I observed them from a distance as I reached the top of the highschool and found a suitable place at the side tower and chose to sit at the railing. Perhaps because of my stats up, I could see them pretty much clearly despite being so far from there.

For the next few minutes, nothing happened as they just stood there at the field in front of the High school building. But after some time, kids wearing white dresses started walking out of the highschool with various weapons in their hands. It wasn't just a dozen but about 100-200 people coming out.

Their leader, the same man that I saw before when I first came into this place in the previous regression. Fredrick Brown, he stood at the front as he looked really amused by Walter and his actions.

Fredrick was a tall kid, about 6ft 2inches, his eyes black, his hair brown, built quite heavy as his shirt barely contained his shirt showing his muscles. Despite being a highschool kid, if you don't have a proper keen eye, you could easily mistake him for an adult in his mid 20s or something. 

He didn't have a handsome face, pretty average to be honest. Neither could I feel any skill in his movements… Perhaps his strength was purely based on natural muscles?

His brother, Robert Brown, was the same as him except for a lighter shade of gray in his hair. Though that was mostly artificial coloring and nothing more. Plus, Robert had a lot of tattoos on his arms and hands.

'Is it even allowed?' I thought as I saw both of them taking the lead as the rest of the others followed behind with an amused face before the leader of both of the parties, Fredrick and Walter, came face to face.

"What's up, bitch?" Fredrick spoke with a smile as he looked down at Walter. His eyes were glistening, as if he found a new game to play, a new toy to break… 

"I came here to settle the debt,"Walter said in a serious tone as he looked at Fredrick with his eyes almost glaring at Fredrick. Perhaps because the Apocalypse had made Walter go through so many things, that he stopped worrying about the fear that he might have felt if he had met Fredrick before regression.


Fredrick first used his fist as he attacked Walter without any warning. He didn't even give a speck of thought about the people behind Walter as he cheekily attacked. Though…

'There is a limit to how much a human can grow… Even if 10 Fredricks would come, I doubt they would be able to touch Walter,' I observed.

It wasn't just a mere increase in strength. It was an experience in a situation where everything was trying to kill you. It was skills built up over the months under the most perilous situation. Walter was one of the people who did not leave the area even after knowing about its contamination rate. 

Walter held Fredrick's fist in his hand as if he were holding a kid. His eyes showed disdain a little as he smiled at Fredrick. Out of instinct, Fredrick tried to remove his fist from Walter's grip but alas… There is only so much he can do.

"You bastard! What sort of… what the heck are you doing?!!" Fredrick shouted before


"Oooh! That must have hurt," I spoke out as I heard the sound of breaking bones even from this far.


Shouted Fredrick as he fell to the ground. Walter let him go, as he saw him wriggling like a fish out of water as he held his finger and continued to shout out loud.

"You fucke-mmphm!!! Mmphh!!!!" Robert who wanted to shout, his mouth face held shut by George as he took a step forward. His grip was quite deadly, considering his stats were the highest among the people there.

He held him by his mouth as he brought his face close to Robert and spoke,"the adults are dealing with the situation. Do not interfere."

'Damn! That was good.' I observed the entire situation, wondering if I should have brought popcorn with me? Maybe I should have.

On the other side, I saw a girl making a call to someone with a slightly worried face and if I am not wrong, Papa Brown is being called here. Good. At least things will be settled fast.

"All I came here to say. Let me and my family live in peace… if you come at any of us again… even death would start pitying you,"Walter spoke as he looked at the others before turning at the two brothers and added,"and these two are mine. If any of you want to end up being like both of them… be my guest."

Then he proceeded to move towards Fredrick, who was still ringing and placing his other hand on the ground. He used all his strength to crush it again..



After he did that, everyone, including George, and the company, looked at Walter with fear in their eyes. They looked at a kid being so merciless without shedding any emotion. 

'Perhaps it's because of the fact the world is going to be fucked anyway that Walter stopped caring about everything? Or maybe he trusts me enough that I would solve all the problems he might throw at me… or perhaps he just doesn't care?' I thought as I saw Walter's father, Rupert Inara, running towards Walter as he stopped him from harming Fredrick anymore.

"Son! What are you doing?!! Hurry up and apologize! Son! We.. Sir Fredrick! I Apologize on my son's behalf! Sir Fred…" Rupert tried to hold the kid in his arms, but he was pushed away from there as the others simply watched the drama. For some reason, neither side was making any movements. 

"You sure are enjoying the view," a voice sounded as I turned to find a lady with long purple hair that reached down below her curvy waist. She wore an elegant purple one piece dress that was tightly hugging her body as she stood on the railing a few distance away from me. Her eyes were covered by those black sunglasses as she smiled at the scene down below us.

"Well. It's a nice view, to be honest. I totally can't blame him,"an orange haired kid, wearing a blue hoodie, looked down while eating a blue-coloured ice cream. His face seemed unamused as his blue eyes reached me,"Isn't it?" 

I smiled and nodded,"Truly. Even the weather isn't half bad," as I looked down.

Another voice behind me," who was probably focused on what was going on downwards, spoke out,"So. Are we going to help the Browns or just keep talking about the weather?"

"Yeah, yeah. I will go now,"that kid spoke as he prepared to take a jump towards there, but before he could even position himself,"It's a kid fight, you know? Revenge and everything. I don't think we should interfere with them," I spoke as I observed the battle finally beginning as one of the sides started attacking George. 

Surprisingly, Iverice, who was supposed to stay on guard and do nothing, actually commanded her men to attack the high school kids. 

'Did she have a change of heart?' I thought as I felt the hand of the guy behind me on my shoulders,"whatever do you mean by that?"

"Ah! Sorry if my words caused a misunderstanding. All I mean is that I can't let you go down and interfere. I hope you understand that."

Hearing my words, I heard the chuckle of the lady as she peeked at me,"you are amusing." The orange-haired kid just sighed as he spoke,"I will go now," and he took a jump.

[Time Rejection!]

And I changed that to as if he never took a jump to begin with.



"??" The others looked at that guy who tried to jump again but…

[Time Rejection!]

Nothing happened as he just stood there.

"Something is wrong… I think I jumped… but…" his eyes shifted to me, so did the others. The lady was now looking at me with all seriousness. I felt the hand of the guy removed as he took a couple of steps back. 

Down there, the battle was proceeding at full throttle, as everyone was fighting each other. Walter and the gang were easily manhandling the rest of the guys. It was as if 4 adults were being thrown to fight against a dozen kids or two. It was honestly a funny sight to see.

"I guess there was nothing for me to worry about,"I thought as I looked at the whole situation for a few more seconds. I even checked for guns around the area in case things go in a way where it becomes hard to handle, but luckily, nothing like that seems to happen right now.

None of the people there carried the gun… and I guess the ones carrying the gun will become some time later than now. Seems fine enough to me.

'Since everything is fine there, I can finally let my guard down a little,' I thought, relaxed as I stretched a little before turning around to see the three of them looking at me with a cautious look.


The guy at the center slashed me with a sword…

[Time Rejection!]

Yet he didn't.

"Now, let's have a nice chit-chat, shall we? Wesker, isn't it?" I spoke as I read through the status of his, making him widen his eyes as he blurted out,

"Who… are you?"

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