God of Time System: Harem in the Zombie Apocalypse

248 What's the finest choice? The best direction?

[Name: Prelimyian

Race: Slythreen

Class: Poison Manipulator]

That's all my [Inspect] showed as I looked at that guy. 

"The Browns sure are surprising. So the question is that… are they capable enough to have such… peculiar forces with them… or are they just a pawn of another higher organization? Truly, it surprises me," I spoke with a really curious look. 

After all, if they had so much force, why didn't I come across them last time? A typical guess would be that they are all connected to either Reacher or his father, and since both of them died before I met Fredrick, perhaps these special forces took a step back? Or maybe their protection lied only until the Apocalypse started?

'Well, we will find it all out one step at a time,' I thought as I looked at that man wearing a black and white gentleman suit. It's as if he was going to a party… hmm… 


A strange bomb fell on me as it turned into dust 

[A strange harmful energy is trying to enter the user's body! Rejecting the Energy from the user's body!]

I looked at him for a few moments with a certain look, making him narrow his eyes really deep at me. Taking off his glasses, I could see his greenish eyes glaring at me a little before he looked at the other three. 

They were just standing there watching the whole exchange.

-Who are you?

The voice from the phone changed, and a heavy voice filled my ears.

[A certain frequency is trying to invade the User's mind. Canceling the frequency level from harming the User.]

"I am but a humble human. May I know your name, mister?" I smiled as I answered his question, but all I got was silence later on. 

"Ummm… hello? Are you sure you should be not answering my question?" I asked politely as I took a peek at Walter and the others, happily talking with each other. Iverice was there as well, while the injured members helped in healing each other.

-What do you want from mister Brown?

The voice on the Phone asked, and I chuckled as I answered.

"What do I want, huh? Well. Honestly, nothing. It's my friends who want to destroy mister Brown from inside out… the entire family and break the organization."

After a bit of silence, the voice continued

-And what if we don't do that?

"Ah! I think you are misunderstanding something. There is nothing you can do about it now. It's already set in stone. The Browns are going to vanish from the face of this planet," I spoke with a slight chuckle, making the situation a bit more tense than it already was.

-Aren't you underestimating us a little too much?

"Not really. You guys are pretty good at what you are… sadly, there is only so much you can do with little powers of yours. Though… May I know your name?" I asked as I was continuously talking without knowing the name of the person on the other side.

"My name is Livera… one of the subordinates of General Belial,"he said as he appeared right in front of me. My eyes observed him for a few seconds. His skin was red, with his eyes were darker than black. With those two horns present on his head, it was pretty much clear that he wasn't human.

"Belial?" I questioned as I recalled that he was the one who was going to control this planet for the Zombie King. The previous owner of Angela. 

"What's your connection with Browns?" I asked, as I was really confused about that. If they were so powerful, at least they wouldn't have died… why did Livera make a connection with Brown… and why did they leave them?

"Nothing. He just made a deal with me,"Livera spoke as he observed me carefully while I paused for a few moments…

"If you can wait for a few more months. Then my contract period ends with the Browns. After that, you can do whatever you want with Browns,"Livera spoke as he observed me more and more. It was as if he was trying to see through me over and over, but was continuously failing to do so.

[You are being watched by a higher being. The System has prevented leaking of any or all information from the user]

'Does he have a similar skill to [Inspect]?' I thought before looking at him properly once more. Sadly, even my [Inspect] was showing nothing to me. All I could see was his name and nothing more… that too, only what he told me.

"Hmmm…. Actually, there is one more way. Call the Browns here… I think we can reach a proper conclusion without fighting,"I spoke with a smile on my face, which sent shivers down their spine.

"With that… see you guys down there," I spoke as I looked around and…


[Time Rejection!]

[Time Reload!]

Using three of my skills… a spear art while the two System Skills, I reached down there in an instant as I observed Walter and the other guys there. 

"You guys done?" I asked as I looked at him and he was all smiles as he spoke,"Yeah. Just waiting for this bastard's father to come."

"About that… we have a situation," I spoke as I looked at Walter, whose smile vanished as he looked at me. Behind me were the three guys who came first and the other person wearing a black gentleman's dress. Leaving behind only the redhead demon who didn't come into the open.

"They are?" George asked as he looked at me while Walter had an ashen face. Iverice, who observed the phases of the three, turned pale a little as she spoke,"what are they doing here?"

"Well. Let's papa Brown come here. I'll explain things after they arrive. Walter, can you trust me for now?" I asked as I looked at him and though he didn't want to comply with me, he nodded as he spoke,"I will trust you."

"Thank you," I smiled at me before turning back to the four behind me. My eyes looked at all four of them for a while before speaking,

"Go sit near the tree. You are not allowed to come close to my friends, unless and until I give permission to. And if you try to do anything stupid… you better be prepared to beg me for killing you." There was a serious look on my face as I observed them and looking at them, holding their breath. I guess they understood. 

'I hope this clears any misunderstanding the others are having on whose side I am,' I thought as I looked at Walter before moving closer to him. In a silent voice that was only audible to Walter, I answered,

"We have a S-Grade monster among us… and some are even stronger than them are coming… things are more complicated than we thought." His eyes widened as he looked at me as a bitter look appeared on his face,"are they too strong for you, too?" he asked

And amused a little, I patted his head. With a smile, I answered,"I can kill all of them combined in a single slash. Don't worry about us losing or anything… but for now, I believe it is better to wait a little before rushing things. Can you trust my judgment?" 

He observed me with a shock as he heard my words. Then a slight sad smile appeared on his face as he spoke,"It's hard though… they killed my sister… and after what they did to my father… It's hard, sir Michael… but since it is you. I will trust you."


I looked at him for a few moments confused as I asked,"what do you mean by killing your sister?" and looking at me he added,"last month… they drugged my sister… and the doctor said that there is no way to save her… and even after all the hopes and prayers she… died. Because of the side effects… the doctors didn't even allow me to see my sister. Only my father was allowed to do so." 'He doesn't know…' my eyes widened a little as I observed the unconscious father there. It's not like the Status will lie… and according to the Status, the sister is still alive. She is going to die in another month or so… 

For some reason, a slight rage erupted inside me as I looked at those people there. Once again, I questioned if I should wait or kill them all directly…

'No… Not yet. I don't know the complete capabilities of Belial… I should get myself to at least level 30 before deciding to attack or not,' I decided as I calmed myself. While I trust my abilities, going against Belial is a gamble.

Especially those guardians I fought right before regression. It took almost everything to kill them. I must not rush things… Is there any other way to level up? There must be something…

'Since there already so many hidden anomalies in this world… I should ask Angela if there is anything that I can kill,' I decided it was the best way to do things for now. While killing these Symbols and that redhead demon might give me a bundle of Exp, but will it be enough to reach Level 30? I do not know… Another gamble I can't take.

"Is there anything wrong, Sir Michael?" asked Walter as he looked at me a bit worried and I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him before speaking, "Nothing. I just recalled something… ah! They are here."

'Perfect timing… ' I thought as I looked at those black cars coming into the school one by one. The Browns were here. 

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