Early in the morning, everyone sat at the dining table.

Li Anni, with a rosy face, cooked a table full of domestic snacks.

Steamed buns, fried dough sticks, soy milk, and millet porridge.

"Come and eat, everyone. Many things here are not available in China. I just made some, but I don’t know if it will suit your taste."

"Sister Annie, this is too much trouble. We are not picky about food."

Lin Bin was full of energy. He picked up a bun and took a bite. It was fresh and juicy."Well, delicious."

Xia Mo looked a little haggard, and even Cheng Ying had big dark circles under her eyes. They both looked listless and had poor appetite.

Lin Bin asked curiously,"Why don't you eat?"

Cheng Ying stayed in a guest room next to Lin Bin last night, and she didn't sleep all night. Especially when the devil's sound pierced her ears, it made her feel like countless ants crawling on her body.

In one word: itchy!

Xia Mo tried the taste of a man for the first time last night, and she couldn't stop. She almost drove automatically until dawn. Now she hasn't recovered yet, so how can she have the energy to eat?

"Everyone, hurry up and eat. This is a gift from Sister Annie, and it’s really delicious." Lin Bin was really hungry and swallowed a bun in two bites. He had consumed too much energy last night, so how could he not replenish it now?

Seeing Xia Mo and Cheng Ying drinking porridge weakly, Lin Bin felt very strange,"Old Xia, what’s wrong with you? Didn’t you sleep well? And Coach Cheng, you have to eat more, otherwise how can you protect my safety?"

Cheng Ying couldn’t help but muttered,"I listened to the cat’s meowing all night yesterday. It’s strange that I slept well."

"Forehead......"Lin Bin was choked for a moment, and said shamelessly:"There is no cat's meow. Look how good Sister Annie is. She has been busy all night."

In the second half of the night, Lin Bin only felt that there was an extra person in his daze, but he was driving automatically at the time, so he just cooperated. He thought it was Li Annie.

"I...I'll go get some more side dishes." Li Anni blushed, turned around and ran away.

When Li Anni walked away, Lin Bin looked at Xia Mo,"Xia, what's wrong with you? You were also woken up by the cat's meow?""

I've been imitating the cat's meow all night!"

Xia Mo's heart was pounding, and she felt a little guilty.

Thinking of everything that happened last night, she herself was a little puzzled.

Originally, she just wanted to find Li Anni, but after seeing Lin Bin, she remembered the bet between the two, and Xia Mo sat on it directly.

That sitting completely overturned Xia Mo's cognition of the past thirty years.

It turns out that men and women are really different.

She didn't come back to her senses until she was exhausted.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Xia Mo sneaked back to her room, fearing that others would find out.

She tossed and turned in bed and couldn't fall asleep, and was called up by Li Anni to eat.

Now seeing that Lin Bin seemed to know nothing, Xia Mo also breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Lin Bin fiercely.

"Shut up and eat your buns."

Lin Bin looked innocent, shaking his head and said,"You women's minds are really hard to figure out."

"Nonsense! You're only concerned with touching breasts......."Xia Mo said halfway and quickly shut up, her wheat-colored skin turned red.

Damn it! Old Xia, this female hooligan, can blush?

Lin Bin was surprised and his eyes naturally fell on Xia Mo's chest.

Feeling his gaze, Xia Mo thought of the mischievous big hands from last night, and her straight and slender legs immediately tensed.

Breakfast ended in this strange atmosphere.

Li Anni usually lives alone and doesn't have a nanny. She had just finished cleaning the table when a guest came to the house.

"Who is it?"

Lin Bin heard the doorbell and immediately went to open the door


A beautiful blonde with blue eyes was standing at the door. She was stunned for a moment when she saw Lin Bin, and then greeted him with a strange pronunciation.

"Huh? You can speak Mandarin too!" Lin Bin looked at the beauty in front of him curiously.

The weather in Cannes was a little chilly on a September morning.

The beauty in front of him was wearing a black leather jacket with a bulging white sweater inside and black tight leather pants on the lower body, which perfectly outlined her figure.

Not only is she beautiful, but she is also a bit handsome!

Lin Bin's eyes lit up when he saw her, and he imitated the other party's pronunciation and greeted her,"Niyehao!"

"Yes, a little bit!"

""Mikael, you're here so early?"

Li Anni heard the noise and ran over immediately.

Mikael stepped forward and gave her a warm hug, then kissed her pretty face.

The two chattered for a while, and Lin Bin was left alone.

Seeing Li Anni leading people into the house, he couldn't help but ask,"Who is this beauty?"

"She is the company's chief designer and also my good friend, her name is Mikael."Li Anni smiled and introduced the two. Lin Bin suddenly realized and chuckled,"Well, since she is your friend, she is also my friend.

I heard that French people always kiss each other when they meet, should I do the same?"

Li Anni rolled her eyes at him charmingly, and then translated for Mikael.

Mikael looked Lin Bin up and down with his big eyes, then rushed over and kissed him on the face.

"Lin, my friend."

Feeling the wetness on his face, Lin Bin laughed,"Okay, we are, big friends!"

Li Anni and Xia Mo were both present, and no matter how thick-skinned he was, he didn't have the nerve to kiss them.

The reason why Mikael came here was that he heard from Li Anni that the company's major shareholder came to inspect, so he brought his latest designs in person and wanted to show them off.

After all, Li Anni had praised Lin Bin to the sky before. She had mentioned to Mikael more than once that Lin Bin had unique insights into underwear. The styles that the company had previously launched were also slightly modified after listening to his analysis, so they sold very well. There were four women and one man in the manor, and there were no outsiders. Mika directly took out his latest designs, a few thin underwear.

The other three women were fine, but Cheng Ying looked at the underwear with little fabric, and her face was always red.

In particular, Lin Bin took the new underwear directly in his hands, gesturing back and forth from time to time.

"Abin, these are the latest designs. Mikael wants everyone to try them on, and you can help give some opinions."

Mikael only knows a little Chinese, and her strange pronunciation made everyone confused, so Li Anni had to act as a translator. Although Xia Mo is a lesbian, she is still a woman after all. Looking at the new models in front of her, she is also eager to try them.

Lin Bin curled his lips,"Sister Anni, of course I have no problem. Why don't you all try them on so that I can take a closer look."

Li Anni didn't care, but the others were not happy.

Xia Mo said contemptuously,"What are you thinking? Go and cool off. I need to change clothes."

Lin Bin didn't want to leave,"Oh, Lao Xia, look at what you said. Clothes are worn for outsiders to see. We have known each other for so long, and you are still so reserved."

"Get out of here now!"

"Alas, my sincerity was misplaced after all. Stop touching me, I'm leaving."

When Lin Bin saw Xia Mo raising her leg to kick him, he dodged and went back to his room, shaking his head.

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