God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 895: Double soul

The mysterious and unknowable place of the difference, the stone rock and the altar are floating, the soul altar is divided into two areas, there are two souls!

One of the souls, the ball state, among the ten kinds of skyfire energy chaos, is slowly combing.

The soul of another mysterious layer is languid, and in this mysterious land, what is silently felt.

A mysterious river, like a meteor, flashed past his altar, and the rivers were filled with different forces.

I don't know how long it took, a river flashed from the side of his altar...

Shiyan suddenly tightened his consciousness, and the soul altar ran into action, directly pouring into the river.

In the river, there is space fluctuations!

The soul altar enters the middle, as if it is falling into the confusing cascading space, the altar is shuttled through it, as if walking in a door.

The first few levels of space doors, without hindrance, passed away and soon passed.

It seems that... his understanding of the meaning of space has reached a certain level, so it is smooth, so there is no condensation.

However, not long after the shuttle, he was quickly trapped.

In front of him, there is a layer of radiant space, blocking the altar of his soul like an enchantment. On the "gate", there are countless spaces and sloppi stripes, which contain some kind of heaven and earth.

His soul ceremonies temporarily stopped, and the space within the esoteric layer fluctuated, trying to agree with the space fluctuations on the "door."

This does not seem to be an easy task...

The wilting spirit, staring at the radiant area, constantly adjusts the spatial fluctuations of the mysterious layer. The soul is like a tentacle, touching the spatial turbulence, exploring the true meaning of it, and comprehending the new mystery of space.

In the strange space, there is no concept of time, and he does not know how long it has been, so quietly insightful.

I don't know how long it took. In the space of other comprehension, his volatility in the space of the esoteric layer seems to fit the streak of the "gate" on that layer of the door, and the "door" of the door is opened.

His soul altar, he got into it.

A new door emerges, similar to the previous one. When the space contained in it is subtle, the soul just touches it and it is dizzy.

call out!

His soul altar, suddenly shaken a bit, and then turned around, confused.

In the middle of the battle, he woke up and found that he was still in the depths of the earth. In front of him, there was no source.

The soul is wilting, and the body suddenly erupts with the eagerness of the world's energy. The desire is so strong that it is so strong that he is hard to contain.

Like a person who has been taking drugs for a long time, he has not taken drugs for a long time, and that kind of eager desire, burning his will!

The soul altar is swiftly spinning, like a whirlpool, what you want to get!

He was stupid, suddenly realized what he was, and his expression was shocked.

The next moment, everything in the ancient continent, such as the projections in the sea, seems to be able to be easily peeped by anyone in this corner of the continent, no one can escape.

Here, he seems to be the only god!

A little finger, a gap appeared in front of his eyes, and he flashed away.

A blink of an eye, the endless sea of ​​the windy island, also showed space to sew, he suddenly drilled out.

Ferran, Lianna, Zi Yao, Feng Wei, Cato and others, in various areas of Yinfeng Island, seem to be exploring the wonders of this ancient continent.

He was cold and did not take it out, appeared in a rich position, anxiously said: "Can there be Shenjing?"

"Yes." Feng Wei was shocked. "What's the matter with you?"

"Give me! Give it to me! All the crystals!" Shiyan rushed.

Feng Qi did not hesitate. All the crystals in Shen Huan’s ring were poured out and turned into pieces of crystal gravel, which came to him.

His god, suddenly came a very strong sucking force, wrapped all the crystals.

A piece of crystal, like a fish scale, sticks to him and becomes the armor of his god. The power in the crystal is violently excited and poured into his body.

"Not enough!" Shi Yan looked eager, put down this sentence, the figure flashed, disappeared again.

"Give me a crystal! All!" He sipped at the horrified Cato.

Cato was equally astonished, but did not say anything. All the crystals in the ring were given to him, and they were also glued to his body.

"Brother, most Shenjing is saved by Kraft, I only have so much." Cato explained a bit.

Shi Yan stunned and disappeared again.

"Give me a crystal! All!" He appeared again next to Zi Yao.

"Give me a crystal!"

"Give me a crystal!"

"Give me a crystal!"

He continued to disappear, appearing beside Zi Yao, Lianna, Kashun and others, still only a word.

These people who are familiar with him have taken out the crystals of the gods and turned them into pieces. He did not take long to stick a rock formed by the crystal of his body and wrapped him tightly. .

His body is like a sponge. In the rapid extraction of the power of the gods, every vein in the body of the gods expands, purifying the energy of the crystal, and merging into a stream of energy crystals, pouring into the ancient trees.

The ancient trees of the Yuanyuan are constantly growing, and the roots and branches are crystal-clear and jade, and they are tall and towering.

At the same time, he received the talent from the hands of Jester, he was taken out by him and swallowed directly.

Yinfeng Island, he was sitting in the middle of the island, Liana, Fei Lan, Zi Yao, and suddenly sat down.

Many people who were aware of the wonderful things, Feng Wei, Ka Xiuen, and Cato, also quietly came from various regions, and surrounded him with a lot of different faces.

"this is

...to break through? Liana was a little uncertain and turned to look at Ferran.

"Well, I have to break through the source." Feilan nodded and looked different. He frowned and said: "Just, it is not the same as the average person..."

"Is it because the energy of this continent is exhausted, so many crystals are needed?" Cato whispered.

"Even if there is no trace of energy, tens of thousands of crystals are attached, is it too exaggerated?" Feng Wei's face is dignified. "Is there any accident?"

Everyone looked at Ferran.

Fei Lan’s eyes were vast, and he looked at Shiyan for a moment, and he suddenly said: “His breakthrough seems to be in the same direction, hehe!”

She screamed awkwardly.

Everyone was shocked and stunned.

The dense Shenjing, suddenly bright and electric, is wrapped around the stone rock. In his pores, there is a very obvious suction force, which absorbs the power contained in the crystal.

Gradually, the stars of the Victorian light, from the stone rock body, burst into the fascinating.

"It's the light that is released from the hole!" Ferran drank low.

Everyone is ashamed.

"Which people break through the source of the gods, there will be such changes in the hole?" Cato trembled.

No one can give an answer.

"I think, so many of the power released by Shenjing, not all used to break through and condense the source god, he ate two supplement Tiandan, the most loss of the soul can make up

After a pause, Ferran went on to say, "He seems to be tempering the body, to the power of the gods, I have never seen, and I have never heard of anyone who broke through the source, it will be this form." . ”

Everyone is silent.

They know that there must have been a mysterious change in Shiyan's body, but whether this change is good or bad, no one dares to say.

The only thing they can do is to stay here and let Shi Yan's advanced breakthroughs be free from outside interference.

Yinfeng Island.

The stone rock is suspended in the middle of the island, and the eyes are tightly squatting, and the extremely fascinating fluctuations are heard in the body.

Tens of thousands of crystals, such as the crystal rock cover his god, the crystal of the gods shines into the body of his god, not long after, there is a hole in his body.

The Shenjing, which contains the energy of heaven and earth, is a piece of power that loses strength and turns into a stone, falling from his body.

Tens of thousands of crystals, after just three hours, most of them were captured with energy, and they became grayish white stones, falling from his body.

"Not enough! Shenjing is obviously not enough!" Fei Lan stunned and suddenly drank: "Need more Shenjing!"

Cato, Zi Yao, Feng Wei, Ka Xiuen and others, their faces changed, and several people immediately moved.

They dispersed, let go of the gods, and searched for people who came together.

Ferran took a deep breath and contacted the giants of her family with her broad sense of knowledge to win something for Shiyan.

Inside the Necropolis Mountains.

Naxin, the old man of the Giants, was still waiting for something silently. Suddenly his expression was shocked, and his brow suddenly locked up. "He actually, actually on the Yinfeng Island!"

"Please also ask Shen Jing, who is carried by your family, to lend us a temporary use. In the future, it will be the result of the breakthrough of the stone rock guy..."... It seems that it needs a huge amount of heaven and earth energy, and this continent, energy is exhausted, far Far from enough. "Ferland's thoughts came from Na Xin.

"How did he go to the Yinfeng Island?" Ouyang Luoshuang looked confused.

Na Xin shook her head, did not explain anything to her, squinted her eyes, let go of the soul, and hooked up the giants who lived on the ancient continent. The message was: "After the Yinfeng Island, return to the island quickly, will The crystals carried on the body are given to those...

Those friends. ”

Many of the giants of the tribes were influenced by his soul, and they did not say a word, let go of their temporary work, and returned to the island of Yinfeng.

Two hours later, the first giant tribe appeared on the island and came to the direction of Ferran. He asked: "The old man has commanded, you need Shenjing, but?"

Ferran nodded.

The tribe of the giant family smiled and smiled, and took the Shen Jing, who was carrying it, and threw it to Ferran.

There are more than 10,000 pieces.

Felan was overjoyed, wrapped in the gods with power and thrown at the stone body.

That piece of Shenjing, which is adsorbed by the stone body of the rock, is immovably embedded in the rock formed by the crystal.

At this time, Shen Jing, who had attached to his body, had already been consumed seven or eight.

At this time, he was covered in seven hundred and twenty holes, and half of them were bright and bright.

However, the number of Shenjing seems to be...not enough.

Fortunately, after an hour, a giant tribe returned, and Shen Jing was taken out. According to Na Xin, he was handed over to Feilan, who was thrown to Shiyan by her hand.

......(To be continued

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