After logging into his account, Lin Bin did not rush to do anything else. He first verified his real name and opened the live broadcast room.

Yes, he was not only going to watch the live broadcast tonight, but also to broadcast it himself.

This time, he was going to be a serious anchor.

Zhuo Xinyi had a set of live broadcast equipment in her room. She was working overtime at the company at night. Lin Bin turned on the equipment directly, but did not show his face.

Soon, an anchor named"Young Abin" officially went online.

"Damn, there are only a dozen people."

Lin Bin was speechless as he watched a few tourists occasionally passing by the live broadcast room.

In the past, when he saw that Zhuo Xinyi only had tens of thousands of fans, he thought that others were small anchors. Now that he has experienced it himself, he knows what it means to be a small anchor with no reputation.

"What does this anchor do? How come he can't even see people?"

At this moment, a message floated across the barrage, which was the first comment in Lin Bin's live broadcast career.

"Don't worry, my friends. I'll show you something good tonight."

Lin Bin hurriedly spoke, trying to keep two or three kittens in the live broadcast room.

But these tourists who didn't know how to get in heard the voice of a big man who picked his feet, and even saw the shadow of a person, so they ran away.


A bunch of guys with no vision.

Lin Bin was not in a hurry. He clicked on his follow list. There was only one anchor named"Whose Sister-in-law", which was the account of Biao Biao.

He clicked on it casually and saw that Biao Biao was playing in this King of Glory game.

Not long after the game started, Zhuo Xinyi, who was playing the bird jungle, had just taken a head.

"Family, is this wave handsome? Friends who like to play King of Glory, remember to follow me. The anchor is online every day and will have the opportunity to play with everyone."

Zhuo Xinyi has a sweet voice, and she is beautiful, with long straight black hair, which is very eye-catching.

Her gaming skills are already good, and the company has spent a lot of money to buy a lot of traffic during this period. Now the number of fans has exceeded 300,000, which is quite effective.

The only drawback is that the bitch's eloquence is average, and Lin Bin has experienced this personally.

These days, the top popular anchors all have special skills.

Especially those female anchors, who are not only beautiful and sweet, but also have to be old drivers with a driver's license.

Otherwise, if you don't touch the edge, where will the traffic come from?

In Zhuo Xinyi's live broadcast room, the barrage kept brushing, and there were many gifts floating up, but most of them were small hearts worth 0.1 yuan and flowers worth 1 yuan. The most expensive one was just a confession balloon, worth 52.1 yuan, and maybe it was paid for by the company.

Lin Bin only watched for a while and started to act

"User young Abin gave host So-and-So’s sister-in-law a Royal Salute X10!"

"User young Abin gave host So-and-So’s sister-in-law a Royal Salute X10!"

"User young Abin gave host So-and-So’s sister-in-law a Royal Salute X10!"......

In an instant, the live broadcast room was filled with fireworks.

""Shit! Where did this rich guy come from!"

The office of Xinyi Media was still brightly lit.

Zhou Tao was stunned when he saw the sudden Royal Salute.

His daily job was to check the data in Zhuo Xinyi's live broadcast room during the prime time in the evening, and occasionally send a few gifts to liven up the atmosphere of the barrage.

To put it bluntly, it was the water army arranged by the company.

Zhou Tao was also one of the first employees to join Xinyi Media and witnessed the rise of Zhuo Xinyi with his own eyes.

It took less than a month for the number of fans to rise from tens of thousands to more than 300,000.

At first, when he saw someone sending the Royal Salute, he thought it was a loyal fan of Zhuo Xinyi, but the salute that filled the screen could not be stopped at the beginning, and Zhou Tao realized the seriousness of the problem.

Although it was already time to get off work, the emergency was too urgent, and Zhou Tao did not dare to delay. He quickly took out his mobile phone and called his supervisor

"Manager Yao, a rich man suddenly came to Zhuo Xinyi's live broadcast room and spent dozens of...No, now there are hundreds of Royal Salutes......"

While Zhou Tao was reporting, Lin Bin had already bought dozens of Royal Salutes.

One Royal Salute was only 6,666 yuan, and ten of them were only 66,000 yuan. Lin Bin did not stop at all and bought 100 in one go.

At first, the more than 300,000 fans in the live broadcast room did not care, but when they saw the sky full of salutes without stopping, they were immediately excited.

"Oh my god, where did this rich man come from?"

"Damn, the Royal Salute is fired in dozens, it blinds my eyes"

"Brother Bin, I’m Bai Jie’s younger brother, my name is Bai Piao!"

The live broadcast room was instantly boiling, and the entire screen was filled with special effects of cannons exploding.

Zhuo Xinyi needed to concentrate when playing games. She had just rewarded a group battle and successfully won a triple kill, but was then killed by the opponent’s concentrated fire. Only then did she have time to take a look at the live broadcast room barrage

"Family, what do you think about this wave? If you want to play the bird well, you must be cautious in the early stage. When the equipment is ready, we will seize the opportunity....Machine......."

Zhuo Xinyi was talking about teaching, and the next moment, she was talking nonsense.

Looking at the full screen of royal salutes, her cherry mouth opened wide, shocked.

What's going on?

Why are there so many gifts?

Usually, when she sees fans giving gifts, Zhuo Xinyi will express her gratitude immediately, but now, the salutes are all over the screen, making her unable to recover for a while.


Zhuo Xinyi was so excited that she took a long time to react. She immediately looked at the names of the fans who gave gifts through the gorgeous special effects.

However, when she saw an ID name with an attribute, she was stunned.

Brother Bin!

These were all given by Brother Bin!

Zhuo Xinyi felt relieved when she thought of Lin Bin.

No wonder he gave so many gifts at once, isn't this normal?

However, Zhuo Xinyi soon became confused again: Why did Brother Bin give so many gifts for no reason? Could it be that he wanted to be a host again?

Even if he didn't give gifts, she, the host, would be willing to let him do it.

In the game, the bird has been resurrected in the fountain. Zhuo Xinyi couldn't take care of the operation for the time being, so she hung up in the fountain and quickly sent a message to Lin Bin.

"Brother Bin, why are you giving so many gifts?"

Lin Bin was busy giving gifts when his phone dinged.

After seeing the message from Bitch, Lin Bin directly replied to her: Just play your game, I also opened a live streamer account, and I am giving gifts for fun.

Give gifts for fun!!!

Zhuo Xinyi looked at Lin Bin's reply and was speechless.

"By the way, Brother Bin has also opened a live broadcast account, I will also send some gifts to him later."

The game is not over yet, Zhuo Xinyi suppressed her thoughts and continued to kill all the enemies.

On the other side, Lin Bin sent more than a hundred Royal Salutes at once, which also caused quite a stir.

Many tourists found his live broadcast room one by one after seeing the message prompts on the platform.

In just a few minutes, the live broadcast room, which had only a few people before, immediately became lively.

One hundred, five hundred, one thousand!

Looking at the rapidly soaring popularity, Lin Bin said to the live broadcast room:"Today our main focus is fun.

This anchor named Sister-in-law has good skills, I won't stop playing this game!"

"Come on, my friends, type 666 on the screen!"

Brother Bing, 666!

Brother Bing 999 (six up)!"

The screen was instantly filled with the words!

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