Qiao Mengyao was a little confused, not knowing what he meant.

Lin Bin didn't explain much and told her in person.

An hour later.

Lin Bin changed his position and lay on the bed,"Come on, tonight you are Princess Yaoyao, come on me."

Qiao Mengyao had never played King of Glory, so she didn't know that Princess Yaoyao in the game would have sex.

However, she understood what Lin Bin meant.......

The next day, when she woke up, it was already half past eight.

Qiao Mengyao overslept for the first time in her life.

Thinking back to everything that happened last night, she finally understood why Lin Bin said two hours was not enough.

""Pooh! Bad guy."

Looking at Lin Bin who was still sleeping beside her, Qiao Mengyao got out of bed quietly.

After putting on her clothes, she looked back and took a deep look. She wanted to take the bed sheet away, but she was afraid of waking Lin Bin up. In the end, she could only frown and limp away.

Another hour later,

Lin Bin opened his eyes dazedly and turned his head to see that there was no one beside him.

"Haha, another one who refuses to admit his mistake even after pulling up his pants."

Thinking back to the wonderful last night, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

Squad Leader Qiao is indeed a strong woman, and she has a spirit of not admitting defeat in all aspects.

Although it was the first time yesterday, she showed great tenacity.

Lin Bin turned over and sat up from the bed. After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and called Sun Ping'an.

"Mr. Lin, what do you want me to do?"

Sun Pingan knew his boss too well. If there was nothing going on, he wouldn't have called him.

"Old Sun, go and buy a securities company called Caiyuan in Jiangcheng, and then promote Qiao Mengyao to be the company's vice president."

"OK, Mr. Lin, I'll go right away."

Sun Ping'an understood immediately. He didn't even ask who Qiao Mengyao was. He would know after acquiring Caiyuan Securities.

He was just speechless in his heart: his boss was really romantic.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Qiao Mengyao volunteered last night and didn't even ask for anything, he still had to do what he had to do.

It was like his original intention, to give all beautiful young ladies a happy and stable home.

Glancing at the time, it was almost ten o'clock. Lin Bin suddenly remembered what Xia Mo had said yesterday, so he quickly got dressed and left the hotel directly.

The hotel where the crew stayed was called New Century, and it was also a five-star hotel.

When Lin Bin drove there, it was almost half past ten.

He took out his cell phone and called Xia Mo, which rang for a long time before being connected.

"Hello, Lao Xia, I'm here. Where are you?"

""Humph! I thought you weren't coming. Wait!"

Xia Mo's tone sounded a little aggressive on the phone. It was unclear whether it was a relative who came.

Lin Bin didn't care. He waited in the hotel lobby for two minutes and saw her coming angrily.

However, what surprised him was that there was a man in his twenties following behind Xia Mo.

"Hello, please stop following me. I need to report to my boss."

"Momo, it just so happens that you can introduce me to her."

"No, I warn you, this is a business secret, eavesdropping is illegal!"

Xia Mo glared at the young man fiercely, and waited for him to stop before she walked towards Lin Bin.

""Huh? Who is this?" Lin Bin asked curiously.

The few people were not far apart just now, and he heard the conversation between the two clearly, but the young man had never seen Lin Bin, so he didn't know that he was Xia Mo's boss.

However, now Xia Mo stopped, and the other party's eyes also fell on Lin Bin. It was only because he coveted Xia Mo's warning just now that he didn't come closer.

Xia Mo came closer and lowered her voice,"Don't worry about him, he's a landlord's idiot.""A landlord's idiot


Lin Bin's expression suddenly became strange when he heard this name, and he joked casually,"Old Xia, he can't be your boyfriend, right?"

Xia Mo showed a disgusted expression on her face,"Get out! I don't like stinky men."

In front of Lin Bin, she never pretended, anyway, Zhou Manqing had already revealed her secrets.

Looking at her expression, Lin Bin laughed in his heart, it seems that he really guessed right

"Well, if you don't like him, why don't you drive him away?"

Xia Mo is at least his right-hand man, and looking at the guy not far away, Lin Bin always feels like someone else is eating meat from his bowl.

"This guy's family has some background, so he can't be driven away." Xia Mo said directly.

Lin Bin immediately became curious,"What background?"

Xia Mo explained impatiently,"This guy's family also runs a film and television company, and it's an old company. He has connections in all aspects, which will be useful in the future."

Turns out he is a rich second generation!

Lin Bin said indifferently:"What's there to be afraid of, we are not short of money, we can just play by ourselves, anyway, we don't plan to cooperate with others"

"Are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?"Xia Mo rolled her eyes at him,"Do you think the entertainment industry is the same as your small live broadcast company? If you want to get into this circle, you can't make it even if you have money if you don't have some connections.

Not to mention, even if our movie is well made, others can't release it by just taking advantage of it."

Lin Bin touched his nose awkwardly. He really thought it was too simple.

If he had been a poor loser before, he wouldn't have known there were so many ways.

However, Xia Mo's words were a reminder to him.

Sometimes, connections are more important than money.

Before, Lin Bin was somewhat proud of defeating Dou Ya in one fell swoop and allowing TT Live to successfully become the leader in the live broadcast industry.

But now, TT Live has become a small company in Xia Mo's mouth.

It seems that his worth is really looked down upon.

Lin Bin suddenly wanted to get some free money as soon as possible.

"By the way, where are the big stars? Who is coming today? Take me to see them."

Lin Bin came here not to see any crew, but to see the big stars.

Xia Mo was disdainful again,"Do you think big stars don't care about their reputation?

Our crew is still interviewing other supporting actors. The real big stars will only come when the filming starts."

I have learned something new!

Lin Bin was speechless,"Then what did you ask me to see?"

Xia Mo's beautiful eyes flashed, and suddenly she threw a coquettish look,"Although the big stars didn't come, there are quite a few little stars who are interviewing now, and they are all very beautiful. Do you want to try out for a role?""Is there such a good thing? I'm afraid there is a big pit waiting for me!

Lin Bin was frightened by her,"I say, Lao Xia, just tell me what you have to say, don't be so scary, okay?"

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