"Master Wang, this is a great move!"

The younger brother next to him gave a thumbs up, looking like a flatterer.

"That old man surnamed Cheng wants you to invest, so he will definitely send his daughter over obediently. By then, Young Master Wang, you will take advantage of it and never admit your debt, and you won’t have to spend a penny."

Wang Tianhao looked very proud, but when he heard his younger brother mention the word money, he felt inexplicably irritated,"By the way, is that guy named Shao Nian Abin still giving out gifts recently?"

Ever since he borrowed money and gave out another three million that night, and was crushed by someone again the next day, he took the initiative to admit defeat. After all, even if he has money, it doesn't come from the wind.

Wang Tianhao doesn't have the courage or the capital to spend tens of millions on a female anchor.

These days, he simply doesn't watch live broadcasts to avoid embarrassment.

The younger brother's face froze, and seeing that the boss had a bad expression, he hesitated for a moment, but said honestly:"That guy is probably crazy, he has been giving out gifts recently, and has given out more than 200 million.""More than 200 million?

Wang Tianhao widened his eyes, with an unbelievable look on his face,"Are you kidding?"

Even if it's the entire Douya, the annual net profit is only a few hundred million. This guy spent 200 million in gifts in just a few days. Is this a joke?"

"Ahem, Master Wang, this is true. That guy now has more than 10 million fans. No one in the entire Douya can compare to him."

"Damn! What’s so great about having a couple of stinky bucks!"

Wang Tianhao couldn’t help but swear, but he forgot how he used his wealth to hook up with the beautiful anchors on the platform.

The younger brother next to him rolled his eyes and suddenly thought of an idea,"Mr. Wang, I have an idea, maybe we can take advantage of the opportunity to make some money and cheat that guy at the same time."

Wang Tianhao was stunned,"Oh? Siyan, what’s your idea? Tell me."

The younger brother didn’t rush to speak, but glanced at the hostesses in the box.

Wang Tianhao immediately understood and waved his hand,"You guys go down first, don’t come in without my order."

"Okay, Master Wang."

Several hostesses quickly stood up and walked out of the box.

When there were no outsiders in the box, the younger brother named Four Eyes spoke up,"Master Wang, although that guy named Shao Nian Abin is very rich, Dou Ya is owned by your family, Master Wang, so I have the advantage!"

Wang Tianhao frowned,"Even if Dou Ya is mine, I can't ban his account."

Four Eyes waved his hands quickly,"No, no, no, not only will we not ban his account, we will also let him play more."

"What do you mean? You think I was slapped too lightly, right?"

Wang Tianhao snorted coldly, and was about to explode. Siyan hurriedly continued to explain.

"Young Master Wang, please listen to me first. That guy is just giving gifts from Douya. Our platform can take half of the revenue. The more he gives, the more we make."

Wang Tianhao felt insulted and got angry,"Do you think I care about that little money? I want face!"

What he said was pure nonsense. In just a few days, Lin Bin had given more than 200 million yuan. The Douya platform could make a profit of at least 100 million yuan, which was enough to cover his expenses for several years.

Siyan quickly agreed,"Young Master Wang is right, but if he gives money, we can do the same.""

"Nonsense, if I had so much money, I would have done it long ago. You know, my father is very strict, and my monthly pocket money is not enough."Wang Tianhao said impatiently.

Seeing this, Siyan didn't dare to keep him in suspense and revealed the answer directly,"Mr. Wang, haven't you noticed that the popularity of our platform has increased a lot in the past few days, and the stock has also risen by several points.

If we give gifts to that Abin and hype it up, we will definitely attract more popularity. Won't the stock price go up by then?

And if we give gifts, we only need to pay half the cost.

As long as you take this condition to discuss with Mr. Wang, he will definitely support you with all his strength."

Wang Tianhao was stunned, and then he understood what his younger brother really meant.

After listening to him, it seems that this matter is really worth doing.

Slapping Siyan on the body, Wang Tianhao laughed,"Yes, you are right, this thing will definitely work, I will go to the company tomorrow!"

It's impossible for him to fight against Abin with just his pocket money, but if he gets his father's support, then there will be no problem at all.

This time, maybe he can make a good comeback. Not only can he make money, but he can also gain popularity and cheat that guy.

More importantly, after this is done, maybe he can even gain face in front of his father and ask for more pocket money.......

Another three days passed.

Jiangcheng, Bishuiwan.

Lin Bin woke up in the morning and went downstairs. Bai Jie had already prepared breakfast, millet porridge with pancakes, all made by her.

"Bingo, it's time to eat."


Since Bai Jie came home, Lin Bin felt much more comfortable.

At least in terms of taking care of people, she did a better job than Xiao Baitu and Bitch. She cooked different dishes every day, and they all suited his taste. He didn't have to clean the room or wash clothes, and the house was clean and tidy every day when he came home.

And all he paid was more than 10,000 yuan a month, which was totally worth it.

After breakfast, Lin Bin went to the Zhenyuan Club as usual. He hadn't missed a day recently. As soon as he left the house, Bai Jie went to the bedroom on the third floor and started Bai Jie started to tidy up.

These days, she has become familiar with the work here.

However, the only thing that makes Bai Jie embarrassed is that every time she washes clothes, Lin Bin's underwear is indispensable.

She is a girl in her twenties and still a virgin. She has never experienced sex, let alone washing underwear for others.

Bai Jie folded the bedding neatly, and sure enough, she found the clothes that Lin Bin had changed.

She could only frown, pinch her nose with one hand, and stretch out two fingers with the other hand to pinch the underwear, and then ran to the bathroom.......

Five o'clock in the afternoon, Zhenyuan Fighting Gym.

After another day of intense training, Lin Bin stopped panting,"Okay, let's stop here today."

These days, Cheng Ying only gave him guidance a few times in the beginning, and later she became a sparring partner, practicing against Lin Bin in person.

Cheng Ying saw his progress with her own eyes, and she was more and more shocked.

Before leaving, Cheng Ying suddenly said,"Mr. Lin, starting tomorrow, you don't have to come anymore. Our fighting gym will officially close."

Lin Bin was stunned,"So soon?"

After saying that, he thought about it. The coach named Wang Gang hasn't appeared these days. He probably couldn't stand it anymore and found another job.

Cheng Ying looked a little disappointed, nodded, and said nothing.

"Well, I'll pay you all the money for the past few days."

Lin Bin felt a little regretful, afraid that he would never see this beautiful coach again.

But he didn't say much, just paid the money in one go, and then left.

At 7:30 in the evening, at the Bishuiwan Villa.

After dinner, Lin Bin logged into the Douya account again and started the live broadcast again.

At the same time, in a room in Shencheng, a wretched man with glasses immediately said,"Young Master Wang, the young Abin is online!"

Wang Tianhao was shocked,"Okay! Dare to fight me, I'm going to show him some color today!"

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