Lin Bin was thinking about something and accidentally bumped into the person next to him, and the plate in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Excuse me......"

He quickly apologized, but when he looked up and saw the other person's appearance clearly, he was stunned.

The man in front of him was a middle-aged man with a big belly, 160 cm tall and 160 kg. Although he was only in his thirties, his face was already full of vicissitudes. This person was none other than Boss Wang who had ordered an Audi Q7 from Yang Man. Lin Bin glanced and saw Yang Man not far away.

The other party also noticed him at this moment and glared at him fiercely, but did not come over.

This world is really small. I didn't expect to meet acquaintances here.

Lin Bin smiled,"Hey, isn't this Boss Wang?"

Wang Xingfa was stunned, and soon recognized Lin Bin, and a smug expression immediately appeared on his face,"Haha, it turns out to be you. I heard that you and Xiaoman have some relationship, but don't worry, I don't mind.

But I hope you won't bother her anymore in the future. You two are not from the same world."

"Boss Wang, you must be mistaken, I have nothing to do with her, but you are right, we are really not from the same world."

Lin Bin looked at the smug look on the face of this local boss, with a hint of disdain on his lips.

Before, he had thought that now that he was rich, he must give that woman a slap in the face.

But now that he saw Boss Wang was of this character, he felt a little bored.

This kind of stuff is not worth his attention at all.

Wang Xingfa was a little surprised to find that the other party was not angry, and the pleasure in his heart faded a little,"Boy, you are sensible."

"Then I wish you and Boss Wang a happy marriage and a son soon."

Lin Bin smiled politely at the other party, then turned around and left with the plate. As soon as he left, Yang Man ran over immediately,"Brother Wang, what did that kid say just now?"

"Xiaoman, don't worry, I just warned him not to bother you anymore. By the way, he didn't come to see you again today, did he?" Wang Xingfa looked proud.

Yang Man's face was a little ugly,"He went to the store again today."

"Damn, this kid is so ignorant, I will teach him a lesson later"

"I also bought an Audi R8 in full......."

Wang Xingfa was like a rooster being strangled by the neck, his face flushed red.

An Audi R8 costs more than two million, and it is paid in full. Although he has made some money and is considered to have a small fortune, he still feels a little sorry for buying a Q7.

Especially when he thought about how he was just pretending in front of the other party, Wang Xingfa felt his face burning.

"Why didn’t you say so earlier?"

"What's the point of talking about this kind of thing?"Yang Man was also a little angry. If she had known that Lin Bin was so rich, she would have taken the initiative to get close to him.

Now, not only is it embarrassing, but she has also lost the opportunity to be with a rich man.

"Brother Wang, I am sincere to you. Now people are saying bad things about me behind my back, you have to support me."

Yang Man could only hold Wang Xingan tightly and act like a spoiled child.

Wang Xingan frowned,"Xiao Man, what do you want?"

"Didn't you say you would buy me an A4 before? Why don't you change it to an A6? Otherwise, people will look down on you."

"Okay! A6 is A6, I'll take you to buy it after dinner."

Thinking of the scene of being slapped in the face just now, Wang Xingan gritted his teeth and agreed.

On the other side, when Lin Bin came back with the plate, Cheng Ke'er was already sitting in the seat.

"Ke'er, I don't know what you like to eat, so I just picked something at random. You eat first, and I'll get more if it's not enough."

Lin Bin sat down, and didn't say a word about seeing Yang Man just now.

However, he didn't mention it, but Cheng Ke'er spoke up,"I saw that Boss Wang and Yang Man just now."

Lin Bin was stunned,"She saw you too?"

Cheng Ke'er shook her head,"I didn't say hello to her"

"That's right, you'd better stay away from that kind of woman."

As Lin Bin said this, he started to deal with the lobster and royal crab in front of him, which he had never eaten before.

Cheng Ke'er didn't seem to be very interested in the food in front of her. Instead, she was a little curious about his attitude,"Weren't you very nice to her before?"

"Can we not talk about her? Besides, she is not as pretty as you."

Lin Bin didn't want to ruin his mood because of that woman.

Cheng Ke'er nodded and really didn't mention Yang Man anymore.

Facing the temptation of delicious food, Lin Bin forgot to ask about the decline in sincerity index. Anyway, there are so many women in the world, and there are many beauties.

Even if Cheng Ke'er is gone, he can still find other targets.

After a meal of whirlwind, Lin Bin finished several large plates of seafood in a row. He was almost done, so he went to get a fruit platter and waited for it to slowly digest.

""Lin Bin, are you very rich?" Cheng Ke'er suddenly asked while biting a straw.

Lin Bin was stunned, and couldn't guess what this woman meant, but he nodded,"I guess so.""

"How many are there?" Cheng Ke'er asked again.

"Anyway, you can never spend it all in this lifetime."

Lin Bin lazily leaned on his seat, looking at the beauty in front of him with admiration and unscrupulousness.

He would not dare to do this in the past, but now he has money in his pocket, so he has the confidence.

Cheng Ke'er seemed a little unaccustomed to such aggressive eyes and frowned,"Am I good-looking?"

Lin Bin nodded and told the truth,"Quite good-looking. If you smile more and are not so cold, you will be even better looking."

Cheng Ke'er did not expect him to be so thick-skinned,"Since you are so rich, why don't you support me?"

"cough cough——"Lin Bin was choked by her sudden words,"Ke'er, are you kidding?"

Cheng Ke'er shook her head and raised her snow-white neck,"I'm not kidding, in fact, I'm the same kind of woman as Yang Man, but my price is higher."

Lin Bin suddenly became interested. We are all adults. You are interested in my money and I am interested in your beauty. As long as the price is right, there is nothing we can't talk about.

"Tell me, what price do you want?"

"First, buy me a house of no less than 120 square meters in the city center, with my name on the title deed, then a car of no less than 500,000 yuan, and finally a living expense of 100,000 yuan per month, paid in one lump sum for three years."

Fuck! This price is really not low.

Let's not talk about anything else. According to the housing prices in Jiangcheng, a house in the city center will cost at least 5 or 6 million yuan, and you have to pay three years of living expenses in one lump sum, which adds up to at least tens of millions.

The car is a small matter, but this woman asked for payment first, which is a bit outrageous.

You know, Boss Wang only agreed to buy Yang Man an A4, and then pried her away.

Even if Cheng Ke'er is beautiful, her request is really not something that ordinary local tyrants can agree to.

Lin Bin rolled his eyes and said,"Even if I can afford this price, what can I get?"

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