"What's going on? What the hell is this guy doing?"

Wang Tianhao had been paying attention to the young man Abin's live broadcast room. Seeing that he received more than a hundred royal salutes in a row, he was a little confused.

He dug the pit to let this guy make money, why is he being rewarded with money now?

Fortunately, others only rewarded more than a hundred royal salutes, which is not much money in total.

Wang Tianhao breathed a sigh of relief for the time being and continued to observe the enemy situation. Lin

Bin glanced at the time. It was almost eight o'clock in the evening, which was the prime time. All the big and small anchors of Douya were online and spoke directly to the more than 10 million fans in the live broadcast room.

"Friends, let's change the rules today and stop checking randomly. From now on, no matter who it is, as long as a female anchor gives me ten Royal Salutes, we will return a hundred. Keep your word!"

As soon as this was said, the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy.

"Holy shit! Did Brother Bing have no money and come here on purpose to cheat for gifts?"

"The one upstairs is a staff maker! Brother Bin has made hundreds of millions, does he still need to cheat people out of money?"

"Right, right, right. Besides, if someone gives 10 gifts, Brother Bin will give 100 gifts in return. How can this be considered a scam?"

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room. Lin Bin kept looking at the comments on the barrage and was not in a hurry to start.

Ten Royal Salutes cost 66,000 yuan, which was nothing to him, but it was not a small amount of money for those anchors.

After two minutes, no one took the initiative to give gifts, and Lin Bin was still able to hold his ground.

No hurry, let the bullet fly for a while.

"Four Eyes, what should we do now?"

Wang Tianhao was very anxious when he saw that Lin Bin had stopped swiping.

He had tasted a lot of sweetness in the past few days.

Lin Bin had directly swiped hundreds of millions, causing the stock to rise by several points.

Now if this guy doesn't swipe anymore, wouldn't that cut off his own financial prospects.

Four Eyes' mind began to work, and he said,"Mr. Wang, didn't this guy say that if others swipe ten, he would swipe a hundred? How about we find someone to try first?"

You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing the lamb.

Wang Tianhao gritted his teeth and said,"Okay, you go find a small anchor and try swiping ten first."

"Mr. Wang, I'll go right away."

Siyan quickly took out his cell phone, made a quick call, and hung up after giving a few instructions.

"Why hasn’t anyone come to brush it yet?"

After another three minutes, Lin Bin saw that no one had come to brush it in the live broadcast room, and he began to get anxious.

Just as he was thinking about it, a bullet screen suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

"User Hua Duo Duo gave the anchor boy Abin a Royal Salute X10!"

Boom, boom, the special effects of the salute exploded into the sky.

Lin Bin's eyes lit up,"Here it comes."

The next moment, the system prompt sounded in his mind

"Ding! The critical strike is coming, here comes Tao Yan (Hua Duo Duo)'s 33,330 yuan consumption rebate, the sincerity index is 24.36, and the reverse critical strike is 2436 times!"

"The amount received is 81191880 yuan, please check it!"

More than 80 million yuan in one attack!

"The fun has just begun!"

Lin Bin was delighted and immediately said to the live broadcast room:"My friends, this Hua Duoduo is the first one to give me salutes. I have decided to give her 200 salutes in return!" As soon as he finished speaking, he directly opened

Hua Duoduo's live broadcast room.

"User young Abin gave anchor Shuihuaduo Royal Salute X10!"......

He kept his word and brushed two hundred in a row.

"Haha, this idiot!"

Wang Tianhao saw that Lin Bin had really started to swipe again, and immediately laughed wildly at the phone,"Siyan, quickly tell all the female anchors on our platform to swipe him ten Royal Salutes."

Even if his own anchors swipe him ten Royal Salutes, the total amount would only be more than 30,000.

But the other party had to pay a hundred Royal Salutes, which was more than 6 million.

Wang Tianhao had calculated who was going to win and who was going to lose in this account.

Siyan quickly agreed and directly notified all the female anchors on the platform to take action.

"Huh? So many people are here to give me salutes?"

After giving Hua Duo two hundred salutes, Lin Bin was ready to wait and see if anyone else would be fooled.

As a result, two bullet comments appeared in his live broadcast room.

"User Xiao Taizi Nai gave anchor boy Abin a Royal Salute X10!"

"User Xiao Shanqiu gave the anchor boy Abin 10 Royal Salutes!"

The two female anchors together scored more than 150 million Royal Salutes.

Lin Bin did not break his promise and gave each of them 100 Royal Salutes.

After that, every time he finished, a new female anchor would give him gifts, and they never stopped.

Lin Bin was already very happy when he heard the boost in his mind.

He kept on scoring and scoring all night.

"This idiot, I wonder how long he can last!"

Wang Tianhao laughed wildly when he saw his evil plan succeed.

Now that this guy called Young Abin took the initiative to brush, he didn't have to follow him and saved a lot of money.

"By the way, Siyan, go and tell the anchors in the company that the money for giving gifts will be paid by the company, and the money from the gifts they received should of course belong to the company."

The young man Abin gave gifts so enthusiastically that he made a lot of money. Wang Tianhao immediately thought of taking the money for himself.

Siyan looked a little embarrassed,"Wang Shao...Will this cause dissatisfaction among these anchors?"

Wang Tianhao snorted coldly,"Humph! What are you afraid of? They have all signed contracts with the company. If anyone is unwilling, they can stop broadcasting. With such a high penalty, they can't make any waves."

Siyan hesitated to speak. Although he felt that this approach was a bit excessive, Wang Tianhao was the boss and he could only do as he was told.

In the next few days, the young man Abin was like crazy. In just a few days, he swiped out 1 billion rewards on the Douya platform.

This crazy move immediately caused a sensation on the entire network, and even Douya's stock rose a lot.

Wang Tianhe was naturally more proud and arrogant, and even had the leisure to call Cheng Gong again to talk about investing in the factory.

Of course, the premise is to let his beautiful daughter come in person to talk.

In a factory somewhere in Shenzhen.

The factory covers a large area of about a thousand square meters, but the equipment inside is a bit old, and there are almost no people in the factory area.


Cheng Gong took a deep breath and turned off his phone.

After receiving Wang Tianhao's call, he also looked at some news on the Internet and learned that Douya Group's stock market had recently risen sharply.

Wang Tianhao was definitely able to invest in saving his factory, but when he thought of his daughter, he completely gave up the idea.

"Even if I sell the factory, I can't let Ke'er jump into the fire pit again!"

Cheng Gong finally made a decision and stood up and walked towards the office next door.

Bang, bang, bang!

In the office, a girl in her twenties, with impeccable facial features, but there was no smile on her face, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

Hearing the knock on the door, Cheng Ke'er put down the thick report in her hand and looked up,"Come in"

"Kerr...Go back and have a rest. You have been living in the factory these days. Don't get too tired."

Cheng Gong said carefully, while observing his daughter's face.

Cheng Ke'er frowned,"How is the investment going?"

Cheng Gong's breathing stagnated, and he said with a stiff face:"Ke'er, don't worry about the factory. I will find a way to handle it. Your mother's greatest wish before her death was that you find someone you like........"

Plop! Cheng Ke'er dropped the pen in her hand to the ground. She was silent for a long time before she slowly spoke.

"I already have someone I like, and I will only love him in this life."

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