"No matter who it is, as long as he can agree to my conditions, I will treat him wholeheartedly. He can do whatever he wants me to do, and he won't ask about any private matters." Cheng Ke'er said lightly.

This is life-saving money.

Lin Bin thought for a while and made a tentative request,"Then can you smile first?"

Cheng Ke'er was stunned. Although Lin Bin has not agreed yet, she knows that he has the financial resources to meet any of her requirements.

So, the next moment, she smiled slightly, and her beauty was overwhelming.

Lin Bin looked at her a little dazed for a while.

If such a beautiful woman falls into the hands of others, it would be a sin.

Anyway, I don't have any lofty ideals. It's good to be a vulgar person who is greedy for money and lustful!

"OK! I promise you! I will go to look at houses in the next few days and let you know when there is a result."

He admitted that he was a little tempted. It was just 10 million. Anyway, he had it now, and he would only get richer in the future.

"Thank you, I will keep my promise.

Cheng Keer nodded and smiled beautifully again.

Lin Bin rubbed his chest and said he couldn't stand it.

Since he became rich, he found that his resistance to beautiful women seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

"Have you finished eating? If you have, let's go."

"Well, let's go."

The two of them stood up and prepared to leave the buffet restaurant.

Lin Bin looked at the beauty beside him and wanted to reach out to hug her, but he was afraid that it would be a bit abrupt, after all, he had not yet fulfilled his promise.

The perceptive Cheng Ke'er noticed his little action, smiled, and took the initiative to stretch out her jade hand and hold Lin Bin's.

Seeing her so considerate, Lin Bin felt comfortable all over.

However, although the other party said that he would be wholeheartedly devoted, it still needed to be tested whether it was the truth.

After leaving the restaurant, Lin Bin took her directly to the shopping mall and made up an excuse,"Ke'er, now I'll give you a chance. You can buy me a gift with your own money. I want to see if we have a tacit understanding."

Cheng Ke'er didn't know what his intention was, but she nodded,"Okay!"

Then, Lin Bin gave up the initiative and followed her, strolling around casually.

This Global Plaza is a comprehensive shopping mall. In addition to catering, there are various business projects, including some luxury brands.

In fact, it doesn't matter what to buy. Lin Bin just wants to see how sincere the other party is.

The two of them strolled around casually. Seeing that Lin Bin didn't express any opinions, Cheng Keer could only choose by herself.

Soon, she walked into a 'Helen Kay' eyewear store and personally selected a pair of sunglasses.

Seeing that Lin Bin still didn't express any opinion, she went straight to pay the bill.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 1,399 yuan consumption rebate from Cheng Keer, a sincerity index of 82.36, and a reverse critical hit of 8,236 times!"

"The amount received is 11522164 yuan, please check it!"

Oh my god! More than 10 million yuan!

Lin Bin didn't show any emotion on his face, but his heart was already in turmoil.

More importantly, Cheng Ke'er's sincerity index this time actually reached more than 82 points.

It seems that, as she said, she really treats others wholeheartedly.

"I don't have that much money now, so I can only afford this. I don't know if you like it or not?"

Cheng Ke'er handed over the sunglasses.

""I like it, I like it so much!"

Lin Bin could no longer suppress his excitement and hugged her into his arms.

Cheng Ke'er didn't know why he suddenly became so excited, but she didn't resist. Instead, she stretched out her hands to hug Lin Bin.

After a long time, Lin Bin calmed down. Looking at the beauty in front of him, he couldn't help but ask curiously:"Ke'er, why do you trust me so much?"

He just agreed verbally and didn't pay a penny. As a result, the other party spent more than a thousand yuan to buy him a gift, and the sincerity index reached more than 80.

You know, Cheng Ke'er is still in the internship period. The monthly salary plus commission is only three or four thousand yuan. Buying this pair of sunglasses may empty her wallet.

Cheng Ke'er blinked and smiled faintly,"Because I know you are a good person."

Since Lin Bin agreed, she is no longer so cold, and there are more and more smiles on her face.

Hearing this answer, Lin Bin couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Thank God for making me poor for more than 20 years, so I can be a good person

"Come on, it's my turn to buy you a gift!"

The previous six million plus the huge sum of money just now, Lin Bin got more than 18 million from Cheng Ke'er.

Since the other party was sincere, he couldn't be stingy.

Then, Lin Bin took her to visit the mall.

What clothes, shoes, bags, as long as Cheng Ke'er thought they were good-looking, he bought them all.

They didn't stop shopping until they had too many bags in their hands. After spending more than 800,000 in one breath, Lin Bin not only didn't feel distressed, but actually felt the feeling of spending money like water.

I have to say, it's really cool!

"Ah Bin, why are you so nice to me?"

After a shopping trip, Cheng Keer changed his name from 'Lin Bin' to 'A Bin'.

Shopping was not one of her previous requests. Now, all these expenses were borne by Lin Bin willingly.

"Ke'er, remember, I will repay anyone who is truly kind to me a hundredfold."

Cheng Ke'er was thoughtful and thought to herself: It seems that Yang Man, that woman, really made a mistake.

"Let's go, I'll take you back first, and I'll go to the store to order a car for you."

Lin Bin wanted to eat this woman right away, and he took Cheng Ke'er back home with him.......

Jinhua 4S store.

When Wang Xingan appeared again and bought Yang Man an A6 directly, and counted it in her performance, everyone was envious.

"This Wang is really rich. He just bought a Q7 and now he bought an A6"

"Yang Man has hooked up with a rich man this time. Look how proud she is."

"What is there to be proud of? You are just a mistress. How shameless!"

"Okay, stop being sour. What's wrong with being a mistress? As long as there are rich people willing to spend money on her, some people want to be a mistress, but they are not looked down upon."

"What kind of rich man is Wang? You forgot that Lin Bin paid full price for an R8 this morning. Maybe Cheng Keer is the biggest winner."

"That's not necessarily true. Even if Lin Bin has money, he may not be willing to spend it on Cheng Ke'er."

The employees in the 4S store were talking about it when no one was around. Yang Man occasionally heard a few words, but she didn't take it to heart.

These days, reputation and the like are all false. Only real money is real. She may not be able to afford an A6 even if she works hard all her life, but now, she can get it easily, and she has tens of thousands of pocket money every month, which she can't spend.

Moreover, with her own means, she may be able to get married by blowing pillow talk. By then, she will be the rich wife that everyone envies.

Yang Man was dreaming when there was a commotion in the exhibition hall. She turned her head and saw the guy she hated.

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