Lin Bin took action immediately, pulling the frightened little white rabbit, and found an empty table to sit down,"Okay, stop looking, let's order first."

Bai Lele quickly handed over the menu,"Uncle, it's my treat, you can order whatever you want."

"Really?"Lin Bin couldn't help but want to tease her when he saw her like this.

Bai Lele nodded immediately, looking very sincere.

"Well, I'm heartbroken today, so I want to drink some white wine later, so go get me a bottle first."

Lin Bin said directly without hesitation


Bai Lele got up quickly. She didn't know much about liquor, but with Lin Bin's wealth, he definitely wouldn't be used to cheap liquor.

After asking the waiter and finding out that there was no Moutai or Wuliangye here, she immediately ran to a nearby tobacco and alcohol store and bought a bottle of Wuliangye.

When she came back happily, she found that Zhuo Xinyi had also arrived, and she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle, I bought you a bottle of Wuliangye. I don’t know if you are used to it."

Bai Lele handed the Wuliangye over. Lin

Bin was delighted when he saw it. This girl was really generous."I have never tasted this wine. Let me try it today."

Bai Lele panicked and thought she had bought a cheap product. She stuck out her tongue, fearing that Lin Bin would not be used to it."I’m sorry, I don’t know what wine to buy.""

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, here comes Bai Lele’s 1799 yuan consumption rebate, sincerity index 60.12, reverse critical hit 6012 times!"

"The amount received is 10815588 yuan, please check it!"

Hearing the prompt in his mind, Lin Bin's hands trembled, and the bottle of Wuliangye almost fell to the ground.

It's more than 10 million again. This little white rabbit is really sitting on a gold mine. In this case, I must take it. However

, this time the sincerity index is a bit low. It seems that she really doesn't want to drink by herself.

"Brother Bin, let me help you pour the wine."

Zhuo Xinyi, who was standing by, was very perceptive and quickly took the wine glass and filled it for Lin Bin.

"You guys pour one too, drink a glass with me."

Bai Lele panicked,"I don't drink, I get drunk after one glass."

It's better not to drink, if I can't get drunk, how can I have a chance.

Lin Bin ignored Xiao Baidian's words without questioning, and said to Zhuo Xinyi:"Just one glass, fill it up"

"OK, Brother Bin, I'll take advantage of you today and have a drink with you."

Zhuo Xinyi took the two cups and filled them up.

At this time, the skewers were served one after another. Lin Bin was a little hungry, so he picked up a skewer and said,"Come on, eat something to fill your stomach first, so you won't get drunk later."

Bai Lele heard what he said, picked up a skewer, took a bite and asked,"What is this? I haven't eaten it yet."

She was too quick to eat just now, and Zhuo Xinyi didn't have time to remind her.

Lin Bin found it funny and explained it to her,"This is grilled kidney. It's very nutritious. I just ordered ten skewers, so you should eat more too."

Bah! Bai Lele spit out the kidney in her mouth and stared at Lin Bin in disbelief,"Uncle, why are you like this, making me eat this kind of thing."

Lin Bin was eating the skewers by himself, his mouth full of oil,"I didn't ask you to eat it, you were the one who was quick to eat, didn't you see Xinyi didn't even do anything?"

Bai Lele turned around and saw Zhuo Xinyi sitting there without moving. He immediately gave her a resentful look, then took a few gulps from the water cup.

"Okay, Lele, this thing is actually very common, it's not what you think."

Zhuo Xinyi pretended to be generous and quickly spoke to comfort

"Humph! Then why don't you eat?"Bai Lele is not really stupid. Seeing her best friend pursed her lips and smiled secretly, she knew that she had just made a fool of herself.

"I'm trying to lose weight recently and can't eat meat at night"

""You're still losing weight, your breasts are gone."

Bai Lele muttered casually. It was just a joke, but Zhuo Xinyi heard it in her heart. She looked at the other's fat little white rabbit, and then thought about herself, and suddenly felt a little unhappy.

Lin Bin ate while watching the two girlfriends bickering, smiling without saying a word.

"Come on, let's drink this cup together and wish our friendship everlasting!"

Bai Lele took a sip with gritted teeth. After the spicy taste entered her throat, she didn't want to drink anymore.

Lin Bin had never drunk this wine worth more than a thousand yuan before. In addition, there was a burden beside him, which ruined his plan. He could only drink alone.

Unconsciously, he finished the whole bottle of wine by himself.

More than an hour later,

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, please don't go.——"

Seeing Lin Bin, who was drunk and unconscious, still shouting someone else's name, Bai Lele suddenly felt angry,"Sister Xinyi, what should we do now?"

Zhuo Xinyi was also a little depressed. She had dressed up carefully and wanted to show off, but Lin Bin didn't even look at her the whole night.

"How would I know? Why not let him do this? Maybe he will sober up after a while."

"That won't do. What if we meet a bad guy?"

Finally, the two women had no choice but to carry Lin Bin together and go to the nearby Vienna Hotel to get a room.

The front desk lady of the hotel was also enlightened when she saw two beauties bringing a drunk handsome guy to develop.

Fortunately, the other party also had his own professional ethics and didn't say anything.

After putting Lin Bin on the bed, Bai Lele was a little worried. He watched him for a while. After making sure that he was asleep, he left with Zhuo Xinyi. After a night of gaining nothing and delaying the live broadcast, Zhuo Xinyi could only return with a belly full of anger.

The next day.

Lin Bin was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone in a daze.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in an unfamiliar room. He got up suddenly, resisting the discomfort after the hangover. After confirming that he had not lost his virginity, he answered the phone.

"Uncle, you finally woke up. I have to go out for something today. Take care of yourself."

Bai Lele stuck out his tongue and looked at Lin Bin's painful face. After confirming that he was fine, he hung up the phone.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, Bai Lele's 380 yuan consumption, sincerity index 76.88, reverse critical hit 7688 times!"

"The amount received is RMB 2921440, please check it!"

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, Bai Lele's 288 yuan consumption, sincerity index 80.65, reverse critical hit 8065 times!"

"The amount received is 2322720 yuan, please check it!"

Two prompts sounded in succession in his mind. Lin Bin took a look at the record and realized that the 380 yuan was the money for the barbecue last night, and the 288 yuan was the hotel room fee.

Lin Bin smiled bitterly. What a big deal.

He woke up with another 5 million yuan, and this was not the result of his own initiative.

He opened his phone again and saw a message from Zhuo Xinyi.

""Brother Bin, do you think my clothes look good?"

A sexy black photo was attached to the message.

Lin Bin criticized with an admiring look for three seconds, and then sent a message to the other party: You are too cute.

In the apartment, Zhuo Xinyi was shopping online with her mobile phone, and suddenly she received a message with a ding.

She clicked it and saw that it was from Lin Bin.

"You are too cute."

Zhuo Xinyi was stunned, and didn't react at first.

Fortunately, Chinese doesn't need to be read in order to understand the meaning.

Put the small characters at the end, and the sentence is easy to understand.

Zhuo Xinyi looked down at her chest, with a face full of resentment. After thinking for a while, she picked up her phone again and quickly sent a message back.

"I heard that if you rub it often, it will grow bigger. Is that true?"

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