As soon as the young Abin came online, the number of people online in the entire live broadcast room began to soar rapidly. In just a few minutes, it exceeded the 10 million mark.

This terrifying appeal was so great that there was not a single person in the entire Douya who could fight.

"Friends, whose room are we going to check first today?"

As usual, Lin Bin did not show his face, but just shouted to the live broadcast room, and the barrage began to scroll wildly.

"Go brush the big dumpling, I want to see the big dumpling dance!"

"No, go brush the puppy first, she said she was doing a handstand today!"

"The anchor went to see the sister-in-law, who has good skills."

During this period, under Lin Bin's special care, Zhuo Xinyi's popularity has soared a lot, and now there are many messages mentioning her name on the barrage.

Lin Bin pushed the boat along and said,"Okay, then let's go and fire at the sister-in-law today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he led a million-strong army and broke into the sister-in-law's live broadcast room in a mighty manner.

"Hey, Brother Bin is here, I'll kowtow to you first."

Zhuo Xinyi noticed Lin Bin's arrival at the first moment, and kowtowed to him in a very cooperative manner.

This has almost become a rule in Douya. Wherever Abin goes, the female anchors have to kneel down and worship him.

"Siyan, is this anchor named Sister-in-law the anchor signed by our company?"

Wang Tianhao hadn't been on the live broadcast account for a while, and he didn't know much about the newcomer Zhuo Xinyi.

Siyan quickly said,"Mr. Wang, this female anchor seems to have signed a contract with an agency, not with our platform."

"You will contact the company and sign this woman as soon as possible."

Wang Tianhao naturally understood that as long as he started giving gifts today, the popularity of this female anchor would definitely soar again, and she was pretty.

This kind of good thing, of course, would not flow to outsiders.

""Okay, Mr. Wang, when do we start?" Siyan saw that Lin Bin had already started firing the Royal Salute and immediately asked,

"Start now!"

Wang Tianhao was full of confidence. This time his father approved him 300 million yuan in funding. According to the platform's rule that half of the funds can be taken, it is equivalent to 600 million yuan.

He didn't believe that this guy named Abin could beat him.

"User young Abin gave host So-and-So’s sister-in-law a Royal Salute X10!".......

"The user called"Little Prince, Long Live the Noble Spirit" and gave the anchor's sister-in-law 10 Royal Salutes!".......

"Huh? What's wrong?"

As Lin Bin was scrolling, he suddenly found that the name on the gift prompt on the bullet screen seemed to have changed.

At first, he thought he was dazzled. He rubbed his eyes and looked carefully. Sure enough, there was a guy with the ID 'Haoqi Changcun Xiaowangye' who was also sending gifts in his sister-in-law's live broadcast room.

Damn! Where did this idiot come from? Is he so rich?

Lin Bin was confused.

He could get the wool through the system, could it be that the other party also has a system?

Although he was a little confused, he did not stop his hands and continued to send gifts.

As a result, the guy called Xiaowangye was not slow at all and kept sending gifts.

"Oh my god, is this guy here to cause trouble?"

Lin Bin was immediately alert.

This time, he was planning to poach people from Douya and sign all these big anchors to his own platform.

And after this period of time, he felt that it was almost time. He was about to close the net, and now suddenly a 2B came out to ruin his good things.

"Oh my god! Isn’t this the little prince? I haven’t seen him for a long time, and he is back again!!!"

"Why is the young prince also giving gifts to his sister-in-law? Is he trying to compete with Abin for the position of the top brother on the list?"

"What's the point of arguing? Abin has spent almost 100 million on his sister-in-law. What does he have to argue with?"

"That's hard to say! Xiao Wangye is also very powerful. It's hard to say who is richer between him and Abin!"

Many viewers in the live broadcast room knew the ID of Xiao Wangye, and they started arguing at the first time.

The two rich people in Douya were both giving gifts to the same anchor, which shocked everyone, and more and more viewers flocked to the show.

At eight o'clock in the evening, it was the golden time for live broadcasts. All the anchors in Douya suddenly found that the number of people in their live broadcast rooms was more than half less than usual, and they were all surprised.

Soon, as the news spread, both the anchors and the audience knew that Xiao Wangye and Abin were competing for financial strength.

Everyone rushed in, and the sister-in-law became the focus of the entire Douya, and the number of fans exceeded the five million mark in one fell swoop!

"Is this guy mentally ill?"

Lin Bin followed his plan and gave Bitch millions of gifts. Then he went to other live broadcast rooms to give gifts. As a result, the guy called Little Prince actually followed him to other live broadcast rooms.

From then on, no matter where Lin Bin went, Little Prince would go there.

The other party would give as many gifts as he gave.

This abnormal behavior has attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone finally determined in their hearts that this Little Prince was really in love with Abin.

Lin Bin would naturally not be timid, and he did not think that it would be easier for the other party to make money than himself.

Moreover, he had already given gifts for so many days before, and he did not want to give up halfway. As a result, he kept giving gifts until twelve o'clock that night.

In the next few days, Lin Bin did not have to go to the fighting gym during the day. He simply stayed at home every day to watch the live broadcast, preparing to take down the anchor as soon as possible.

However, every time he went online, the ID called Little Prince would immediately appear and follow him to give gifts.

"Is this guy sick?"

It has been like this for several days. This matter is not normal at all. Lin Bin had to suspend his actions.

Swiping money is a small matter, but if he doesn't figure out the reason, he is really afraid that others will ruin his plan.

Just as he was thinking, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Zhuo Xinyi calling.

"Brother Bin, recently our company's anchors have received signing invitations from the DouYa platform, and the other party has publicly stated that as long as they cooperate with them, they will receive large rewards.

I suspect that the guy called Little Prince is from the DouYa platform."

So that's it!"

Lin Bin suddenly realized that this guy should be using this incident to create hype and attract new users.

After all, Zhou Manqing also mentioned it when she called to report on her work a few days ago.

Lin Bin thought about it and said directly:"Xinyi, notify all the anchors in the company to give me ten royal salutes each."

"Okay, Brother Bin." Although Zhuo Xinyi didn't know what Lin Bin was going to do, she still did it obediently.

Not long after the call was hung up, Lin Bin's live broadcast room began to receive royal salutes and rewards, and the reminder sound in his mind kept ringing.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a consumption rebate of 33,330 yuan from Wujiang Midea, a sincerity index of 20.51%, and a reverse critical hit of 2051 times!"

"The amount received is 67159950 yuan, please check it!"

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 33,330 yuan of consumption rebate from Meng Xia, sincerity index 15.63, reverse critical hit 1563 times!"

"The amount received is 52094790 yuan, please check it!".......

A series of boost sounds rang out, and the anchors in Zhuo Xinyi's company followed the boss's instructions and each gave Lin Bin ten Royal Salutes.

Although the sincerity index of these people was not high, there were many of them. After more than a dozen anchors gave gifts, Lin Bin made a direct profit of nearly 1 billion.

Finally, Zhuo Xinyi also gave ten Royal Salutes. Her sincerity index was always above 80%, and she directly hit more than 200 million.

In this way, Lin Bin made a net profit of 1.2 billion.

"Haha, since you want to give me gifts, let's see who has more money."

Lin Bin looked at the extra 1 billion in his account and curled his lips.

He asked Zhuo Xinyi to arrange for those anchors to give gifts, not just for this little money.

The fun has just begun.

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