A bodyguard chuckled,"Boss Lin, I'm so sorry to have you spend money."

Another person was also a little tempted and began to look for the target in the crowd.


A crisp cold snort sounded, startling the two.

Cheng Ying glared at them, full of heroic spirit.

The two immediately coughed,"Sorry, Mr. Lin, we are not that kind of people!"

Seeing Cheng Ying's eyes on him, Lin Bin also felt embarrassed,"Haha, I just said it casually, as a joke. Well, let's go watch the show."

Seeing Lin Bin's embarrassment, Ke Xinyan pursed her lips and smiled secretly.

In the bar, all kinds of pole dancing and thigh dancing are paid programs in the country, but they can be watched for free here.

Lin Bin can be said to be feasting his eyes.

The only regret is that he can't take risks to win glory for the country.

When he returned to the hotel, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

As soon as they met, Xia Mo complained,"You are comfortable, taking two beauties with you, and you don't have to worry about anything."

Ke Xinyan smiled like a flower, not embarrassed at all.

Cheng Ying frowned slightly and retorted,"My job is to protect Mr. Lin's safety."

Lin Bin quickly spoke up to smooth things over," All right, those who are capable should do more work, it's because you, Old Xia, are so ambitious. By the way, is the matter settled?"

Xia Mo rolled her eyes at him,"Do you think we are here to buy cabbage and it can be settled in one go?"

"Then hurry up, let’s go back and start shooting as soon as you’re done!"

"Humph! I see you are in a hurry to meet Li Anni."

Lin Bin did not retort, it was his fault for wanting to be lazy.

Then, everything went smoothly.

Xia Mo went to the special effects company to negotiate every day, while Lin Bin took Ke Xinyan and Cheng Ying to appreciate the exotic customs.

No matter how awesome Wang Xingsi was, he only had some connections in China, and he had no control over foreign countries at all.

What's more, he didn't know Xia Mo's actions at all.

Without the obstruction of outsiders, some things were handled naturally.

In just five days, the special effects company finally compromised under the financial offensive. At the same time, Xia Mo also signed a lot of contracts.

All preparations were ready, just waiting to start shooting.

On that day, Lin Bin directly booked the entire hotel and held a simple celebration banquet.

"Ahem, Lao Xia, now that things have been settled, let's go tomorrow."

"OK, I will arrange for someone to book a flight ticket and return home tomorrow."

"Well, don't be in a hurry to return home. We finally made this trip, let's go see how your father's company is doing."

Xia Mo immediately showed a contemptuous expression,"I know what you are thinking about."

Lin Bin smiled and said,"That's right, you borrowed 1.5 billion from me before. Although I'm not in a hurry to pay the money back, I have to see how the company is doing."

Xia Mo was speechless after being blocked by his high-sounding excuse and could only grit her teeth.

The next day, everyone went their separate ways.

Ke Xinyan and the staff of Tianma Entertainment, with the special effects team and the newly signed actors, returned to China first.

Lin Bin flew to France with Xia Mo, and only Cheng Ying was with them.

Cannes, a manor in a small town.

Li Anni stood on tiptoe, looking at the end of the road

"Why haven't you come yet?"

The girl looked at the time, her face showing some joy, expectation and nervousness.

Ten minutes later

, a black SUV finally appeared at the end of the winding road.

"Here they come!"

Li Anni suppressed her excitement.

The SUV slowly stopped in front of the manor.

The next moment, the door opened and a young man in his twenties jumped out.

""Sister Annie, long time no see!"

Lin Bin stretched out his arms and walked forward step by step.

Hearing this familiar voice and seeing this familiar smile, Li Annie's emotions finally got out of control and her eyes began to moisten.


That voluptuous body, like a gust of wind, suddenly crashed into his arms.

Feeling the tenderness in his arms, Lin Bin reached out and gently patted Li Anni's back,"Sister Anni, today is a good day, let's be happy."

"Abin, I am very happy, really." Li Anni hugged Lin Bin tightly, as if she was afraid that a gust of wind would take him away.


An inopportune voice rang out.

Li Anni finally came to her senses and immediately broke free from Lin Bin's arms,"Mo Mo, you're here too."

Xia Mo just rolled her eyes,"I've been here for a long time, but some people only have their eyes on my little lover."

Li Anni's pretty face flushed, and she stuttered,"No..."...No, I...I'm just too excited."

Lin Bin was also speechless,"What do you mean by old lady? Old Xia, please be polite to your elders."

Xia Mo continued to roll her eyes,"Okay, whatever you want, I'm hungry, is there anything to eat?"

Li Anni said quickly,"Yes, yes, I've asked someone to prepare it."

After eating and drinking, Li Anni arranged for everyone to rest first.

Lin Bin grabbed her little hand and said with a smile,"Sister Anni, long time no see, why don't you tell me about the company?"

""You two bastards!"

Xia Mo couldn't bear to look at the two of them. She muttered and went back to her bedroom.

Seeing her leave, Li Anni was pulled back to the room by Lin Bin.

"Abin, wait for me, I'll get you the company's quarterly financial statements."

Lin Bin pulled her into his arms,"Sister Annie, I don't want to see it, just tell me."

""Okay, I'll tell you." Li Anni said seriously,"All the new models developed by the company have been launched and the sales are good. The sales revenue this quarter is......"

Lin Bin had no intention of listening to the report. His hands kept moving around, and his thoughts had long since drifted away.

He just let Li Anni's words go in one ear and out the other.

"Abin...Listen to me first."

A long separation is like a new marriage. Li Anni, who is in her thirties, can't stand this kind of teasing. She can only suffer.

"It's okay, Sister Annie, just keep talking, I'm listening."

Lin Bin kept moving his hands....This report is so soft and elastic!

Li Anni sighed faintly,"You just like to bully others."

Lin Bin pulled out his finger,"Then do you like it?"

Li Anni blushed and murmured,"I like it."

"Haha, Sister Annie, why don’t you show me the new models that your company has recently developed?"........

When Xia Mo woke up, it was already completely dark.

"Where did everyone go?"

After getting up, Xia Mo wanted to talk to Li Anni about the company's affairs, but there was no one in the room. After thinking about it, Xia Mo walked towards Lin Bin's room.

On the big bed, Lin Bin was sleeping soundly in the shape of a"Tai" character.

Xia Mo covered her mouth to prevent herself from making any sound.

She wanted to leave the room, but the next moment, she stopped.

I don't know what she thought of. Xia Mo gritted her teeth, quietly approached the bed, slowly took off her shirt, and covered Lin Bin's head directly.

"Hmm? Why is it more elastic?"

In a daze, Lin Bin felt that there was another person on him.......

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