
The sudden ring of the phone startled Lin Bin.

He subconsciously reached out and answered the phone.

""Binzi, have you returned to Jiangcheng now?"

Guan Peng's rough voice came from the phone.

Lin Bin frowned, remembering that he had looked for him before, it seemed that this guy really had something to do,"I just came back, Dapeng, what's the matter?"

"That's perfect, come over and have some barbecue together, or see you at the old place."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin realized that it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. He had fallen asleep on the sofa before.

Lin Bin sat up from the sofa, collected the car keys and room keys he bought for Cheng Ke'er, and put them together with the letter in the gift box of the watch.

Although he didn't know what happened, it was all Cheng Ke'er's choice, and life had to go on.

After experiencing Lu Xiaoyu, he would not be so lost because of anyone.

Anyway, this earth will not stop turning because of the loss of someone.

At most, there was a little regret in his heart.

At 7:30 in the evening, Brothers BBQ stall.

When Lin Bin arrived at the agreed place, Guan Peng had already started to eat.

""Binzi, you are a very busy man now. I need to make an appointment to invite you for dinner!" Guan Peng couldn't help complaining as soon as they met.

They were both in Jiangcheng, but it was not easy to see each other now.

Lin Bin had no way to explain, so he could only pretend,"I can't help it. I have been determined to be an outstanding man since I was a child. I am destined to struggle in this life."

""Tsk! I think you are just a very lecherous man." Guan Peng looked down on him.

They were all buddies, so he would not indulge Lin Bin's bragging. It was a man's nature, especially a rich man.

Lin Bin felt that there was nothing wrong with him, so he ignored his buddy's complaints, sat down, reached out and picked up a skewer of roasted lamb, and started masturbating.

"By the way, was there something you wanted to talk to me about last time?"

Guan Peng chuckled and said rather embarrassedly,"I was going to return the two hundred thousand yuan last time, but I can't return it to you for the time being."

Two hundred thousand yuan? Lin Bin thought for a long time before he remembered that this guy was talking about the last time he went to the club.

However, he had no intention of asking Guan Peng to pay back the money, and he had already made hundreds of thousands of yuan from Tang Lan before, so he didn't lose anything.

"What are you going to pay back? Didn't I tell you that you don't have to pay back the money? Don't you think of me as a buddy?"

Seeing Lin Bin frowned and looked unhappy, Guan Peng quickly explained,"That won't work! I know you are not short of money, but brothers should still settle accounts clearly. The money that should be paid should still be paid back.""

"It's up to you."Lin Bin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He really couldn't do anything about this stubborn guy.

However, he still asked one more question,"Did you encounter any problems? If you don't have enough money, tell me."

Two hundred thousand is nothing to Lin Bin, but for ordinary people, it is not a small amount.

Guan Peng suddenly mentioned this matter now, and he didn't know what happened.

""Alas, I'm fine, but our beautiful Qiao is in trouble.""

Qiao Mengyao?" A slender figure suddenly appeared in Lin Bin's mind.

It has been more than a month since the last class reunion.

I thought that we would both work in Jiangcheng in the future and there would be plenty of opportunities to meet, but I was busy with company affairs during this period, and Lin Bin really forgot about this college goddess.

"What happened? What trouble did Qiao Mengyao encounter?"

"Hehe, I knew you would pay attention to Miss Qiao's affairs."

Lin Bin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

As long as she's a beautiful woman, I'll pay attention to her, okay?

"If you have something to say, say it now. If you have something to say, say it now!"

Guan Peng stopped talking and directly explained the reason.

"Do you remember that at the last party, everyone bought the fund recommended by Qiao Mengyao? As a result, the stock market has plummeted recently, and everyone has lost a lot of money in the funds they hold."

Sure enough!

From the beginning, Lin Bin thought of this result. However, it's just a fund, so it shouldn't lose much.

"This is a normal thing. How much did you lose?"

Guan Peng looked a little embarrassed."I lost a few thousand yuan before, but then I bought your 200,000 yuan. Now I have lost more than ten points."

Lin Bin rolled his eyes.

Ten points on 200,000 yuan means 20,000 or 30,000 yuan.

Before he got the system, he couldn't save so much in a year.

The situation of other people in the class was similar. Some classmates didn't even earn enough to spend throughout the year.

With Guan Peng's salary, it's fortunate that he hasn't gotten married yet, otherwise he would starve.

Lin Bin asked again:"What are your plans now?"

Guan Peng looked unwilling."Since the fund you bought has fallen now, you might as well continue to hold it. After a year or two, it will definitely go up. Otherwise, it would be too uneconomical to cut losses now."

"What did Qiao Mengyao say?"

""That's what Miss Qiao said." Guan Peng said.

Lin Bin said,"In that case, just hold on to it. Maybe it will go up in price after a while."

Guan Peng:"I don't mind, but other people are not very nice to her now. Some even privately said that she should compensate for the loss."

"It's something that should have been thought of long ago."

Lin Bin nodded to show his understanding. After all, everyone lost money, and the losses were not small.

But this matter can't be blamed entirely on Qiao Mengyao. Not to mention her, even if the stock god Buffett came, he wouldn't dare to say that he would make 100% profit.

There is no investment without risk in this world, unless you are as open-minded as Lin Bin.

"Binzi, now is a good opportunity. Guan Peng suddenly came over with a thief-like look.

"Miss Qiao is in trouble now, and you happen to be rich, so just help her solve the current difficulties, hehe......"

Guan Peng clapped his hands while speaking, and the smile on his face looked more and more mean.

Lin Bin curled his lips,"Tsk! Do you think I'm the same as you, and I need money to pick up girls?"

Guan Peng looked disdainful and raised his thumb,"Yes! You are awesome, you are noble! I don't know who has been single for more than 20 years."

Damn! His past has been exposed again.

Qiao Mengyao is also a first-class beauty. It's nonsense to say that he is not tempted at all.

If it were in the past, Lin Bin would definitely take action without hesitation and directly use money to knock the person down.

Not for anything else, just to covet her body.

But Cheng Ke'er's departure suddenly reminded him of his original intention.

When he just got the system, Lin Bin decided that as long as the woman was good to him, he would return it a hundredfold.

Now he is not short of money, and he doesn't need to look for people to fleece him, but he can't find many people who are really good to him.

Li Anni is one of them. After all, that 100% sincerity index can't be faked.

In addition, Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi can also be considered. Although Leng Yiza's character is not bad, it seems that I have not seen how sincere she is.

The rest are Zhou Manqing and Mu Wenjun, but they are just ordinary friends.

He has taken care of these acquaintances around him to some extent, but he has not done enough.

In addition, thinking carefully, he has met too few people during this period.

"It's time to make more friends!"Lin Bin thought to himself.

In this case, let's start with Qiao Mengyao.

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