God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 894: Witness billions of years

This is the mysterious and unknowable place that Na Xin said.

It is like a void in the air, a stream of colorful beads, such as the long river, across the heavens and the earth, the meteor-like movement.

Inside each streamer, there is a kind of power, and there is a change in the operation of Jinmushuihuo, which has the meaning of gravity and light, as well as the unpredictable fluctuations of life and death, time and space, reincarnation, etc. Mysterious people I can’t think of home.

Here, there is not a very strong heaven and earth energy. On the contrary, in those long rivers that contain the meaning of science, there is no point in power impact.

There is a subtle exquisiteness in it, which does not require power to drive, and rotates in accordance with the rules formed by the heavens and the earth.

Like a dream.

The ten colors of inconsistent flames are also like a sea of ​​light, divided into different directions, releasing different breaths, intertwined, engulfing and devouring each other.

His soul altar, in the midst of ten kinds of battles in the sky, quietly suspended

That soul altar seems to be a bit less than usual.


Divided into two areas.

Knowing the sea is the bottom layer, and there is a sky fire layer and an esoteric layer above the sea. Here, it seems to be forked..."

Above the Olympic layer, the soul is suspended, with a mysterious blood color imprint, floating, such as his body projection, the flame of life is burning, beautiful.

Above the sky fire layer, suspended, is the Bengbu...

The source and the soul are divided into two pieces, and the gray airflow around the source is not there, only all kinds of heavens are different.

The main material and auxiliary materials of the thunder wood, the five elements of the crystal marrow, the soul of the soul, and so on, are wrapped in the source, like a layer.


All kinds of materials have gradually melted away, and they have penetrated into the original source.

His soul is still running the magic of heaven and fire, trying to integrate the source into the soul and become part of his soul.

Just, it seems to be less successful.

Whenever the source is close, and the soul is reached, an unknown force that violates certain rules of the world will suddenly appear, and the connection between him and the source will be cut off and cut off.

He can't merge.

The technique of the heavenly fire **** given by the ring spirit, imitation... a little bit wrong, can not be merged with his soul.

Repeated attempts, still can not succeed, Shi Yan silently sensed, a little confused.

When he is helpless, the **** imprint in the soul of the soul, and then change!

A wonderful wave of growth, born from the **** imprint, filled every corner of the soul.

The power of the pure soul suddenly bursts out and draws something from his soul.

An illusory shadow, like the copy of the soul, is exactly the same as him!

The soul, the mind, the memory traces, and the primitive life are all the same. The hard life is drawn from his soul, and in the forcible pull of the **** mark, slowly drifting to the source.

Divide the soul!

A flash of light flashed, and Shi Yan rushed to understand.

The mystery of the use of the blood color imprint is to separate the soul, to separate the soul, or to copy the mark and become another one.

The soul that was separated, extracted his many life and soul energy, let him suddenly suffocate, the soul is a bit dying, and there is no more attention to the surrounding.

The soul that was separated, driven by the **** mark, suddenly fell to the source.

Fit together!

The soul that has been separated seems to coincide with the rules of heaven and earth, and is no longer targeted, and directly enters the source.


A slip of sparks shines from Thunderbolt, Blood Soul Water, and the five elements of the crystal marrow. All kinds of main materials and auxiliary materials are quickly ablated, and the formed film has a strong share of the stocks and penetrates into the source.

His other soul, directly with the source, is one, without a stagnation


In the fusion, various main materials and auxiliary materials are dissolved into juice, which is poured into the source to help the source and soul to be more perfect and perfect...

At that moment, all kinds of influences and the sorrowful breath of Canggu came out from the depths of his soul.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, a star of life was suspended in the secluded star river, constantly absorbing the energy of the universe, and letting the star of life gradually have a biological sister...

I don't know how many years have passed. The deserted star of life, with the ocean, has produced flowers and plants. Some kind of extraterrestrial fluctuations such as meteors fall to the stars, igniting the mystery of the heavens and the earth, and the birth of a very large and terrifying Taikoo creature.

Taikoosheng is born to know how to use strength, to absorb energy and to grow itself, to become stronger and stronger, and the realm is getting higher and higher.


Finally, one day, for the battle of heaven and earth energy, the ancient civilization broke out and swept the entire life star!

Many Taikoo creatures have fallen, and the winning Taikoo creatures have a deeper understanding of the world. They have a deep understanding of the world and do not want to limit a star of life. They are detached from the outside world and look for power.

This continent is obviously quiet again.

The end of the ancient times.

The vast sea of ​​mulberry fields changed, and in a hurry, hundreds of thousands of years passed by.

One day, a beam of different light fell from the sky, bursting open in the void, and there was vitality spilling over the mainland.

The Taikoo creatures that have fallen into countless years, many bodies are still there. Under the injection of mysterious vitality, they have changed quietly. Because of the different kinds of Taikoo creatures, those who died in the Taikoo feast have undergone tens of thousands of years of evolution, giving birth to new s life.

Protoss, Mozu, Yaozu, Giants, Dark Spirits, Corps, Terran, Haizu, Ghost, and Nguyen...


A strange race, formed by the different transformations of the Taikoo creatures, is divided into different races by different ancestors.

The ancient continent once again showed its birth.

The beginning of the ancient times.

Different races, different ways of cultivation, different obsessions and opinions, after another tens of thousands of years of peace and harmony, there is another battle.

The Protoss is strong, the rest of the Nine are together, and countless strong men have expelled the Protoss, and the Nine have joined the ancient continent.

The ancient times ended.

The human race is the weakest, but there are several very powerful characteristics. It is super-proliferating and can be mixed with any race. Because of the worst qualifications, the pursuit of wisdom is very smart and good at strategy.

After mixing with the various ethnic groups, the Terran gradually became a cultivator of genius, which is not inferior to the rest of the family. Because of its strong reproductive power, the number of Terrans has been filled in every corner of the ancient continent for tens of thousands of years.

There are too many people in the world to enjoy the increasing resources of the world, which will lead to the rest of the eight ethnic groups, and realize that the catastrophe has fallen.

It is another battle that has swept the ancient continent.

It began in ancient times.

The human race has gained the upper hand with its quantitative advantage and the qualifications after the mixed blood.

After the fall of the remaining eight elites, the successor is weak, as time goes by

The battle against the Terran is slowly at a disadvantage, and there are fewer and fewer people.

In the end, the Terran race won, and the rest of the races were either sealed or hidden in a small space outside the domain to give the ancient continent to the Terran.

When the sea is changing, whenever an era is opened, whenever there is a strong person in an era, there will be a battle outbreak in this continent.

Through the consumption and fighting of the ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times, the ancient continent has been riddled with devastating, depleted and accumulated hundreds of millions of years of heaven and earth energy, and was consumed seven or eight eight.

The source is powerless, and the ancient continent inevitably moves toward the end of the energy cycle and is about to dry up.

In the three eras, the origins are all wonderful, find opportunities to disperse a force, and integrate with different living beings to form a skyfire.

Skyfire, hosted by the source, I hope that the skyfire will gradually become stronger. I hope that even if it dissipates, because of the existence of the skyfire, it can still leave traces of the existence of the past...

The ancient, desolate, and sad atmosphere of the ancient, diffused from the source, and the soul of Shiyan.

At this moment, Shi Yan seems to have become the source, and this ancient continent seems to have become his body...

Like a bystander, he witnessed the whole process of the ancient continent from birth, to Dingwei, to gradual demise...

With the fusion of the soul and the source, those sentiments - reflected in the heart, become the imprint of life, forever imprinted in the depths of his soul, never forgotten.

Today, he and the source of oneness, seems to be the real master of the ancient continent.

This continent seems to be his child, watching the child grow up, grow old, grow old, and finally go to the end, exhausted and died...

This is a natural reincarnation.

When this ancient continent was deep in his soul, and finally evolved into the recent era, and evolved to this moment, Shi Yan suddenly discovered that, unconsciously, one of his separated souls and the source have been integrated, replacing the source. It became the new owner of the ancient continent.

However, the child that has been bred is already old and has been dying.

The origin, the existence of the most mysterious mysterious world, seems to be...not dead, things, it has a completely different life form from the general creatures, it has witnessed everything!

The three main materials and several auxiliary materials are completely dissipated, and they are turned into juice and blended into him and the source.

Above the Tianhuo altar, he had another soul, a chaotic sphere, and it was swirling around, as if it would never stop.

The soul and the soul of the source seem to be his left and right brains. They are all two. The two souls are not independent, but interoperable. The consciousness, the thoughts, the memory brand and the initial life are all the same.

He knows that the chaotic spherical soul is also his...

The fierce battles of the ten kinds of skyfire are still going on, but he pays attention again, but he has a completely different feeling.

Ten kinds of skyfires are like a part of his original soul. It is like the ten pure consciousness that he divided out. When his thoughts emerged, the chaotic spherical origin of the soul, suddenly produced a sucking force.

Ten kinds of skyfires floating around, under the soul of his fusion of the source, follow the source of continuous, forced to hold, directly to the soul of the source.

Seven kinds of skyfires that have been intertwined with his soul, without any hesitation and struggle, voluntarily enter the soul of his ball, his power is multiplied, and the suction force suddenly increases several times!

The Taikoo demon fire and the chaotic flame, after he merged seven kinds of skyfires, struggled hard, but how could he not get rid of it. Under his traction, he was finally broken into the soul of the source and integrated into the soul of the ball.

Ten kinds of flustered memory soul fluctuations, conflicting in the origin of the soul, each rushing to show traces of life, trying to take the initiative.

However, under his own soul, the ten memories and soul thoughts have become part of his soul, gradually integrating with each other and turning into his incomplete traces of life.

This is the true fusion.

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