Lin Bin originally wanted to take the initiative, but after thinking about it, he realized that for a hardworking and motivated woman like Qiao Mengyao, being too proactive would be counterproductive.

"How about this, since we are classmates, if Qiao Mengyao is really in trouble, you can ask her to come to me."

Guan Peng blinked and said with a sly smile,"Don't worry, she will come to you soon."

Lin Bin was stunned,"What do you mean?"

"Hehe, before you came, I also called the beautiful Qiao, and I guess she will be here soon."Guan Peng looked like he had succeeded in his evil plan. He kept the money within his family! Guan Peng was always thinking about his buddies.

Moreover, he also knew that only Lin Bin could match a beauty like Qiao Mengyao.

Who made this guy so lucky? He is so rich now.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?"

As he was talking, Lin Bin glanced at the roadside and saw a slender figure getting out of the car.

The person was none other than Qiao Mengyao, whom they had just discussed.

"Lin Bin, I didn't expect you to be here too?"

Qiao Mengyao's smile was as bright and charming as before, but she looked a little haggard.

When Guan Peng asked her out, he didn't say that Lin Bin was also here. When she got off the car just now, she was a little surprised to see Lin Bin.

"Come on, come on, beautiful Qiao, please sit down." Guan Peng quickly pulled out a chair and greeted her warmly.

Lin Bin joked,"Dapeng, you didn't tell me you were coming, otherwise, I would have to dress up, otherwise how can I be worthy of having dinner with a beautiful lady like you?"

"Forget it, you are already handsome enough."Qiao Mengyao giggled, her tone sounded very relaxed, but she didn't seem to be troubled at all.

"Okay, a handsome man and a beautiful woman will be together forever, so stop flattering each other."

Guan Peng said in a funny tone, with a sour look, which made Qiao Mengyao's pretty face a little hot.

Lin Bin glared at the guy and said,"You can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth."

Guan Peng was not angry. He stretched out his hand to call the waiter and ordered a lot of skewers.

The three of them sat down, eating and chatting, as if they were back in their school days.

While eating, Lin Bin suddenly said,"By the way, I heard from Dapeng that you have encountered some troubles recently. If there is anything I can help you with, just let me know."

When mentioning this, Qiao Mengyao did not hide it and said with a smile,"Since Boss Lin has spoken, I just want to ask you for help with something."

Lin Bin was a little stunned. He thought Qiao Mengyao would refuse, but he didn't expect the other party to be so direct.

However, he was not just being polite just now. If he could really help, he would naturally not be stingy.

"Whatever it is, just tell me."

Qiao Mengyao said,"I want to borrow some money from you, Boss Lin, but let me make it clear first, I don't know when I can pay it back."

Lin Bin asked,"How much?"

"Five hundred thousand"

"No problem, just give me a card number and I'll transfer it to you right away."Lin Bin agreed without hesitation.

Five hundred thousand is just a drop in the bucket for him.

However, he originally thought that Qiao Mengyao would ask him to help with the performance, but he didn't expect that she would ask him to borrow money.

As soon as Lin Bin agreed, Guan Peng was shocked,"No way, Miss Qiao, are you really going to pay out of your own pocket to help those guys lose money?"

Lin Bin was stunned, but he soon remembered what Guan Peng had just said, that some classmates in the class wanted Qiao Mengyao to compensate for the losses, and he understood the purpose of the other party's borrowing money.

But, isn't this bullshit?

We are all adults, and we bought the funds ourselves. Now that we lose money, others are paying for it. When we made money, we didn't see them split the money in half.

Qiao Mengyao showed a wry smile on her face,"This is also my fault, and we are all classmates. It's not easy to make a little money."

Guan Peng suddenly became excited and said indignantly:"How can this be blamed on you, it's not you who want everyone to lose money. The stock market has been like this recently, anyone who comes will lose money, why should those people ask you to pay?"

Lin Bin suddenly remembered that his successful acquisition of Tianma Entertainment was said to be because Boss Guo was stuck in the stock market. Bosses worth billions have ended up so miserably, it seems that the stock market is really not doing well recently.

However, the truth is just as Guan Peng said, it is really not Qiao Mengyao's turn to take the blame.

Qiao Mengyao chuckled and shook her head,"Forget it, my salary is high anyway, but I'm afraid the stock market this year is not optimistic, and I won't be able to pay back the borrowed money for a while."

Although she is considered a white-collar worker and her annual income is not low, she works in the financial industry, and her income is linked to performance. If the stock market is sluggish, her income will definitely drop significantly

"What classmates? They just want to bully you, so they are bullying you." Guan Peng said indignantly.

Kind people are bullied? For a beauty like Qiao Mengyao, even if she is bullied, she can only bully herself!

Qiao Mengyao's family conditions are not good, otherwise she would not have saved money to go to a junior college.

But she relied on her own efforts and successfully passed the postgraduate entrance examination, and she has achieved what she has now.

It is precisely this kind of beautiful and kind-hearted, hardworking and motivated attitude that is easier to impress people.

Lin Bin did not persuade much. Seeing Qiao Mengyao sent the bank account number, he directly transferred one million to her.

"Lin Bin, why are you transferring so much money to me?"Qiao Mengyao also received the transfer information. After seeing the amount clearly, her eyes widened.

"It's okay, since you have to compensate, then compensate thoroughly. From now on, you can see some people's true colors clearly and try to stay away from certain people."Lin Bin smiled and shook his head.

There were about thirty people attending the party that day, and it was estimated that only a few people shouted for Qiao Mengyao to pay.

But since she had to compensate, she would definitely compensate everyone. Although everyone didn't buy much, with so many people, it would cost a lot of money.

Qiao Mengyao could only smile bitterly,"It seems that you are really a rich man."

"I am not a local tyrant." Lin Bin made a serious joke,"I am called a super tyrant."

"Good! Great God, if I can't make it in the future, I will come to you."

"You are always welcome."

Seeing that the two of them were chatting easily, Guan Peng was a little angry, but he couldn't say anything.

The money issue was resolved, and Qiao Mengyao no longer had any worries. She suggested drinking, and Lin Bin naturally accompanied her.

The three of them ordered two boxes of beer and drank until they were drunk.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Mengyao's alcohol tolerance was also very good, and Lin Bin had to lose in the end.

After eating and drinking, it was past nine o'clock before everyone was ready to end the party.

"Hey, what are you doing? Didn't we agree that I would treat you?"

Guan Peng was about to pay the bill, but he found that Qiao Mengyao had already paid at some point, and he was immediately unhappy.

Qiao Mengyao smiled and explained,"I came here to ask Boss Lin for help today, so it's my turn to treat you."

"How can you let a woman pay?" Guan Peng was still a little indignant.

Qiao Mengyao rolled her eyes at him,"What's wrong? You look down on women. Look at Lin Bin, he didn't make any money with me."

""Okay, it's just a meal, it doesn't matter who pays, I'll pay you next time."

Although Lin Bin was the richest, he didn't rush to pay the bill in this situation, after all, a meal was only a few hundred yuan. If they have difficulties in the future, just help them casually.

Moreover, you can also get some money by the way.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 168 yuan consumption rebate from Qiao Mengyao, a sincerity index of 80.64, and a reverse critical hit of 8064 times!"

"The amount received is RMB 1,354,752. Please check it carefully."

80% sincerity index is really not low.

It seems that I have to raise another koi in my fish pond.

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