[Name: Wesker Ilias

Race: Human(Symbiote)

Class: Wardancer

Description: A man who took part in the Meta human experiment conducted by the military and funded by the terrorist organization in order to create a bioweapon that holds the capability beyond what a normal human could ever be capable of. Wesker, before taking part in the experiment, was a normal orphan kid from the slums…

Status: Healthy

Nano Energy: 5000/5000



Strength: 54

Constitution: 93

Dexterity: 98

Intelligence: 50

Wisdom: 56

Charisma: 36]

Wesker had white hair and white eyes. His pale blue shirt fluttered against the wind as he held the red tie in his hand, loosening it up a little as if he were going for a serious battle. 

'Was he really going to fight in pants? Wouldn't it be uncomfortable?' Such thoughts puzzled my mind as I looked at him, positioning his shining white Katana at me. 

The purple-haired lady observed me with a keen look as her eyes were previously purple. Now we're a bit darker than before. According to her status, she was ready to enter into a berserk mode.


[Time Rejection!]

I canceled her berserk mode as she landed lightly towards me, falling over my body while I held her by my hand and helped her stand slowly.

"Easy there. Things like these are delicate, we shouldn't rush, darling,"I spoke as I looked at her, making her give me an irritated look before she stepped back in a hurry. Though more than irritation, she was confused about what had just happened. Didn't she activate her berserk mode? Or at least that's what she thought as she looked at me.

"What do you want from us? Are you working for Alphas? Hey, Charlotte. How come I have never heard of this guy?" asked the orange-haired kid with a really worried face as she clenched her teeth. 


[Time Rejection!]

Wesker tried attacking me again, but it didn't work… will never work, to be honest. Witnessing what was going on, all three of them were really questioning their decision to take on this mission.

"I… don't think he works with Alpha… he is an unknown variable,"Charlotte, the purple-haired lady, spoke as she looked at me with slight curiosity and a lot of fear.

"Well," I began speaking as I saw the fight almost coming to an end with Walter's side winning by a landslide. Walter's father, Rupert, was unconscious at the moment and looking around, I still didn't see the Gangsters coming anywhere soon.

"The kids have mostly handled things on their own, so why don't we, as adults, should start solving our problems properly?" I asked as I walked towards the white-haired guy.

"Wesker. Let me be honest a little and ask you question,"I looked at him in the eyes as I asked,"which fucker started human experimentation in the military?"

It was obvious from the status that the experiment was done by the military. Though I didn't read enough to find out about who was responsible for this. Hearing my words, he almost fainted before he held his steps as he looked at me,

"How… Do you know about that?!!" 

It wasn't just him, but the other two were shocked as well. Their eyes wandered as they looked at me, while Charlotte asked,"are you one… like us?" 

Like them? Hmm… I think they are confused. Good. I can use this confusion to have some fun.

"Yeah… But… it's a bit different from you guys,"I spoke as I looked at them, turning to each other for a bit before the orange-haired kid spoke, "Are you… going to take revenge on the military?" His eyes looked… really bright for some reason. As if they were begging me to say yes here. Though, this lovely kid has already killed more than a dozen innocents… For now, I'll just observe.

"Revenge, huh? Well, it wouldn't be wrong to say that I want to take revenge on them for what they have done… but my purpose is a bit more than that. So Wesker, let me ask you again, within the military, who is the one doing all the experiments?" I asked again as I looked at Wesker, who was much calmer than before. In fact, that guy was actually smiling as he looked at me. Did he lose his mind or something?

"I… don't know… all I know is the location of their base.. They have been doing experiments for a while now… we were lucky enough to run away from them,"spoke Wesker as he looked at me with a gaze, begging for some pity. Perhaps they had their own conditions? But to side with the Browns… I don't know what they were thinking.

'I guess I will nurture them for Cronas,' I thought as I nodded at myself before speaking,"Hmmm… okay. I would like to know the location at least."

He was confused for a second, but he didn't dare make any mistakes as he took out his mobile phone slowly and put on a picture of a map. His eyes shuffled between his teammates, who were idly standing there observing me, while he looked at the map and told me about it.

Using my own [Space Time Map] I marked the location of the area before nodding at him as I asked,"Well. Thanks for that. So what do you want to-"

[New Side Quest! Save the Kids from the Military!]

[Description: The military has been conducting experiments for a long time on orphans and immigrants from other nations, without considering the human rights. They have been exploiting this since time immemorial. Every year, millions of people, children, die because of this inhumane experiment, only to produce a handful of super-soldiers that are brainwashed by the military.


(1) Save the kids from the experiments

(2) Kill/Destroy the Military base

(3) Find the head of the experiment scientists and make him pay for what he has done.

Time Limit: None

Rewards: +1 Skill Evolution Point, +15 Skill Points, +15 Stat Points, +Title:Protector]

"Is there some-'' Wesker asked as he found me paused as I was trying to ask something but I raised my finger as I stopped him and concentrated on the System message as I smiled a little.

"So… as I was asking, what do you want to do now? Those guys who are messing with your people are my friends and, obviously, I am with them. So, your only option here is either to turn away or simply die without being able to do anything… but before we come to those options, we should at least have a proper conversation. Don't you think Wesker Ilias?" I asked politely as I looked at him.

His eyes widened a little as he gave a thought to it for a second before speaking,

"If we go back empty-handed, we will die. If we take a step, we die… is there really no option?"

I could see the tension in his words as he looked at me and then at his sword before a dry chuckle came out of his mouth. 

"Maybe if we do that-" the orange-haired kid spoke, but Wesker stopped him as he sighed,"Ulyr, do you even have a single idea how it is he doing what he is doing? Repositioning is fine… but it's as if he changed reality from ever happening… you think we have a chance against something like that? We might even have a chance if we do that against the Browns."

"What is your name, sir?" Charlotte asked as she looked at me with a slight hesitation as she tried to lift up her breasts, trying to seduce me up.

I could only give an awkward smile at her as I told her,"you are only lowering your respect in front of me by doing that in front of me."

Hearing my words, she almost tripped before she sighed and continued,"well… I don't know if someone as… strange as you will be needing our help in any form but… is there anything we can do by which you can shelter us?" "Charlotte?!!!" Ulyr spoke as he was shocked by Charlotte's behavior but Charlotte was quite decisive as she continued,"after this point, they are going to kill our brothers, anyway. At the very least, we can stay alive and come back stronger to attack them… do you have a better option, here? Then please say it…"

Hearing Charlotte's words, everyone felt silent. For a few moments, Ulyr tried his best to come up with something, but even after that nothing came out of his mouth.

-Ring! Ring!

Wesker's smartphone started ringing as he checked up on his phone and, looking at his disgusted expression, one could tell that it was his boss.

"Give it to me," I said as I looked at him and, after getting a positive nod from his two mates, he threw the phone at me.

-Click! You Fuckers! Where are you? My son is being beaten red and blue by those fuckers. Don't you want to save your little puppies? Or do you want me to eat their eyes out in front of you?!

"That sounds so disgusting. Is it the trend these days?" I spoke a little, ewked out as I heard his voice. 


"You must be Reacher, right? Your men that you sent… they are dead. Soon, you too will die… thought I should inform you. Ain't I a saint?" I spoke with a smile on my face that sent a child to their face.

-Are you in school right now?

"Yeah," I answered and


A kick landed really hard on me… 

[Time Rejection!]

Or it was supposed to… I saw another man wearing a complete black dress standing right beside me.

"You sent another one to die?" I smiled brightly as I looked at that man observing me with slight cautions… things got interesting, didn't they?

[Name: Prelimyian

Race: Slythreen

Class: Poison Manipulator]

They sure did.

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