Bang bang bang!

"Come in!"

After hearing Zhou Manqing's voice coming from the office, Chen Ying and Lin Bin pushed the door open and walked in.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Lin is here."

Zhou Manqing, who was signing a document with her head down, suddenly looked up and said,"Okay, you can go down first."

"OK."Chen Ying secretly glanced at Lin Bin again, then turned and left.

After seeing the office door closed, Zhou Manqing got up from her seat and complained,"My President Lin, you are finally here.

Look, except for me, no one in the company knows you, the big boss."

The same white business suit, worn by Zhou Manqing, looks very charming.

The 30-year-old mature woman had a resentful voice, just like her man was incompetent and didn't have enough to eat every day.

Maybe she herself didn't realize how seductive her voice was.

Lin Bin coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, then sat down on the chair opposite the desk, crossed his legs, and forcibly suppressed his disobedient brother.

"Manqing, I was attracted by your ability at the beginning. Now I am relieved to hand over the company to you."

Zhou Manqing rolled her eyes. She was tired of Lin Bin's flattery."Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Lin. How about I let someone else do the job as the vice president?""

It's not okay to work for others. If I have to do something, I should do it myself!

Lin Bin looked at his heroic aunt and shook his legs."Okay, I'll give you a bonus this month. Let me tell you about the current situation of the company first."

Speaking of work, Zhou Manqing seemed to have become a different person. Her voice was sonorous and powerful."Our TT live broadcast software has been developed for the most part, and it will enter the testing phase in another month.

Next, we will start marketing work.

So the top priority right now is to sign various types of anchors as soon as possible."

Lin Bin nodded to show his understanding.

As the saying goes, food and grass must be prepared before troops move. We can't wait for the software to be successfully developed without a single anchor in our hands.

"This is a simple matter. Just follow what we said before and go to the major live broadcast platforms to recruit people. As long as they are somewhat famous, recruit them all."

Zhou Manqing said unhappily,"What you said is simple. The more famous the anchor is, the more difficult it is to recruit them.

In addition to offering them extremely high salaries, we also have to pay a sky-high penalty for breach of contract. The cost is too high."

Lin Bin certainly understood this principle, but the live broadcast industry is already saturated. If he wants to get a piece of the pie, he can only spend money.

"Money is not a problem, just go for it."

Zhou Manqing opened her mouth and hesitated,"Boss Lin, to be honest, with the company's development to this point, I'm not sure if we can make money......."

Make money? I have never thought about making money, Lin Bin said to himself.

At the beginning, he decided to start a company just to increase the income of Xiao Baitu and Biao Biao, and even to get in touch with more opposite sex.

Later, when he met Zhou Manqing, he was just greedy for her body, and decided to set up such an Internet company in order to win people's hearts.

But now, the company is getting bigger and bigger, and things seem to be getting more and more troublesome.

In addition, he set up several companies at once, and spent a lot of money. Except for the modu bar, there is no hope of profit from the others.

Lin Bin began to calculate in his mind, is it worth it?

"Maybe, people should also have some dreams."

For example, Bai Lele wants to play in the professional league, Zhuo Xinyi only wants to become a big anchor, and Zhou Manqing wants to personally witness the birth of a huge business empire.

But what about himself?

Lin Bin asked himself, and finally there was only one answer: I just want to live comfortably, and it would be better to meet more women.

Just like Zhou Manqing in front of him, a standard career woman, if she is penniless and only relies on her handsomeness, I am afraid that the other party will not pay attention to her at all. If you want to conquer your aunt, you must satisfy her ambitions.

That's why you have to open one company after another.

Anyway, you are not short of money, so just play big!

Live a life without regrets.

After thinking it through, Lin Bin's eyes became deep, and he turned into a wise man,"Manqing, if you want to do business, don't consider the issue of profit first. As long as you make the company bigger and stronger, you will naturally have unexpected gains at that time."

Hearing this, Zhou Manqing was quite surprised, as if she had just met Lin Bin for the first time.

His mind is no smaller than hers!

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Zhou Manqing nodded.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, you have set up a live broadcast company before, so you can transfer the signed anchors to our platform, which can save a lot of money."

After Xinyi Media was done, she handed it over to Lin Bin and never asked about it again. Zhou Manqing didn't know what was going on now.

Lin Bin's heart skipped a beat. If my aunt knew about it, I'm afraid she would be jealous.

"Well, my company is full of game anchors, so you don't have to worry about this, I will take care of it."

Zhou Manqing finally smiled,"That's what you said, then I will leave all the game live broadcast business on our platform to you."

An all-round live broadcast platform is not just about game live broadcasts, but also about funny anchors, food live broadcasts, outdoor live broadcasts, entertainment live broadcasts, etc.

Of course, depending on the focus of the platform, the key support targets are also different.

For example, Douyu and Huya, game live broadcasts account for more than half of their performance.

TT Live, created by Shuangmu Network Company, is prepared to involve all aspects, and game live broadcasts are the top priority.

In order to avoid Zhou Manqing and Biaobiao meeting in advance, Lin Bin could only agree,"Don't worry, I will stay in Jiangcheng during this time to ensure that enough game anchors are signed."

There are no technical problems with software development. The company's biggest challenge at present is to sign major anchors. Since Lin Bin has agreed to the important part of game live broadcasts, Zhou Manqing also breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, there is also the matter of the 4S store. The approval from BMW headquarters has been obtained, and the site has been selected. If you are sure you want to open a 4S store, you can start construction immediately."

From the beginning, Zhou Manqing was not optimistic about investing in a 4S store, but she still did her best to do what her boss asked.

4S store? Thinking of the departure of Cheng Ke'er, Lin Bin fell silent.

Although the beauty has left, the promised things must be done as usual. What if they can meet again one day?

Thinking of this, Lin Bin nodded and said,"Then let's open it."

"OK!" Zhou Manqing nodded. Whether to make money or not was up to the boss. She was just making a suggestion.

"There is also the matter of the investment company. I have also contacted several suitable candidates. Do you want to meet them?"

It has been almost half a month since I left my hometown last time. Although Wang Tao did not urge me, there has been no news. I guess she must be getting impatient.

Lin Bin said directly,"Then make an appointment. Let's go meet them together in the afternoon."

"OK! I'll contact him right away." Zhou Manqing nodded and agreed,"In addition, the number of employees in the company is increasing, and our office is a bit crowded. We will rent a new office space soon."

Although she is only the vice president, she has many duties. It's not easy to meet Lin Bin, so naturally she has to report all the work at once.

"Then just rent it. You can contact the property management of the building and rent another floor directly." Lin Bin said indifferently,"Or, you can ask the property management whether Longhai Building is for sale, and we can just buy the whole building."

"What? Buy the whole building?"

Zhou Manqing's eyes widened, she took a deep breath, and almost popped the buttons on her chest.

"Mr. Lin, do you know how much it costs to buy the entire Longhai Building?

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