In Jiangcheng, a second-hand electric car is parked in front of a beverage store on the street.

Cheng Ying is wearing a"yellow jacket", and the sweat on her forehead is dripping down along the ends of her hair.

Ever since the Zhenyuan Fighting Gym closed down, she has been looking for a job everywhere.

But these days, no industry is easy to work in, and she has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, and she doesn't have any other skills, so she has no choice but to join the army of food delivery.

It's just past nine o'clock, it's not the peak dining time yet, and there are not many orders.

After delivering an order, Cheng Ying was staring at her mobile phone, waiting for a new order.

Ding-ling-ling! The phone suddenly rang.

The caller ID shows that it is Mr. Lin

"It was him who called?""

When they were exercising in the fighting gym before, the two added each other as friends. She had a particularly deep memory of Lin Bin.

Not only was he generous, but he was also a martial arts genius.

Seeing that it was him who called, Cheng Ying was immediately curious,"Mr. Lin, do you have something to talk to me about?"

Lin Bin answered the phone after it rang twice, and quickly said,"Coach Cheng, are you still in the fighting gym now?"

"No, the fighting gym is closed. Cheng Ying's voice sounded a little regretful.

"Great!"Lin Bin was delighted."No...What I mean is, Coach Cheng, aren't you looking for a job? I have a job here, I wonder if you are willing to accept it?"

Cheng Ying frowned, looked at the yellow jacket on her body, and directly refused,"No, I have found a new job."

When Lin Bin heard her say this, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

He finally thought of a suitable candidate, and he trusted the other party's character. If he missed it now, wouldn't it be a pity.

As for the new job she mentioned, Lin Bin frowned when he thought of Wang Gang.

Wouldn't she also go to collect debts for others?

"Coach Cheng, loan sharking is illegal, and debt collection is not a good job. Do you want to consider changing jobs?"

Cheng Ying became more and more confused as she listened."Mr. Lin, what debts are you talking about?"

"Eh? Isn't that Wang Gang with you? He just brought some people to my house to collect debts for someone, and he almost broke down the door."

"Mr. Lin, is everything you said true?"

"Of course, why would I lie to you?"

"OK, I understand. I will give you a reply on this matter.

Cheng Ying hung up the phone directly after she finished speaking, with a murderous look on her delicate face.

"What a Wang Gang, he told me he was going to work as a porter at a logistics company, but he ended up collecting debts for others!"

Cheng Ying took out her cell phone and called her junior brother.

In Bishui Bay, Lin Bin was speechless as he looked at the phone in his hand.

Cheng Ying didn't say anything and just hung up.

"Forget it, let Zhou Manqing register the security company first, and then find a way to recruit people!"

Lin Bin immediately called Zhou Manqing again, and after explaining the matter, he turned around and returned to the living room.

Bai Jie saw him coming over and immediately responded,"Brother Bin......"

"Okay, don't take what happened just now to heart, just work hard, as long as you are here with me, no one can do anything to you."

Lin Bin guessed what she wanted to say and interrupted her directly.

Bai Jie lowered her head, looking guilty,"Brother Bin, I...I went home yesterday and brought you some gifts. I'll bring them to you right now."

Before Lin Bin could say anything, she ran away.

Not long after, Bai Jie returned with a gift box in her hand."This is our local specialty. Brother Bin, take a look and see if you like it.""

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Bai."

Lin Bin took it with a smile and opened it. Inside was a bag of dried mushrooms.

"Brother Bing, these are wild and cannot be bought in ordinary places. Bai Jie explained, as if she was afraid that he would dislike it.

""Okay, I'll try it at noon today."

Lin Bin handed the food over again. With his current status, he could eat whatever he wanted, and he didn't really care about the food.

However, since this was a kind gesture from Teacher Bai, he couldn't refuse.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, here comes Bai Jie's 180 yuan consumption rebate, sincerity index 88.99, reverse critical hit 8899 times!"

"The amount received is 1,601,820 yuan, please check it!"

Lin Bin's eyes lit up when he heard the prompt in his mind.

More than one million is a trivial matter. The key is that Teacher Bai's sincerity index is not low at all!

It seems that he has accidentally discovered a gold mine!

In the afternoon, Lin Bin didn't go anywhere and stayed in the villa honestly.

He simply had nothing to do, so he started the live broadcast again, but now he logged in to TT Live and used the Shenwei Cannon. Although

TT Live has only been online for a few days, the number of online users in the young Abin's live broadcast room has exceeded the eight million mark.

It seems that the day of surpassing Douya is not far away.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Lin Bin was bored when the door of the villa was knocked again.

However, this time the knock was very polite.

Bang bang bang

""Who is it?"

Bai Jie was about to open the door, but was pulled back by Lin Bin."I'll do it."

Wang Gang's reminder was still ringing in his ears. Lin Bin didn't know who was outside, so he could only be on guard secretly.

Click! The door opened.

When he saw the two people standing at the door clearly, Lin Bin was stunned.

"Mr. Lin, I brought Wang Gang here to apologize to you!"

At the door of the villa, Cheng Ying bowed sincerely, then turned and stared at Wang Gang.

Seeing the sharp eyes of his senior sister, Wang Gang could only bite the bullet and reluctantly bowed to Lin Bin,"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry!"

Lin Bin was a little confused by their behavior,"Coach Cheng, what are you doing?"

Cheng Ying said seriously,"No matter how poor our people in Zhenyuan are, we will not rely on our own force to bully others.

Wang Gang was wrong about what happened today. I have asked him to resign. Don't worry, he will never collect debts for others again!"

So that's it!

Lin Bin suddenly realized,"Coach Cheng, it's all misunderstanding. Wang Gang was actually paid to do things. It's not a big deal. Come in and talk."

Cheng Ying stood at the door, looking at the luxurious villa in front of her, feeling a little hesitant.

She guessed that Lin Bin might not be short of money, but she didn't expect that he was so rich.

Finally, at Lin Bin's enthusiastic invitation, the two entered the villa.

After several people sat down, Lin Bin struck while the iron was hot,"Coach Cheng, I mentioned to you today that there is a job that I want to ask you for help. I wonder if you are willing?"

Cheng Ying hesitated and asked,"What kind of job it is?"

"Don't worry, the job I'm talking about is very simple, it's just protecting people."......

Three days later,

Lin Bin had another company under his name, called Zhenyuan Security.

Lin Bin was the boss of the Zhenyuan Security Group, Cheng Ying was the top person in charge, and there were more than 30 members, all of whom were former disciples of Zhenyuan Martial Arts School, and each of them had unique skills.

"Manqing, let's go to Shenzhen tomorrow to buy Douya!"

The security problem has been solved. Lin Bin is full of confidence and immediately notifies Zhou Manqing.

This time, the trouble will be completely solved.

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