In the broad daylight, Zhou Manqing should still be in the company, but the room was empty.

After returning to their residence, Lin Bin and Mu Wenjun gave up the living room and went straight to Zhou Manqing's bedroom.

""Wenjun, let's split up and look for your aunt to see if she has hidden anything."

Lin Bin called out and began to rummage through the drawers.

Seeing him open the closet, which was full of his aunt's underwear, Mu Wenjun didn't care about anything wrong, and glanced around and began to look for other suspicious places.

The two of them searched for a while, determined not to let go of any corner.

Mu Wenjun searched for a long time, but still found nothing. Finally, his eyes sat on the desk in the corner of the room.

There was only a pile of documents on the desk, and the drawer was not locked.

Mu Wenjun first flipped through the folders, and after finding nothing, he reached out and opened the drawer, opening a small gift box inside.

""Huh? What is this?"

Lin Bin, who was looking around, heard Mu Wenjun's exclamation and ran over. He was stunned at the sight.

Before he could speak to stop her, Mu Wenjun had already stretched out her white and tender little hand.

This little girl was as pure as a piece of white paper, without a single ink stain on it, which was exactly what Lin Bin admired about her.

But now, something was wrong.


Lin Bin's heart was in his throat. He wanted to stop Mu Wenjun from moving, but he could only utter one syllable in his throat.

The next moment, it was like Pandora's box was opened.

""Don't move!"

Seeing that she was like a curious baby, Lin Bin hurriedly shouted to stop this dangerous idea.

Mu Wenjun looked up when he heard the voice and looked at Lin Bin in confusion,"Brother Bin, what is this?"

"This, could it be a toy?" Lin Bin hesitated, and gave a reasonable explanation in a hurry.

Mu Wenjun looked at it for a while, and although he felt a little curious, he couldn't figure it out for a long time.

He had no choice but to put the thing away and continue to search in the desk drawer, but naturally found nothing.

""Brother Bin, what should we do? It seems that we don't have any clues?"

Faced with the cruel reality, Mu Wenjun began to worry again.

Lin Bin no longer had the mind to look for anything. Her heart, which had been in a knot just now, finally calmed down. Seeing her worried look, she asked,"Have you found anything unusual?"

Mu Wenjun said,"I can always hear my aunt making painful sounds at night recently, but every time I knocked on the door, she locked the bedroom door and didn't tell me at all."

Painful sounds? In the middle of the night?

Lin Bin's head turned quickly, his eyes subconsciously fell on the open drawer, and he suddenly had a bold guess in his heart.

No way? Could it be like this!

"Wenjun, do you have any other discoveries?"

"Another time, I saw my aunt's face was very red, just like she had a high fever!"

It's confirmed! How can this be a terminal illness?

Lin Bin reacted immediately, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He really didn't expect that the gift he gave not only didn't make Zhou Manqing angry, but also seemed to like it very much.

But in this case, how should he explain it to Mu Wenjun?

"Brother Bin, what happened to my aunt?" Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Mu Wenjun asked again.

"Forehead...I guess your aunt may be under a lot of work pressure recently...."Lin Bin thought about his words and spoke carefully.

Now that he knew what happened to Zhou Manqing, he was no longer panicked.

Mu Wenjun looked suspicious,"Brother Bin, isn't my aunt sick?"

"Okay, Wenjun, don't worry. I believe your aunt is fine. At most, she has something on her mind, and she has been holding it in for a long time, which has affected her health to some extent."

"Then what should I do?"

"Forehead...Persuade her to find a boyfriend!"

Looking at the time, it was almost six o'clock. Lin Bin didn't want to stay here any longer. If Zhou Manqing came back, he would be finished.

After comforting Mu Wenjun a few more words, he left in a hurry.

Mu Wenjun was the only one left in the room. Although Lin Bin's words made sense, she was still a little depressed and worried.

On the other hand, she agreed very much with letting her aunt find a boyfriend.

Thinking that her aunt might be too tired from work and felt stressed, Mu Wenjun went into the kitchen and prepared to cook a good meal to reward her aunt.

Today's company affairs were quickly handled, and Zhou Manqing did not work overtime. She dragged her tired body and drove back to her residence.

As soon as she entered the door, she smelled the fragrance of food coming from the kitchen and was stunned. When she got closer to the kitchen, she saw that her niece was cooking.

"Wenjun, didn't you go to work today? Why did you come back so early?"

"Aunt, you are back so early?" Mu Wenjun, who was cooking, turned around quickly when she heard the voice, her face full of surprise,"I have two more dishes that will be ready soon, you sit down first."

Zhou Manqing felt a little strange,"No, you haven't told me yet, why did you come back so early today?"

Naturally, she couldn't say the worry in her heart, so Mu Wenjun had to say,"Brother Bin came back from Shanghai today and brought us gifts, so I left work early."

Lin Bin is back?

Zhou Manqing was stunned, and then when she thought of the gift, her pretty face flushed. In order to prevent Mu Wenjun from noticing anything unusual, she quickly left the kitchen.

Half an hour later, the two sat at the dining table.

"Aunt, you must be exhausted from work, so feel how I performed today?"

Zhou Manqing looked at her sensible niece, feeling quite satisfied, and said with a smile:"Okay, the company is only available during this period of time. Since Lin Bin is back, I will report my work tomorrow, and I can be less worried from now on."

Mu Wenjun didn't understand the work, so she just nodded slightly and said,"Aunt...when will you find me an uncle-in-law?"

Why is she bringing up something else for no reason?

""Wenjun, what's wrong with you today?" Zhou Manqing took a bite of food and glared at her.

"Brother Bin came over today and said that you are tired from work and alone every day. If you keep some things to yourself for a long time, it will be bad for your health."Mu Wenjun persuaded again.

Click! Zhou Manqing was stunned and the chopsticks in her hand fell to the ground.

It sounded like there was something else behind these words, especially since Lin Bin said it.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing his aunt's ferocious look, Mu Wenjun also looked innocent,"I am also worried about your health."

"Humph! Just eat your meal."

Seeing that Mu Wenjun didn't seem to understand anything, she didn't pursue the matter.

After dinner, Zhou Manqing returned to her room. When she thought of Lin Bin coming home today, she felt a little uneasy.

"No! I must hide the things. It would be bad if Wenjun saw them."

When she thought of this, she immediately ran to the desk.

Something is wrong!

Zhou Manqing looked at the drawer that was not closed tightly, and was subconsciously stunned. Then she quickly opened it to check.

Fortunately, the things were still there.

However, the next moment Zhou Manqing was stunned again.

The things in the drawer were obviously moved. Could it be that Wenjun secretly looked through her things?

Suddenly, a quick thought flashed through her mind, and Zhou Manqing subconsciously remembered what Mu Wenjun had said.

"Could it be that Lin Bin has also seen this thing?" Zhou Manqing

's mind seemed to be struck by a bolt from the blue.

Although this thing was given by Lin Bin, she couldn't let him know that she liked it very much!

It's over! How can I report my work tomorrow?

Zhou Manqing only had this thought in her mind.

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