We still had to go to work tomorrow, so we didn't drink too late.

After the show, Guan Peng left first on his second-hand electric bike. Lin Bin wanted to see Qiao Mengyao off, but she refused.

In the end, Qiao Mengyao took a taxi and he called a designated driver.

When we got back to Bishuiwan, it was already ten o'clock.

""Uncle, I'm back!"

Lin Bin heard a familiar name as soon as he entered the door.

Each of the women he knew had a different name, but Bai Lele kept calling him"Uncle".

"Hey, the little white rabbit finally knows how to go home. Come and let me see if it has become cute again."

Lin Bin looked at the little white rabbit that was jumping and running towards him, and stretched out his hands and hugged it tightly.

"Ah! Sister Xinyi is still watching."Bai Lele blushed immediately.

Fortunately, Lin Bin did not do anything else, just rubbed the big white rabbit and let go.

Bai Lele seemed to have something that could make people happy. When he saw her, Lin Bin felt that his mood was inexplicably much better.

Even the last trace of Cheng Keer's departure disappeared in the sweet smile of the little white rabbit.

"Xiaobai, was it fun to go to Hangzhou this time?"

""Uncle, Hangzhou is really fun. My friends and I watched the game and played for two days. Next time we have a chance, you and Xinyi should go there too." Bai Lele chattered and talked about her journey.

Lin Bin nodded in agreement,"Okay! Then the three of us will go together next time, and you can be our tour guide."

Bai Lele naturally agreed,"By the way, uncle, I also brought you a gift, see if you like it."

She said and ran away, and turned back a few moments later with a small bag in her hand.

Lin Bin took it and saw that it was actually two boxes of tea.

"Uncle, this is the best West Lake Longjing tea, and it is also the most famous specialty of Hangzhou. Bai Lele looked at Lin Bin expectantly, wanting to see a satisfied smile on his face.

"Oh, this must cost a lot of money, right?"Although Lin Bin didn't have any special interest in drinking tea, he liked Bai Lele's gift very much.

"Hehe, it's not much money, as long as you like it."Bai Lele was very happy to see Lin Bin satisfied.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 3,600 yuan consumption rebate from Bai Lele, a sincerity index of 88.88, and a reverse critical hit of 8888 times!"

"The amount received is 31996800 yuan, please check it!"

Bai Lele's sincerity index is about to break through 90, it seems that the day of eating White Rabbit milk candy is not far away.

Lin Bin is quite satisfied,"By the way, what gift did you buy for your sister Xinyi?"

Zhuo Xinyi on the side took the initiative to say:"Lele bought me a piece of silk, it's very beautiful."

This girl is quite good at giving gifts. Lin Bin reached out and touched the bun, and said with a double entendre,"Come on, for the sake of the gift, I will sacrifice myself to accompany the beauty tonight and play a few games with you."

Bai Lele didn't care about"a few" games, and said excitedly:"Uncle, I watched the professional league recently, but learned a lot of skills, and now I am definitely better than you"

"Oh, then I want to see how good our professional player Bai Lele is."

After three games, Lin Bin was completely speechless.

As for Bai Lele's skills, she is still far from the king, let alone a professional player.

It seems that if she wants to enter the professional arena, she still has a long way to go, and she can only rely on her money. Seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock, the three put away their phones and prepared to rest.

Before Lin Bin could speak, Bai Lele wittily ran to Zhuo Xinyi's room.

The two best friends were ready to talk all night, and Lin Bin could only stay alone in the empty room.

The next day, she slept until she woke up naturally in the morning.

Without sunrise, there would naturally be no three poles.

When Lin Bin got up, Zhuo Xinyi had already gone to the company, working hard to become a big anchor, and only Bai Lele was still at home.

"Uncle, hurry up and have breakfast."

Breakfast was still steamed buns and millet porridge. They were bought too early and were a little cold, so Bai Lele heated them up again.

While eating, Lin Bin asked,"Xiaobai, are you going to watch the game recently?"

Bai Lele nodded and said,"Of course, I plan to go to the scene to watch the game of each team, which can also be regarded as understanding the opponent in advance."

The girl didn't care so much about money, but she was obsessed with forming a team to play professional games.

Just like Zhuo Xinyi wanted to be a big anchor, both of them had this clear goal

"Okay, you continue watching, and when this season is over, we will form the Little White Rabbit Team!"

"Uncle, do you want to go to the game with me?"

""Let's wait for two days. I've been hanging around for so long. I

'll take care of the company's affairs first." After finishing his meal, Lin Bin thought that it was time to go to the company. He called Zhou Manqing first, and then drove directly to Longhai Building.

Longhai Building, 33rd floor, Shuangmu Network Technology Co., Ltd.

As soon as he entered the door, a girl in a professional suit with a work ID on her chest came over,"Hello, are you Mr. Lin?""

Yes, I'm sorry!

The girl was ordinary, Lin Bin just glanced at her,"Yes, I'm Lin Bin"

"My name is Chen Ying, and I am Mr. Zhou's assistant. Mr. Lin, Mr. Zhou is already waiting for you in the office."

Chen Ying has been waiting at the door for more than 20 minutes. She didn't know Lin Bin, let alone that Lin Bin was the real boss of the company.

As she spoke, she looked at the handsome young man in front of her curiously.

As Zhou Manqing's assistant, she knew the operation of the company very well.

Right now, the company is in its early stages. Zhou Manqing is very busy and has to receive many people every day, but these people are basically top talents from all walks of life.

But this handsome guy in front of her, so young, doesn't look like an industry elite.

Apart from being handsome, Chen Ying can't see any other advantages in him.

But why did Mr. Zhou let her wait for him here all the time?

""Okay, thank you." Lin Bin smiled and nodded, then followed the other person, looking around. There were obviously more people in the company than the last time he came, and even the office space seemed a bit crowded.

The two walked through the office area and headed towards Zhou Manqing's office. This scene was seen by many people in the company.

Although everyone didn't know Lin Bin, they were not unfamiliar with Chen Ying.

Although she was just an assistant, Zhou Manqing was in charge of all the company's affairs, and Chen Ying could be considered a middle-level manager.

"Look, there’s a handsome guy!"

"Tsk! What's the point of being handsome? Didn't you see that he was with Assistant Chen?"

"Who do you think this handsome guy is? Could he be Mr. Zhou's relative, and come here through the back door?"

"Let me see, he is probably Mr. Zhou's kept gigolo."

"That's impossible. If he really is a gigolo, why would he come to the company?"

"Needless to say, the company is developing so fast now, Mr. Zhou is afraid that he will be too busy to handle it, so he is going to arrange him to be the leader."

The news spread faster and faster, and it became more and more outrageous.

Soon, everyone in the company knew an astonishing news: Zhou Manqing kept a pretty boy, who was very handsome, and was going to arrange him to be the leader in the company.

Lin Bin didn't know anything about this news, otherwise I don't know what his expression would be.

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