Lin Bin went to wash up, rubbing his still aching head, and was about to leave the hotel when he found another message on his phone.

He opened it and saw the content sent by Zhuo Xinyi, and immediately perked up.

This woman, is she trying to deliver goods to your door?

Although Zhuo Xinyi is too young, her appearance is not low, especially her long legs, which are quite a plus.

Lin Bin immediately picked up the phone and quickly replied a message: You have heard about this kind of thing, you have to try it to know.

Originally, he planned to take down the little white rabbit in one fell swoop last night, but the bitch ruined his plan. Since the other party is delivering it to his door now, he will not be polite.

On the other side, Zhuo Xinyi had been holding the phone. After waiting for a few minutes, she didn't see Lin Bin reply. When she was disappointed, the phone suddenly dinged.

When she saw the content of the other party's reply clearly, a smile immediately appeared at the corner of her mouth, and her fingers quickly pressed on the phone.

Bitch:"Brother Bin, I live alone. I want to try but no one helps me. What should I do?"

Lin Bin:"Don't panic, sister. Send me a location and I'll go over to help you."

Soon, the other party sent a location.

Lin Bin turned on the navigation and took a look. It was more than 20 kilometers away from his hotel. He did not hesitate and went downstairs to check out of the room immediately.

Not long after walking out of the hotel, Lin Bin saw his Audi R8 parked on the side of the road. At this time, a beautiful woman in a white sling was standing in front of the car.

The beautiful woman looked around and turned her head from time to time to look at the luxury car next to her. It seemed that she was waiting for someone. Lin Bin curled his lips and walked over slowly.

When Tang Lan went downstairs in the morning, she saw a sports car parked on the side of the road. When she approached and took a closer look, it turned out to be an Audi R8. She was immediately shocked.

The place where she lived could only be regarded as the suburbs of Jiangcheng City. There were mostly some cheap rental houses nearby. On weekdays, some BMWs and Mercedes-Benzes were not uncommon, but it was the first time she saw an R8 worth more than two million.

The person who can drive such a luxury car must be extraordinary.

Tang Lan immediately thought about making friends with the owner of this luxury car, but she didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, her legs were sore, but she still didn't see the owner of the car.

Just when she was feeling upset, she saw a loser wearing cheap clothes walking towards her.

The young man looked quite handsome, but his clothes probably cost no more than two or three hundred yuan in total, so she immediately passed him over in her mind.

Seeing that the man was getting closer and closer, as if he was walking towards her, Tang Lan frowned immediately and subconsciously took a step back, trying to distance herself from this loser.

Who would have thought that the other party would go even further and actually stop in front of her.

"Hello, beautiful lady, please make way."

Lin Bin smiled politely at the other party. He didn't want to chat with her, but the key point was that the woman was blocking the car door. If she didn't make way, he couldn't get in the car.

"Hey, what are you doing? Isn't the road wide enough for you to walk?"

Tang Lan was not polite at all. She could tell at a glance that this loser was either trying to take a ride or take pictures, or just wanted to chat with her.

She was not interested in this poor loser at all.

Lin Bin reached into his trouser pocket, took out a small treasure, and pressed it gently.


The Audi R8 next to him unlocked immediately, which scared Tang Lan and she subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Sorry, you're blocking my car."

Lin Bin shook the car keys in his hand, and while the other party made room, he opened the car door and got in.

Seeing this, Tang Lan finally reacted. She didn't expect that she had made a mistake.

The loser in front of her turned out to be the car owner she had been waiting for.

She reacted quickly, and a smile immediately appeared on her face. She moved to the car window and said,"Handsome guy, when I went downstairs just now, I saw a group of little brats gathered here. I was afraid that they would scratch the car, so I waited here."

How could Lin Bin not guess what the other party was thinking, but he didn't expose it. He smiled and nodded at the other party,"Thank you very much, then."

"You're welcome. Hey, handsome guy, how about we add each other on WeChat? I can help you watch your car when you park here next time."

Tang Lan bent over, and the small suspenders slipped off her shoulders, revealing half of the shaky fruit.

Lin Bin's eyes stayed for a second, and then he looked at the heavy makeup on her face and lost interest immediately.

Although he wanted to eat meat, he was not so hungry that he would eat anything. This woman's appearance was even better than that of a bitch.

Besides, he was in a hurry to have a luxurious meal, and he really didn't want this kind of roadside fast food.

"No, I have something to do now and I am in a hurry."

Nodding to the other party again, Lin Bin started the car and drove away.

"Humph! It's just a few bucks, what's so great about that!"

Tang Lan, who missed the opportunity, cursed sourly as she looked at the R8 going away.

Driving a luxury car worth more than two million, Lin Bin clearly felt that all the cars that competed with him for the road on the road disappeared, as if the world had become wider.

No wonder everyone envies people with money.

Lin Bin rolled down the window, felt the cold wind, hummed a little tune, and felt particularly comfortable.

The road was smooth, and after more than 20 minutes, he came to a community named Four Seasons Garden according to the address given by Zhuo Xinyi.

This community looks a bit old, and the geographical location is also very ordinary. I think the housing prices are not that expensive.

Lin Bin searched one building after another, and soon found Building No. 7. Before the car was stable, he saw Zhuo Xinyi standing downstairs.

The bitch was obviously dressed up carefully. She was wearing a pink suspender dress, and her long legs were wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, which was particularly eye-catching.

""Brother Bin, stop here!"

Zhuo Xinyi waved her hand, quickly ran to the parking space on the side, and began to direct the reverse.

Lin Bin was also an experienced driver, so his driving skills were naturally impeccable.

He got it right in one go!

"Xinyi, why do you live in such a place? The environment of this community is too ordinary."

Lin Bin locked the car and naturally put his hand on the other's shoulder.

Zhuo Xinyi froze, and the whole person seemed a little uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to shake him off.

She was going to hold on tightly, but she didn't think of getting herself involved.

Moreover, during the first two meetings, Lin Bin had always been polite and didn't behave out of line at all.

"Brother Bin, you know the housing prices in Jiangcheng. My salary this month is not much, so it’s good enough to be able to live here."

Zhuo Xinyi forced a smile. Fortunately, Lin Bin just put his hand on her shoulder and did not take the next step, which also made her feel relieved.

Lin Bin casually said:"It’s okay, when the show starts later, just tell me, and I will go and give you some gifts, at least let you move to another place"

"Thank you, Brother Bin. How about going to my upstairs to have a look?"Zhuo Xinyi was overjoyed. It seemed that her careful dressing up really worked.

"All right, let's take a look."

Lin Bin didn't expect her to be so sensible, so he immediately went along with it.

The residential area was all seven-story low-rise, and there was no elevator. Zhuo Xinyi lived on the third floor, and the two of them quickly went upstairs.

"Welcome, Brother Bin, to visit my humble abode."Zhuo Xinyi joked as she opened the door.

Lin Bin smiled slightly and walked in directly, just like the big bad wolf in a fairy tale.

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