Seeing his boss showing off his power, Qi Huan was a little scared."It is said that Longhai Building has just changed its management and is not rented out now.""

"Why didn't you report it earlier?"

Xia Mo usually looks cheerful, but when it comes to work, she is quite strict.

Qi Huan was so scared when she saw her boss got angry that she almost cried,"Mr. Xia,...I just got the news, too."

Xia Mo was really angry.

This was her first investment after taking office, and it was about to start, but there was a problem with the venue.

Even if it was rearranged now, it would take who knows how many days.

Everyone else at the table had heard the news at this moment, and they all put down their chopsticks.

Wang Xingsi suddenly said,"Momo, don't worry, I have some connections in Jiangcheng, it's just Longhai Building, I'll help you contact them right away."

Xia Mo wanted to refuse, but considering that filming was more important, she swallowed the words back.

Wang Xingsi made a phone call, hung up quickly, and continued,"Haha, don't worry, I've arranged someone to do it. No matter what property you change to, as long as the money is in place, there is no reason not to rent it out."

These days, he has been following Xia Mo's buttocks, and he is very clear about all the things in the crew.

Hearing Wang Xingsi's words, Xia Mo also breathed a sigh of relief. If the other party helped to solve the problem of the venue, it would be a big deal to owe him a favor and repay it later.

In the bathroom, Lin Bin had just finished and was about to come out, but he heard two crisp voices

"Xiao Meng, Wang Xingsi is the son of Warner Bros. If you can get close to him, you will definitely have endless opportunities to act in dramas."

"Ranran, what are you daydreaming about? He has seen all kinds of big stars, how could he be interested in us?"

"What's wrong with big stars? They all have two mouths, maybe even less tight than mine."

"Why are you being so naughty? You are the only one who is flirting! By the way, it is said that this hotel belongs to Wang Shao. If you have the guts, go to his room tonight. Maybe you can play the second female lead."

"Humph! If I didn't know which room he lives in, I would definitely go there today. Even if it's a dream, it can't be in the daytime!"

Wow! As expected of an actress, she is well-educated.

Lin Bin smiled.

After walking out of the bathroom, he saw two young and beautiful women standing next to the sink.

Although he didn't know each other, he heard the conversation between the two just now. They should be actors in the crew.

Lin Bin took a look and saw that they looked good and had good figures. No wonder they could be stars.

"I just don't know how good their acting is. I'll ask them to try out a role if I have a chance."

He looked at them twice more and memorized their appearance.

The two young actors stopped talking immediately when they saw someone coming out.

One of them noticed that Lin Bin's eyes were on him and immediately glared back.

Lin Bin smiled and was considering whether to reveal his identity and leave a room number when the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Mr. Lin, someone just contacted the property management of Longhai Building, wanting to rent a floor of the office building for a short term." Sun Ping'an's voice came.

Longhai Building had just completed the transfer procedures a few days ago, and it was temporarily under his charge.

They contacted him about such a small matter?

Lin Bin frowned,"You can handle it as you wish."

Sun Ping'an hurriedly explained:"Mr. Lin, the other party has some connections, and we can set any price, so it's hard to refuse. What's more, the other party will only rent for one month, which will not affect our other plans."

Since someone came to give money, Lin Bin would not refuse,"Then we will pay three times the normal price. If you are willing to rent, then rent it. If you are not willing, forget it."

""Okay, I got it." Sun Pingan hung up the phone immediately.

Inside the hotel, Wang Xingsi saw his phone ringing, his eyes lit up, and he immediately answered it.

"What? 25 million?"

Hearing the price quoted by his men, he frowned and looked at Xia Mo.

Xia Mo's face was not very good either,"Forget it, it's such an expensive price, it's better to find a new place."

The total investment of this new play is only more than 200 million, of which the salaries of several big stars account for half.

The venue fee agreed upon before was only a few million, and now it has increased several times, which Xia Mo finds difficult to accept.

However, she also knows very well in her heart that if she finds a new place, the time wasted and she is afraid that she will lose tens of millions.

Wang Xingsi originally wanted to refuse, but in front of Xia Mo, he gritted his teeth and said:"Rent! Rent it for me"

"Mr. Wang, I've already said we'll move to a new place. This price is beyond my budget." Xia Mo frowned, a little unhappy.

Wang Xingsi put away the phone and said with a smile:"Mo Mo, it's okay. I'll rent this place. You don't have to pay."

Xia Mo opened her mouth and wanted to refuse, but looking at the crew in the hotel, she could only hold it back.

"Eh? What's wrong? Why are you looking so sullen?"

As soon as Lin Bin came back, he noticed that Xia Mo's face looked a little strange.

Xia Mo said unhappily,"The site manager called just now and said that the property we had agreed on before was suddenly not rented out."

"I thought it was a small matter, why don't we just go to another place?" Lin Bin said indifferently.

He still remembered that this play seemed to be a workplace drama, and most of the filming took place in office buildings.

Xia Mo:"It's easy for you to say that. There are not so many high-end office buildings in Jiangcheng, and even fewer that meet the requirements."

Lin Bin said:"This is easy. I just bought a building a few days ago. By the way, what is the name of the property you mentioned just now?"

On the side, Wang Xingsi suddenly laughed and said:"Don't bother, I have asked someone to sign a contract with the property, and this place can be regarded as something I found for Momo."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Bin's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Lin, the matter has been resolved. The other party has directly signed the contract and rented it for 25 million a month."Sun Ping'an's voice was full of joy.

Lin Bin was also a little surprised,"No way, that idiot is so rich, renting it for 25 million a month?"

Sun Ping'an said:"I don't know much, I only know that the other party's boss's surname is Wang......"

Snap! Several pairs of chopsticks fell at the same time, and everyone at the table was petrified.

Xia Mo's eyes widened,"Did you buy Longhai Building?"

Lin Bin nodded and said,"Yes, I just bought it. Old Sun called me just now and said that a fool named Wang spent 25 million to rent it for a month......."

As he was talking, he saw Wang Xingsi's face turn pale and was stunned.

No way, is it such a coincidence?

"Ahem, Lao Wang, did you rent it just now?"

Wang Xingsi felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly, but he had to nod and admit it.

"Oh, we are all family, you are so polite."

Lin Bin felt indescribably sour in his heart, this money was earned by his own ability.

Xia Mo was also holding back her laughter. She was just thinking about how to repay the favor, but now that Longhai Building was bought by Lin Bin, it had nothing to do with her.

Wang Xingsi felt a little embarrassed and could only change the subject,"It's okay, it's just 25 million.

By the way, it happens that the most popular TT Live is also in Longhai Building. I will contact their boss in the afternoon and help Momo promote the movie then."


Xia Mo finally couldn't help it and sprayed out a mouthful of salt soda, which happened to spray on Lin Bin.

Lin Bin looked resentful,"Old Xia, I have no objection to you spraying water, but the key is not to spray it in this way!

I haven't done anything yet......."

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