Children who wet the bed will be criticized, but adults who wet the bed will be praised.

Lin Bin quickly took a few napkins to wipe it, with a look of disgust on his face.

I'll make a note of this for her for now, and I'll ask her to change the way she sprays when there's a chance in the future.

How could Xia Mo, this female hooligan, not understand what he meant, and she just rolled her eyes.

Seeing Lin Bin being sprayed all over, Wang Xingsi finally got rid of his anger and continued,"Haha, have you heard about the TT war a while ago?"

Director Tian was quite perceptive and immediately acted as a supporting actor,"Young Master Wang, are you talking about the bankruptcy of Douya Group?"

"Not bad!" Wang Xingsi nodded slightly and continued to pretend,"Let me tell you, the rise of TT Live is a miracle."

"Oh? Is there anything else to say here?"Director Tian immediately showed a very interested look.

Wang Xingsi smiled and said,"Everyone should know that the domestic live broadcast industry has long been saturated, and Douya is firmly sitting on the top of the live broadcast industry. However, there was no news about TT Live before, and it suddenly rose overnight.

It is said that the boss of TT personally went undercover on the Douya platform, and in just a dozen days, he swiped billions of gifts in one go.

Just when everyone thought he was suitable for a fool, he directly poached the anchor of Douya.

Then he mobilized tens of billions of funds and completely defeated Douya through the stock market."

The people sitting there didn't really know much about these things. After hearing Wang Xingsi's"inside story", they were all shocked.

The old actor named Wu Zong suddenly interrupted,"So, TT Live also spent a lot of money. Is it worth it?"

Wang Xingsi's expression was calm,"You guys are still too short-sighted."

Hearing these somewhat insulting words, although everyone felt uncomfortable, they did not dare to show it on their faces.

Director Tian smiled and flattered,"Young Master Wang is already a successful entrepreneur at a young age, and his vision is naturally not comparable to ours.

" Wang Xingsi reacted this time and realized that his previous words were a bit offensive, but he did not take it to heart and continued,"In this matter, it seems that the boss of TT Live spent a lot of money, but in a short period of time, he brought Dou Ya down and even sat firmly as the boss of the live broadcast industry, becoming famous in one battle.

From now on, TT Live will be a household name in China. Just with this reputation, if you want to promote it, I don’t know how much money it will cost.

Moreover, I conclude that the boss of TT Live must have planned it. The live broadcast industry is just the first step. He may have other big moves next."

Xia Mo listened with suspicion and turned to look at Lin Bin. The look in his eyes seemed to ask him what big moves he would make.

Lin Bin was speechless. I was actually just unhappy with Dou Ya. What big move is there?

"Ahem, Lao Wang, you probably guessed wrong. The boss of TT Live may not be as powerful as you said."

Wang Xingsi was a little unhappy when he heard Lin Bin's words,"Humph! TT Live's current market value and stock price have exceeded 50 billion, and your Tianma Entertainment is less than 2 billion, which is not at the same level.

You may not even be able to get in touch with such an ambitious entrepreneur as TT's boss."

"I like big breasts, but I don't have big ambitions."

Lin Bin muttered in his heart.

The guy in front of him was praising the boss of TT Live in his words. However, since the other party was praising himself, Lin Bin naturally had no objection.

"Yes, yes, yes, Lao Wang, you are right, TT boss is awesome!"

Seeing Lin Bin admit it himself, Wang Xingsi was as proud as if he had won a battle,"Actually, I came to Jiangcheng this time, originally planning to pay a visit, and by the way, see if I can establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Warner Pictures......"

Wang Xingsi was talking non-stop, and since he didn't want any money, he kept praising the boss of TT Live.

Seeing Xia Mo looking at him with a playful look on her face, Lin Bin felt a little embarrassed.

When did he become so good?

Just as he was thinking, the phone in his pocket rang.

Wang Xingsi finally stopped chattering when he saw Lin Bin take out his phone to answer the call.

"Hello, Manqing, what’s going on?"

"Mr. Lin, one of our anchors has a problem. You'd better come to the company."

"OK, I got it, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin was about to say goodbye to Xia Mo and leave, but he found Wang Xingsi staring at him with a ghostly expression.

"you...Were you talking about Zhou Manqing on the phone just now?"

Lin Bin nodded subconsciously,"What's wrong, Lao Wang, you know her too?"

Wang Xingsi's breathing suddenly became rapid, and he asked again with some uncertainty,"Are you Zhou Manqing's boss?"

Oh my god!

Lin Bin's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He hid his identity very well, but Zhou Manqing was in charge of all the company's affairs, and was in the spotlight all day long. Wang Xingsi knew so much about Douya, so he probably really knew Manqing.

"Ahem, you're right."

The expression on Wang Xingsi's face suddenly became complicated, and he almost fainted from anger.

Except for Xia Mo, everyone else present was still in the dark and didn't know who this Zhou Manqing was.

Before anyone could ask, Wang Xingsi revealed the answer for everyone,"So, you are also the boss of TT?"

""Yes." Lin Bin nodded decisively.

It's time to show his cards, no more pretending!

He is the ambitious entrepreneur.

Clap! The chopsticks fell to the ground again.

The whole table was dumbfounded.

No one expected that the person who had been praising for so long was actually Lin Bin.

A young man in his twenties was actually the boss of a company with a market value of more than 50 billion.

If it was just Tianma Entertainment, everyone could accept it more easily.

After all, there are too many rich people these days. Maybe someone has a mine at home and just buys an entertainment company for fun.

But with a market value of tens of billions, it can rank among the top 100 in the country.

Of course, this 50 billion is just the valuation of TT Live, and now TT has not yet gone public, so it is hard to say how much it is worth.

Even so, the boss of TT spent tens of billions on the Dou Ya War that Wang Xingsi mentioned before.

That's real money.

Lin Bin's identity was exposed, and the dinner ended happily.

The news spread quickly, and when the crew learned that the boss of Tianma Entertainment was actually the boss of TT Live, and was worth tens of billions, everyone had their own thoughts.

"Mengmeng, he is the boss of TT, it would be nice to add his contact information."Hu Yiran squeezed her legs together excitedly.

Zhang Meng also saw clearly that the young man she met in the bathroom before was actually the real boss,"What are you dreaming about? You are just a daydreamer at best."

"It's daytime, he's so handsome anyway!"

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