"When did you get married? Why didn't you inform me?"

Lin Bin tried his best to act as if nothing had happened, but his expression was still a little unnatural.

Lu Xiaoyu thought he was listening to Wang Jianan and felt uncomfortable. She immediately explained,"It's all in the past. We couldn't get in touch at that time. Binzi, don't take what I said just now to heart."

Lin Bin nodded,"It's okay. I'm full too. I'll leave first. You go and persuade the girl first."

Lu Xiaoyu looked at the half bowl of dumplings left, bit her lip and nodded,"Then come often when you have time."


Lin Bin took out his phone and wanted to pay, but Lu Xiaoyu stopped him again and again.

He had no choice but to turn around and leave.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 32 yuan consumption rebate from Lu Xiaoyu, a sincerity index of 91.43, and a reverse critical hit of 9143 times!"

"The amount received is 292,576 yuan, please check it!"

Lin Bin walked out of the small restaurant in a daze. He was not interested in the 290,000 yuan reward at all.

Watching Lin Bin walk away, Lu Xiaoyu's eyes flashed with a trace of loss, and she sighed in her heart.

She had a feeling that Lin Bin would never come here again.

Shaking her head, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

"Nan Nan, the young man just now is called Lin Bin. He is my high school classmate and also from the same hometown as us. We met by chance yesterday, so he came to take care of the business."

Wang Jianan didn't believe her at all,"Huh! Fellow villager? I think he is an old lover! You and my brother had just got married, and he had an accident. Now, it's only been two years, and you are in a hurry to find another partner?"

Lu Xiaoyu felt indescribably miserable. In the past two years, whenever a man came to the store and was seen by Wang Jianan, she would make a big scene.

As a result, in the past two years in Jiangcheng, none of the old classmates and friends dared to come here to eat, for fear that this girl would misunderstand.

Meeting Lin Bin again today, I am afraid he will never come again in the future.

"Nannan, believe it or not, he is really my old classmate, he just came to have a meal. Anyway, you have been admitted to the music college, after the summer vacation, we will go to Hangzhou......."......

Lin Bin didn't remember how he got back to his residence. His mind was in a daze. He was in a good mood today because of Cheng Ke'er's matter, but now he found it hard to accept the fact that Lu Xiaoyu was married.

There are countless beautiful appearances in this world, but interesting souls are rare.

Some people, if you miss them, you can only miss them.

In the next two days, he stayed at home and couldn't get excited about doing anything.

The plan to buy a house was temporarily shelved.

In the afternoon, there was an extra text message on the phone, and Lin Bin didn't see it until the evening.

Little White Rabbit: Uncle, why haven't I seen you play games these two days? (Question mark)

Lin Bin replied casually with a message: I'm in a bad mood and don't want to play.

Ding! The message was replied immediately.

Little White Rabbit: Uncle, you are not heartbroken, right?

Lin Bin: Yes! I just found out that the object of my secret love is actually married.

Little White Rabbit: How miserable! Uncle, there will be a King of Glory exhibition in two days, and there will be many star players. I will give you an e-ticket. You can go shopping and relax at the same time. (pats head)

Soon, she sent another screenshot of the e-ticket.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 288 yuan consumption rebate from Bai Lele, a sincerity index of 73.66%, and a reverse critical hit of 7366 times!"

"The amount received is 2121408 yuan, please check it!"

Lin Bin was stunned. He didn't expect that he would get more than 2 million yuan for no reason!

He was about to reply to the message when Little White Rabbit sent another text message: Uncle, I am going to live broadcast now. The live broadcast room number is XXXXXX. You can come and play when you have time.

Lin Bin deleted the half-sent message, thought about it, and directly opened Douyu Live to search for the live broadcast room number sent by Little White Rabbit.

The next moment, he saw Bai Lele wearing a fluffy outfit and posing one by one.

At a glance, you can tell that the other party is COS Xiao Daji.

The name of the live broadcast room is 'Little White Rabbit'. There are only more than 10,000 fans online, and there are not many messages on the barrage. It seems that the popularity is not very good.

Soon, Lin Bin remembered Bai Lele once said that she mainly took some exhibitions and performances, and occasionally broadcast live from time to time, but each time the live broadcast did not exceed an hour.

Looking at her cute appearance on the screen, Lin Bin's mood suddenly improved.

No one can change the fact that Lu Xiaoyu is already married. In this case, why should he miss other beautiful things?

Thinking of this, Lin Bin opened the reward interface himself and swiped ten royal salutes in a row.

The little white rabbit just hit two million, so he can't be stingy.

Bai Lele had just finished playing Xiao Daji and was about to change clothes when she saw the special effects of the royal salute exploding on the screen of the live broadcast room.

Then, one salute after another exploded, ten in a row!

"User"Shaonian Abin" gave anchor Xiaolebailetu 10 Royal Salutes!"

Upon seeing this ID, Bai Lele immediately realized that these ten Royal Salutes were all given by Lin Bin.

She didn't even bother to change her clothes, and shouted directly to the live broadcast room:"Brother Bin, stop brushing, I'm not trying to rush to the top of the list......"

As soon as the words fell, the scene of the salute exploding appeared on the barrage again.

"User Young Abin gave the anchor Xiaolebailetu 10 Royal Salutes!"

Twenty Royal Salutes were fired in a row, and the barrage that was dull just now suddenly became lively.

"Wow! I met a rich guy!"

"Young Abin? Brother Bin, I am the young Baijie!"

"Little white rabbit, why don't you quickly perform a handstand for Brother Bin?"

Bai Lele saw that Lin Bin not only did not stop, but also swung ten more Royal Salutes, and immediately jumped anxiously.

The pair of little white rabbits really jumped up and down.

"Brother Bing, please stop spending. I can only take half of the gift you spent, but I can't return it to you......."

Before she finished her words, another ten Royal Salutes were fired!

Bai Lele's eyes went dark, and she secretly said in her heart,"It's over."

In a hurry, she quickly closed the live broadcast room.

As long as she went off the air, others could no longer give her tips.

After firing thirty Royal Salutes in a row and experiencing the feeling of spending money like water again, Lin Bin's mood completely improved.

No matter what kind of emotional injury, there is nothing that money can't heal.

At this moment, Bai Lele's phone call came.

"Uncle, why do you need to give so many gifts?"

As soon as the video was connected, Bai Lele grinned, not noticing that her clothes were sliding down with her movements.

Lin Bin looked at her openly for a few times, then smiled and said,"Xiaobai, I'm a little hungry, how about you treat me to a barbecue?"

Bai Lele was stunned, then she remembered that the other party had just broken up, frowned,"Uncle, isn't it a little late now?"

If you give a stranger 200 yuan, the other party may be wary, but if you give the other party 2 million at once, there will be no such problem.

"Why late? This time is just right!"

Lin Bin smiled faintly, and suddenly wanted to catch the lively little white rabbit with his own hands.

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