After leaving the 4S store, Lin Bin drove directly back to his residence.

In order to make it convenient for work, he rented a single apartment in a nearby apartment with a monthly rent of 800 yuan.

There is also a busy market downstairs of the apartment, which is very convenient for shopping.

Before yesterday, he usually scanned shared bicycles to go to and from work, and now it only takes him more than ten minutes to drive.

It was only when he arrived at his residence that Lin Bin found that parking was a bit troublesome. Looking at the messy market and the cars parked in a mess, he was suddenly a little upset.

If his car worth more than two million yuan was scratched by someone, it would be very troublesome to repair it.

"It seems that I should buy a house for myself."

Anyway, I have to buy a house for Cheng Keer next, and when I see one I like, I will buy one for myself as well.

After circling the market twice, he finally found a parking space.

When he returned to the room, Lin Bin took a quick shower, changed into a loose casual T-shirt, lay on the bed and turned on his mobile phone.

He glanced at the account balance, which was more than 17 million, more than enough to buy two houses.

Lin Bin smiled foolishly while holding his mobile phone,"Next, I have to continue to make money!"

When he thought of making money, Lu Xiaoyu's figure appeared in his mind.

With a sincerity index of more than 90%, the effect of making money is even more terrifying.

However, after thinking of Lu Xiaoyu, Lin Bin was more concerned about making money.

After all, you can find anyone to make money, but Lu Xiaoyu is the only one in the world.

Looking at his mobile phone, it was only five o'clock in the afternoon. Lin Bin went out immediately. This time he did not drive, but took a Didi and went straight to the small restaurant opened by Lu Xiaoyu.

Half an hour later, the car stopped fifty meters away from the small restaurant. Lin Bin got out of the car in advance and walked over step by step.

"Xiaoyu, I'm here to eat again!"

At this moment, they haven't arrived at the restaurant yet, and only Lu Xiaoyu is busy in the restaurant.

"Hey, Lin Bin, please sit down for a while. I'll be here when I'm done with what I'm doing."

Lu Xiaoyu greeted him and was still busy in the kitchen.

"It's okay, just keep busy."

Lin Bin looked at the furnishings in the restaurant again, then went to the kitchen door and watched Lu Xiaoyu busy preparing food.

At this time, she was bending over and cutting potato shreds on the chopping board.

She cut the potatoes into evenly thick shreds one by one, and her movements seemed very skillful.

Today, Lu Xiaoyu was wearing a short-sleeved shirt with black and white stripes. A button on the collar was unbuttoned at some point. Lin Bin was 1.8 meters tall, and he could see a piece of white at a glance when he stood there.

As she cut the vegetables, the pair of big balls kept shaking, making people dizzy.

""Binzi, please sit down first. I'll be done in a moment."

Lu Xiaoyu looked up and found that Lin Bin's eyes were a little strange. She looked down and her pretty face was immediately flushed.

However, she was busy at the moment and couldn't spare a hand.

""Ahem! Well, I've been sitting all day, I'd better stand for a while."

Lin Bin coughed lightly and continued to stand there, watching Lu Xiaoyu cut vegetables.

Lu Xiaoyu seemed to be unable to sense his burning gaze and could only lower his head.

Seeing that the beautiful scenery was blocked, Lin Bin could only turn around with regret.

"Xiaoyu, I'll have that bottle of beer first."

There was a freezer in the corner of the small restaurant, which contained various drinks and beers. He was thirsty just now, so he immediately took a bottle of Snow Beer from the freezer.

"Binzi, take whatever you want to drink. By the way, what would you like to eat later?"

Lu Xiaoyu's voice came, and the sound of cutting vegetables stopped. It seemed that all the vegetables had been cut.

"I don't care, you can make the arrangements as you see fit."

Lin Bin replied, picked up the opener on the freezer, opened the beer directly, took a gulp, and immediately felt sour and refreshing

"I made some fresh beef dumplings today. How about I cook you a bowl?"

""Okay, I'll listen to you."

Lin Bin found a table and sat down. While drinking beer, he watched the busy figures in the kitchen, and his mind suddenly became full of thoughts.

Although Cheng Ke'er was very beautiful, Lu Xiaoyu was more charming.

If he had to choose one of the two to be his wife, Lin Bin would prefer the latter.

"Only children can choose between them. Of course I want both!"

Lin Bin began to ponder the possibility of this matter.

In Lu Xiaoyu's eyes, he was just an ordinary person, and she was not a snobbish woman, so when Lin Bin came here this time, he didn't even drive a car.

Before getting the other party's clear attitude, he was not going to reveal his financial resources.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lu Xiaoyu had already walked out with a big bowl.

"Binzi, come and try it to see if it suits your taste."

Lin Bin took a look and found that the button on the other party's collar was buttoned, and he was a little confused. The look in his eyes and the expression on his face were seen clearly by Lu Xiaoyu, and her pretty face blushed again.

""Not bad, Xiaoyu, your cooking skills are simply amazing!"

Lin Bin picked up a dumpling, tasted it, and immediately praised it.

"You only say nice things."Lu Xiaoyu smiled,"By the way, I also made you a cold dish, it will be here soon."

After saying that, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Lin Bin looked at her twisting back and smiled knowingly. The other party definitely didn't intend to charge for this meal.

This woman is really gentle and kind. It would be a blessing to marry her.

Soon, Lu Xiaoyu came out with a plate of cold cucumber.

"Xiaoyu, stop busying yourself and take a seat."

""Okay, I'll take a break too. I guess there will be guests coming soon."

The two chatted casually, and Lin Bin made a joke from time to time, making the other person laugh.

As they were chatting, a bad voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"What are you talking about? So happy?"

Lin Bin turned his head and saw a girl of about seventeen or eighteen years old. She was youthful and pretty, but she was staring at the two of them with a gloomy face and a somewhat unfriendly look.

Although he was a little puzzled, he thought that the other party was a customer who came to the restaurant to eat, so he didn't think much about it.

The smile on Lu Xiaoyu's face faded,"Nannan is back, you hurry up and sit down, I'll serve you some rice."

""Sister-in-law, are you being unfaithful to my brother and our Wang family by flirting with other men like this?"

Wang Jianan was furious and spoke without mercy.

Sister-in-law? Wang family?

Lin Bin's ears seemed to be struck by a bolt from the blue, and the chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.

Lu Xiaoyu was embarrassed for a moment, and explained in a low voice:"Nannan, this is my high school classmate and also our fellow villager......."

"What old classmate, do you really think I'm blind? You almost sat on someone's lap just now!"

Wang Jianan pushed Lu Xiaoyu away and ran into the kitchen angrily.

Lu Xiaoyu tripped over a chair and her body tilted. She was about to fall backwards, but Lin Bin was quick to support her.

He hugged the other's soft waist with both hands, but Lin Bin didn't care about it at the moment. He asked in disbelief,"Xiaoyu, this......What's going on?"

Lu Xiaoyu felt his hot hands, stood up immediately, and took a step back,"Binzi, this is my sister-in-law, she likes to act like a child, don't take it seriously."

Seeing the other party admit it personally, Lin Bin felt a little bitter.

Before, he had thought about getting in touch with Lu Xiaoyu slowly, and then developing further, but now he learned that the other party was actually married.

His surname is not Cao, so he is destined to have no chance with her.

This is simply, fate is playing tricks on people!

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