July 18th, Tuesday.

At 3 pm, Lin Bin boarded a flight from Shanghai to Jiangcheng alone.

This time in Shanghai, it took almost half a month to buy a bar and acquire a film and television company. The harvest was not small.

Of course, the biggest harvest was the powerful pill.

After all, the body is the capital of everything. The reason why Lin Bin can still be strong after seven ins and outs is all thanks to the powerful system.

The harvest is not small, but a lot of money has also been spent.

It cost 1.9 billion to acquire the film and television company alone, and then Lin Bin transferred another 1 billion as the company's start-up capital.

In addition, 1.5 billion was lent out. Although it was exchanged for 15% of the shares, it is still unknown whether it can make a profit.

In this way, more than 4 billion was spent, and the net worth was almost shrunk by half, and there are more places to spend money in the future.

However, Lin Bin is not worried about his lack of money at all. As long as there is a system, he can get wool anytime and anywhere.

What really worries him is how to face Zhou Manqing after returning this time.

When he thought of the gift he gave out last time, he felt a little guilty.

Before, he was still curious about why Zhou Manqing hadn't reported to work these days.

Now that he thinks about it, it's probably that 'two-headed dragon' who is making trouble in the secret passage.

When the plane landed at Jiangcheng Airport, it was not yet five o'clock.

He didn't tell anyone in advance about his return this time.

Lin Bin thought about it, and didn't rush back to the villa in Bishuiwan, but took a taxi directly to Starbucks where Mu Wenjun worked part-time.

It's a bit hard to figure out what the aunt is like now, so it's better to find someone to ask.

In Starbucks, Mu Wenjun looked worried, and in recent days, he was often distracted at work.

Since the last time the aunt came back from the Magic City, it seemed that something strange had happened.

Especially every night, she could always hear strange sounds coming from the aunt's room through the crack in the door.

The sound was a bit painful, a bit relieved, and even mixed with some inexplicable things.

Mu Wenjun once suspected that the aunt had some incurable disease, and she had been hiding it from him.

A few times, she had the courage to ask Zhou Manqing about it, but she was angry and even criticized her harshly.

Mu Wenjun could only bury the matter deep in her heart.

She grew up with Zhou Manqing since she was a child. The two of them had no relatives in this city. Now she wanted to find someone to discuss it with, but she didn't know who to find.

Just as she was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly rang in her ears.

"Wenjun, what are you thinking about?"

Lin Bin walked into Starbucks with ease, looked around the store, and saw Mu Wenjun in a daze in the corner for a long time, so he walked straight over.


Mu Wenjun, who was thinking about something, was startled by the sudden voice.

When he looked up, he saw Lin Bin staring at him with a smile.

"Brother Bin, why are you here?"

Lin Bin said with a smile:"I just came back from a business trip to Shanghai, and I brought you a little gift."

Of course, this time it's a serious gift.

As he spoke, he carefully looked at Mu Wenjun's expression.

This time he came to her not only to give her a gift, but more importantly to find out about Zhou Manqing.

""Thank you, Brother Bin." Mu Wenjun forced a smile. She was so worried that she didn't take the gift seriously.

Seeing that her expression seemed a little strange, Lin Bin felt strange and tried to change the topic to Zhou Manqing.

"What's wrong? You don't look happy. Did you get scolded in front of your aunt?"

When she mentioned her aunt, Mu Wenjun was upset.

But she didn't understand the matter clearly, so she couldn't tell anyone about it.

"Brother Bin, I'm fine." Mu Wenjun shook his head,"By the way, what would you like to drink?"

"I don't mind anything, just help me order."Lin Bin didn't rush to ask

"OK, Brother Bin, please find a place to sit first, I'll be there soon."Mu Wenjun put away his worries and ordered a cappuccino for Lin Bin.

Maybe because it was a weekday, there were not many customers in the store.

Lin Bin found a place by the window and sat down. After a while, Mu Wenjun came over with a cup of coffee.

"Brother Bin, try this. I made it myself."

In his spare time while working part-time in the store, Mu Wenjun also learned how to make coffee. He just made a cup for Lin Bin.

"Thank you."Lin Bin smiled and nodded, took the coffee and said,"Wenjun, sit down and rest for a while."

Anyway, there was nothing to do in the store for the time being, so Mu Wenjun simply sat opposite, holding her chin with both hands and blinking her cute big eyes.

These days, Lin Bin was used to eating big fish and meat in the Magic City, and suddenly saw the freshness in front of him, and he felt his eyes bright.

Mu Wenjun in front of him was like an undeveloped treasure, which could easily arouse people's desire to explore.

Lin Bin admired it for a few times while drinking coffee, and then casually brought up the business,"Wenjun, what is your aunt busy with recently? Is there anything...Special performance?"

Mu Wenjun probably didn't understand the work, and Lin Bin didn't know what Zhou Manqing's current situation was, so he could only ask tentatively.

But his words, when heard by Mu Wenjun, immediately set off a storm.

"Bingo...You found out too?" Mu Wenjun looked at Lin Bin in surprise and asked anxiously,"Do you know something?"

Lin Bin was stunned. Seeing her big reaction, he was confused."I don't know anything. What's wrong? Is there something wrong with your aunt?"

Mu Wenjun's eyes turned red. She could no longer suppress her worries these days. She choked and said,"Wow, I suspect my aunt has a terminal illness, but she doesn't tell me anything......."

No way? Zhou Manqing has a terminal illness?

Lin Bin was shocked,"Wenjun, what's going on?"

"My aunt has been acting strange lately. She always avoids me when doing things. I asked her what was wrong, but she refused to tell me."Wow, Brother Bin, what should I do?" Mu Wenjun burst into tears.

Damn! If something really happened to Zhou Manqing, what would I do?

Lin Bin's mind flashed back to the scene in the bathroom. Zhou Manqing's great heart made him remember it deeply.

"Wenjun, don't be anxious, let me think about it."Lin Bin scratched his scalp.

Mu Wenjun couldn't tell what the specific situation was. If there was any disease, it would be best to get treatment in time. Money was not a problem.

"Wenjun, did you find any medicine or medical records at home?"Lin Bin asked.

Mu Wenjun was so anxious that he didn't think much about it and shook his head."No,"

"How about this, let's go to your house and look for it. If there is really something wrong with your aunt, maybe we can find some clues."

""Okay, I'll take you there right away."

After hearing these analyses, Mu Wenjun seemed to have a backbone. He said something to his colleagues and rushed home with Lin Bin.

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