In just a few minutes, Lin Bin had played more than 200 Royal Salutes.

The special effects of the salutes exploded one after another, just like he said, he would not stop playing until the game stopped.

Such crazy behavior was also very effective.

Zhuo Xinyi's live broadcast room originally had only more than 300,000 viewers, but now it has doubled to nearly 700,000!

If this is not an exaggeration, then the live broadcast of the young Abin is even more outrageous.




From the initial dozen visitors, in just a few minutes, now it has exceeded 500,000

"Is this anchor crazy? He has already cast more than 280 Royal Salutes and is still doing it?"

"I just said that this game won't stop, just wait and see"

"Hey, is there anyone who is ranking with the anchor, please let go and wait a little longer, I will see how many gifts I can get."

Zhuo Xinyi has learned from Zhou Tao that Lin Bin wants to play the entire game, and she began to get nervous.

Up to now, the game has only been going on for ten minutes. Even if everything goes smoothly, it will probably take another seven or eight minutes. If it continues like this, I don't know how many gifts I will get.

""Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Zhuo Xinyi was very anxious and focused more and more, just wanting to win the game as soon as possible.

But the more anxious she was, the more mistakes she made, and she fell into a vicious circle.

On the other hand, Lin Bin was not in a hurry, and he was leisurely brushing gifts.

Ten royal salutes at a time, each salute has a special effect of about three seconds, and twenty can be brushed in one minute. With more gifts brushed, Lin Bin also got the time for the special effect to disappear, and the operation became easier.

The game finally ended at the 21st minute.

""I only played 380 salutes, it's not satisfying!"

Lin Bin looked at his results and was not very satisfied.

One Royal Salute was only 6666 yuan, and after playing for so long, he spent more than 2.5 million yuan in total.

This amount of money was just a drop in the bucket for him.

After the game, Zhuo Xinyi felt relieved, temporarily closed the live broadcast, and quickly took out her mobile phone to call Lin Bin.

""Brother Bin, what's wrong with you? Why do you give so many gifts?"

Lin Bin had guessed that Bian Bian would call, and turned off the microphone,"It's okay, I just gave it for fun. The effect is not bad, I see that you have gained hundreds of thousands of fans.""

Just for fun?

Even if you gain hundreds of thousands of fans, it's not cost-effective!

Zhuo Xinyi was speechless for a moment, and it took her a long time to come back to her senses,"Brother Bin, you gave more than two million. With so much money, I'm afraid my small company will lose it all."

Although this is a bit exaggerated, spending more than two million in one night, if it continues at this rate, Zhuo Xinyi's live broadcast company really won't be able to last for a few days.

"I just swiped it for fun, and I didn't ask you to pay for it." Lin Bin said casually,"Okay, I won't say any more, I still have to continue the live broadcast."

It's impossible to lose money.

And you can't just give gifts for fun.

When he was reporting to the company this morning, Zhou Manqing's words gave him a lot of inspiration.

The famous anchors on major platforms not only have high annual incomes, but also have to pay high liquidated damages if they want to poach them.

For example, Zhang Banxian, the most famous game anchor of Douya, I'm afraid the liquidated damages are tens of millions.

If you really want to spend so much money, why not create a few famous anchors yourself?

The series of crazy gift giving just now also confirmed Lin Bin's idea.

Although more than 2 million was spent, it also brought hundreds of thousands of fans to Zhuo Xinyi's live broadcast room.

Although some of these fans will definitely disappear, if you keep giving gifts for a while, it is estimated that more and more fans will be attracted.

Coupled with the operation of the live broadcast company, maybe you can really pile up millions of fans.

Of course, this kind of operation is also very expensive. If it were someone else, it would definitely not be worth the loss.

But Lin Bin is different. He has a system.

Just thinking about it, Lin Bin's live broadcast room also floated with the special effects of the royal salute exploding

"User"Whose sister-in-law is giving the anchor boy Abin Royal Salute X10!"

After Zhuo Xinyi hung up the phone, she didn't rush to start a new game, but went directly to see Lin Bin's live broadcast room.

There was only one empty chair in the live broadcast room, and she didn't know whether it was a live broadcast or not, but the popularity had exceeded 600,000, and was about to surpass her.

Zhuo Xinyi knew at a glance that it was her room. Although she didn't know what Brother Bin was going to do, she didn't think much about it and directly swiped ten Royal Salutes.

"Holy crap! My sister-in-law is a rich woman. She bought ten Royal Salutes in a row!"

"The one upstairs is a staff maker! The rich man just gave her more than 300, so what does it matter if she gives her 10 now?"

"Who is this Abin? Is there any flesh-and-blood relationship between him and his sister-in-law? Why are they brushing each other?"

"Abin doesn't know. Come on, let me introduce you to a novel......."

"Send me a copy upstairs, good people are safe!"

Zhuo Xinyi's operation immediately attracted a lot of visitors.

Not only did her live broadcast room increase tens of thousands of viewers, but Lin Bin's live broadcast room also attracted a lot of people to watch the fun.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a consumption rebate of 33,330 yuan from Zhuo Xinyi, a sincerity index of 86.25, and a reverse critical hit of 8,625 times!"

"The amount received is 287,471,250 yuan, please check it!"

Ten Royal Salutes cost 66,660 yuan, but the platform's reward gifts are split 50-50, so the system determines that Zhuo Xinyi's consumption amount is only 33,330 yuan.

But even so, it still hit 280 million!

Lin Bin was speechless when he heard the prompt in his mind.

This money can't be spent!

It can't be spent at all!

Before, I was thinking that the money to buy Longhai Building was not enough, now I don't have to find Xiao Baitu to buy myself gifts.

As long as I live broadcast for a few more days, Zhuo Xinyi will give some gifts casually, and I will have the money to buy the building.

Since he is not short of money, Lin Bin is full of energy, and immediately said to the hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room:"My friends, the female anchor just now is not bad, and her skills are in place. Let's go for another game!"

Listen to what he said. Others give gifts in certain numbers, but he gives gifts according to the whole game.

Zhuo Xinyi also heard what Brother Bin said, but when she thought of his generosity, she was not worried at all.

After all, for two slaps, a car worth more than two million yuan was smashed at will, so what was a few gifts?

She also saw the sudden increase in the number of fans just now. Taking this opportunity, Zhuo Xinyi hurriedly started a new game.

The salutes exploded one after another, and you can see three seconds of splendor by spending a few thousand yuan.

Lin Bin swiped again and swiped more than 300 salutes.

After spending more than 5 million yuan in a row, his name was directly ranked first on the list, which was so eye-catching.

Everything that happened in Zhuo Xinyi's live broadcast room seemed to have set off a tornado, which quickly swept across the entire Douya platform.

Countless tourists, even big and small anchors came after hearing the news.

Especially those good-looking female anchors, after seeing Lin Bin's generous side, they all shouted wildly in their hearts.

"Brother Bing, fire at me!!!"

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