoo demon fire was still evenly matched, and did not allow him to overdraw his life.

However, until the number one skyfire appeared, not only did the seven kinds of skyfires immediately change the object, but even the savage Taikoo demon fire turned against it.

Even so, the combination of nine natural fires, coupled with the vitality of Shiyan, seems to be unable to win.

I don’t know how many thoughts I have hidden in the heart of the earth. I have been absorbing the power of the source of the chaotic flame, which is incredible!

Na Liu’s thoughts and communication made Shi Yan wake up, but after only a few minutes, because of the passing of the soul energy, he began to get confused again, and his consciousness was erratic and embarrassing.

At this time, Na Xin’s message was remembered by him, and gradually it had other meanings...


Not bad! Must be the source! It can only be the source!

His eyes are bright, staring at the source in front of him, staring at the most mysterious thing in the world, and the urgent thoughts are difficult to contain! And getting stronger and stronger!

He has no choice.

Either the natural fire is exhausted, the soul altar collapses and completely dissipates.

Either let go, let the chaos of the holy fire take advantage of the cheap, will be a few kinds of skyfire - absorption fusion, a little benefit can not be caught.

Or, take the power of the source and see if you can change the situation...

All the natural fires formed on the mainland are closely related to the origin. Every life form of the skyfire is based on the source. If it is taken from the source, can it change this?

As soon as this thought emerged, it would be like a demon to ruin the soul, and how could it not linger.

With the gradual lapse of the soul of life, with the ambiguity of consciousness, Na Naxin's reminder was selectively forgotten by him, and the idea of ​​getting the source is madly born!

Finally, when his consciousness was about to gather, he completely forgot the warnings of Na Xin and trembled to the forehead.

The soul altar is like a layer of pagodas, rising slowly from his celestial cover, a vast sea of ​​knowledge, a wonderful layer of mystery, such as the soul of life fireworks, layer by layer superimposed, magnificent and wonderful.

The soul of the gods, floating in the mysterious layer, like the candle in the wind, like a candle will be extinguished at any time...

In this state, his soul altar is not sinister, and floats to the source.


The soul altar touched a gray airflow, and the lines of the gods in the sea, such as being burned and dissolved, suddenly dissipated quickly!

Just a glimpse, his vast sea of ​​knowledge was instantly consumed by one tenth of an area.

Unbearable sting, from the depths of the soul, he seems to be pierced into the brain by a sharp weapon, the pain is simply unspeakable.

With the tenacity of his endurance, he couldn’t stand it, and the fire of the soul fluttered, and it’s almost gone.

His original sorrowful consciousness, under the tingling, suddenly awake.

At that moment, the **** imprint of his god's forehead, shining!

An electric light, spurred in the imprint, a dusty memory thought, like a raindrop, falling straight to the deepest part of his heart.

The magic of heaven and fire!


The magical emptiness on the finger suddenly burst into disarray. He used a lot of energy to gather all kinds of absorbent materials, which emerged from the bursting magical ring.

Thunder Wood, Blood Soul Water, Five Elements Crystal...

Three main materials, several auxiliary materials suddenly rushed to him to meet the sea, and meet the sea.

The gray airflow, rushing into the sea, seems to have caused some kind of change, the **** imprint of the soul, a rainbow of light, all the main materials are wrapped.


The amazing current and the light of the gods merged into a ball, and the main materials and auxiliary materials sneaked out under the magical practice of his spontaneous operation, and the chaotic fog would cover the sea and the soul altar. live.

The unforgettable tingling suddenly disappeared, and the gray airflow seemed to no longer pose a threat to him.

In the heart of ecstasy, he did not dare to hesitate, driving the soul altar, directly through the numerous layers of gray airflow, the soul altar directly cover the source.

The operation of the heavenly fire goddess works, the most mysterious wave between heaven and earth is centered on the soul altar, which spreads rapidly and searches the source.

At that moment, his soul altar and the source reached a connection. At that time, a light flashed through, and his soul altar and the source together, suddenly appeared in the fierce battle of the sky fire.

Ten kinds of skyfire battles were in front of him, and when he was in the most intense confrontation, he broke into it.

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