Lin Bin never believed in pie falling from the sky.

How could Xia Mo, a female hooligan, give up her harem to others for no reason?

To be fair, Lin Bin himself would never do such a thing.

Xia Mo was a little annoyed when she saw that her intention was exposed,"Can you do it? Can't you get hard?"

Damn it! You can't talk nonsense about such things.

Lin Bin gave her a provocative look,"Old Xia, whether it works or not, you will know if you try it."

"Bah!"Xia Mo said disdainfully:"This idiot is too annoying, you should find a way to get rid of him, otherwise I can't work normally."

Lin Bin muttered to himself: I don't think I can have a harem.

"In this case, how about I get someone to put him in a sack and beat him up, and then give him a warning?"

"Are you sick? If this is the case, are we going to continue filming our play?"

Lin Bin spread his hands,"Then I have no choice, or you can just tell him directly that you don't like men."

Xia Mo gritted her teeth and said,"Do you think I haven't told you? This guy doesn't believe it at all." Lin Bin couldn't help laughing. It seems that the idiot from the landlord's family is really hard to get rid of."Then what do you say we should do?"

"Humph! I don't care, you have to find a way to help me solve it anyway!"

After Xia Mo finished speaking, her eyes rolled, and she suddenly hugged Lin Bin's arm and pressed her body against him.

Damn! What is this female hooligan going to do?

Lin Bin immediately became alert.

However, a special fragrance entered his nose, and when he felt the elasticity of his arm, he was reluctant to push her away.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xingsi narrowed his eyes and immediately walked over

"Hello, I am Wang Xingsi from Warner Bros."

Warner Bros. is one of the top three film and television companies in China. No wonder Xia Mo, a female gangster, doesn't dare to offend them easily.

Lin Bin doesn't care. He doesn't make money from the film and television company. At most, he can spend his own money to shoot his own movies.

"I've heard of you for a long time. My name is Lin Bin, and my friends all call me Brother Bin."

Lin Bin said, and took the initiative to extend his right hand to shake hands with the other party, and took the opportunity to rub the pair of volleyballs with his left arm.

Wang Xingsi saw his little action, and his expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Xia Mo was the woman he liked, and now Lin Bin was slapping him in the face by doing this.

What's more, this guy in front of him looked younger than himself, and he was so shameless that he asked others to call him brother.

"Mr. Lin, I fell in love with Momo at first sight. I wonder if you can give her up?"

Lin Bin curled his lips,"Old Wang, I really can't interfere in personal matters. As long as Xia Mo is willing, I don't mind.

However, I suggest that you buy a house next door to her, and you can be neighbors, and the relationship can be cultivated slowly."

Fuck! You treat me as the old Wang next door.

Wang Xingsi smiled wryly,"Mr. Lin's suggestion is not bad, I will seriously consider it."

As the prince of Warner Pictures, there is nothing he can't get as long as the beauty is in the entertainment industry.

As for the guy in front of him named Lin Bin, he is just a nouveau riche, and he has plenty of ways to deal with him.

"Mr. Lin, almost all the actors in our crew are here. How about we arrange to have lunch together at noon?"

Xia Mo was holding Lin Bin's arm at this moment. They looked so intimate that they didn't look like a superior-subordinate relationship at all. Instead, they looked like a couple in love.

Although she had seen through Lin Bin's little thoughts a long time ago, in front of Wang Xingsi, Xia Mo couldn't resist and could only let him take advantage. Before

Lin Bin could speak, Wang Xingsi said,"Mo Mo, this hotel is also my property. Let's hold an opening ceremony here at noon."

Lin Bin was also a little surprised,"Old Wang, isn't your family in the film and television industry? How come you also opened a hotel?"

Seeing his surprised look, Wang Xingsi looked proud,"Haha, it's just a five-star hotel, not worth mentioning.

This hotel is my own investment, and I plan to acquire one in every city in the country in the future."

A five-star hotel is not cheap, not to mention that there are hotels all over the country.

Wang Xingsi put on a big show in front of Xia Mo.

Lin Bin didn't feel anything. Not to mention a hotel, he had already bought Longhai Building. If he really wanted to invest, there was no pressure.

Since someone was treating him now, Lin Bin didn't have to pay anymore.

At noon, all the crew members were present and the hotel was scheduled to be at the New Century Hotel.

At the dinner table, Xia Mo introduced the director and several main actors of the play to Lin Bin.

The director's surname was Tian. He was an old man in his forties. He was very smooth and flattered Wang Xingsi very comfortably.

The remaining main actors, two men and two women, were familiar to them and were old actors who were often active on the screen. Lin Bin casually greeted them and lost much interest.

On the contrary, the group of young actors at the next table were full of youth, and Lin Bin wanted to sit over there.

At the dinner table, Xia Mo deliberately got very close to Lin Bin, and made some intimate movements, which made Wang Xingsi's face stiff.

"This drama mainly tells the story of a group of young people struggling in a big city........"

Xia Mo picked up some food for Lin Bin while introducing the plot of the play.

Lin Bin stared at Xia Mo without blinking, his ears had long become a decoration.

"How is it? Do you think this drama will be a hit?"

This is the first investment of the company after Xia Mo took office. After she finished telling the plot, she began to ask Lin Bin for his opinion.

"Um...It will definitely be a hit!"

Lin Bin vowed.

If there is a gap, it will be a hit!

Especially if it is someone as unfathomable as Xia Mo.

Xia Mo narrowed her eyes and finally realized that Lin Bin was absent-minded. Her pretty face turned cold and revealed a hint of murderous intent,"What was the plot I just mentioned?"

Lin Bin was stunned.

He didn't remember what the plot was. The only impression in his mind was that it was so big and round.......

"Ahem, well, how about I go say hello to the other actors and encourage everyone?"

""Tsk! Don't think I don't know what you want to do." Xia Mo gritted her teeth,"I'm telling you, don't even think about it, unless you can deal with this Wang guy."

Lin Bin was speechless,"Then I'll go pee first."

As soon as he left, a young girl in her twenties ran over.

"President Xia, I just received a call from the crew, saying that the Longhai Building we contacted suddenly didn't want to rent it out."

The girl's name is Qi Huan, Xia Mo's assistant, and she looks anxious at the moment.

The filming is going to start tomorrow, and now there is a problem with the venue.

You know, every day the crew is delayed, there will be a lot of extra expenses.

If the delay is long, the total investment will increase, and the profit of a play will be less, and it may even turn into a loss.

Xia Mo's face was serious,"What's going on?"

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