
Wang Tianhao has been on the verge of collapse these days.

No matter what he does, Douya's stock price keeps falling every day, and the market value has evaporated by more than half.

The Internet industry is one of the industries with the largest bubbles, with high returns and high risks.

If it continues to fall like this, Wang Tianhao will probably have to find a rooftop with a good view without the old man doing anything.

"Wang Shao, Jiangcheng's TT Live has sent a message, wanting to discuss the acquisition with us."

Four Eyes ran in, looking very happy.

"I'll take your paralysis!"

Wang Tianhao was so angry that he picked up the glass on the table and smashed it.

Siyan was so scared that he dodged quickly.

With a clang, the glass broke into pieces.

"Wang Shao...Calm down, listen to me first"

"Okay! I'll give you a chance today. If you can't explain it, I'll kill you!"

Wang Tianhao's eyes were red, like a mad beast.

Siyan's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he quickly said,"Wang Shao...DouYa is in this state now, we might as well raise the price and sell it.

Anyway, the live broadcast industry is becoming more and more competitive. As long as we have money, we can find another industry to make a comeback!"

After hearing this, Wang Tianhao calmed down.

Although what Siyan said made sense, his heart was bleeding.

DouYa Live was once prosperous, with a market value of more than 50 billion, and it was one of the best in the entire live broadcast industry.

But now, it is like a stray dog and is about to be acquired.

DouYa was founded by Wang Tianhao's father, Wang Hongyuan, but the old man is now angry and he is fully responsible for the company's affairs.

When it comes to eating, drinking and having fun, Wang Tianhao is very good at it, but he is in trouble when it comes to running a company.

DouYa is in this mess again, and he has no ability to clean up the situation.

Wang Tianhao gritted his teeth,"Even if it is sold, DouYa's stock price is falling every day, and the price is not decided by the other party!"

Siyan saw that he was tempted and said quickly,"This is a simple matter. We can find someone to raise the stock price. On the surface, we will appear to be sticking to it, but in fact we are just raising the price of the company.

Besides, that TT Live broadcast is probably very powerful and it seems that they want to monopolize the entire live broadcast industry. As long as the price is not too high, they will definitely pay for it."

Wang Tianhao pondered for a moment, and finally nodded vigorously,"Okay, let's do as you say. However, no matter what, the entire Dou Ya cannot be less than 30 billion!"

30 billion!

If Dou Ya was at its peak, this price could not even buy ordinary shares.

But now, only a sucker will buy Dou Ya.

Siyan did not dare to neglect and immediately nodded in response,"Okay, Mr. Wang, I will find someone to raise the stock price right away."......

August 15th, Tuesday.

An airliner took off from Jiangcheng Airport and headed straight for Shenzhen.

This time, Lin Bin directly chartered a special plane.

To ensure safety, Cheng Ying brought 20 people from Zhenyuan Security Company with her.

In addition, Zhou Manqing also brought a team of about 20 people from the company to go to Shenzhen for acquisition matters. At

10 o'clock in the morning, the plane landed in Shenzhen.

At the same time, a flight was about to take off.

A black Mercedes stopped, Cheng Keer got out of the car, and went to the trunk to take out the suitcase.

"Ke'er, where are you going? You can't even tell me?"

Cheng Gong wanted to help with the suitcase, but Cheng Ke'er pulled him over.

"You don't need to know."

Cheng Gong sighed, wishing he could slap himself a few times.

In order to keep the factory, he couldn't help but tell Wang Tianhao what he wanted. As a result, after hearing this, Cheng Ke'er packed her bags and left.

Seeing that persuasion was useless, Cheng Gong wanted to follow behind to see which flight his daughter was on.

Cheng Ke'er immediately turned around and looked at him coldly,"Please don't follow me anymore."

"I......"Cheng Gong opened his mouth but said nothing, leaving only a bitter face.

He watched his daughter walk into the crowd and soon disappeared.

Cheng Gong stayed there stupidly, as if he had lost the most important thing in his life.

At 10:30 in the morning, Lin Bin and his party arrived in Shenzhen.

After leaving the airport, everyone went straight to the hotel. After settling in, Zhou Manqing took people to the headquarters of Dou Ya Company.

It was not until the evening that she brought everyone back to the hotel.

Seeing that her face was not very good, Lin Bin immediately asked:"What's wrong, aren't you going to sell Dou Ya?"

"That's not the case." Zhou Manqing shook her head,"But their prices are too outrageous."

""Oh? How much?" Lin Bin became interested.

Zhou Manqing said:"Our first offer today is 24 billion, which is very sincere, but the other party directly asked for 40 billion, which is simply ridiculous!"

40 billion!

Lin Bin frowned when he heard this number,"Where do they get the confidence from?"

Logically speaking, Douya is already a mess now. If it is not sold in time, it will only become less and less valuable.

As for revival, it is simply impossible.

After all, Lin Bin had poached more than half of the well-known anchors before, and Zhou Manqing did not relax these days and poached many anchors in succession. The current user activity of Douya is less than half of the previous one, and it is still falling.

Zhou Manqing's eyes flashed, and he said:"Abin, have you noticed that Douya's stock price has rebounded in the past two days? Although it has not risen much, at least it has not fallen again"

"There is such a thing?" Lin Bin was even more surprised,"It shouldn't be!"

Zhou Manqing nodded,"I guess it should be a trick of Dou Ya to increase the company's price through the stock price."

Lin Bin didn't know much about business,"Then let's find someone to knock down Dou Ya's estimate?"

According to his idea, with Dou Ya's current situation, it is not easy to increase the stock price, but it should be easy to knock down the stock price.

Zhou Manqing shook his head,"Forget it, don't waste that money. After all, today is the first contact, let's wait and see in a few days."

"That's right, we are not in a hurry now anyway, it is Douya that should be in a hurry."Lin Bin smiled.

Even if Douya raises the stock price now, the market is there. One more day, TT Live will occupy a larger share, and Douya's value will be lower.

Three more days passed.

Zhou Manqing took people to negotiate with Douya every day, and Lin Bin and Cheng Ying were mixed in with the security personnel, responsible for everyone's safety.

On the fourth day.

Lin Bin followed Zhou Manqing and others to Douya as usual.

After so many times, he was more familiar with the internal affairs of Douya than his own company.

"Xiao Cheng, I'm going to the toilet, you watch over me."

Lin Bin told Cheng Ying and walked towards the toilet.

After flushing, he was about to return to the reception room when he suddenly saw two people at the corner.

A young man in his twenties and a middle-aged man in his fifties.

Lin Bin didn't take it seriously and was about to continue walking, but after accidentally hearing the conversation between the two, he was stunned.

"Mr. Wang, my factory can no longer survive. If you don't plan to invest, I will have to sell it."

"Old Cheng, didn't I tell you that if you want to discuss investment, just ask your daughter to come over?"

"Mr. Wang, Ke'er has gone to another place and is not in Shenzhen now........"

Cheng? Ke'er?

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment, walked over quickly, grabbed the middle-aged man's arm, and asked anxiously:"Who are you talking about just now? What's your daughter's name?"

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