The dense raindrops hit the ground, making a sound that covered everything.

In the unknown small valley,

Zhou Manqing leaned against the rock and breathed deeply.

Although this small space was a little uncomfortable, it could at least shelter from the wind and rain.

Half of Lin Bin's body was exposed to the rain, but he didn't care.

"It's too cold outside, what if you get cold? Come, I'll warm you up."

Lin Bin smiled.

Zhou Manqing's cheeks were red, and she seemed to be hot and cold.

The rain continued to fall, and it was getting heavier, with no sign of stopping.

The wind whistled past, as if it was tireless.......

After an unknown amount of time, the rain slowly began to subside and the wind gradually died down.

Lin Bin, who was already soaked all over, was a little exhausted.

""Manqing, the rain has stopped!"

Zhou Manqing came back to her senses after hearing Lin Bin's voice.

Feeling the quietness around her, she felt inexplicably relieved. She didn't know whether this rain was a blessing or a curse for her.

"Let's go back"

"Good! Otherwise, Old Xia would be worried too."

It was raining so hard that their cell phones were soaked in water and couldn't be turned on.

If they didn't get down the mountain quickly, Xia Mo might be worried to death.

Moreover, now that the rain has stopped, if they continue to stay here, they might soon be discovered by the scenic area management staff.

Lin Bin relaxed for a while, then immediately stood up,"Slow down, I'll hold you."


Zhou Manqing nodded, and she didn't force it.

However, as soon as she stood up and took a step, her feet went weak and she cried out in surprise.


"What's wrong?"

Lin Bin was quick to pull her and asked with concern.

Zhou Manqing's face was still flushed,"Maybe I've been lying on my stomach for too long, and my feet are a little numb."

Lin Bin couldn't help laughing,"Hey, how about I carry you?"

Zhou Manqing was a little embarrassed and annoyed. Although her way of walking was a little strange, she still insisted on not letting him carry her.

What if someone saw them?

It had just rained heavily, and the mountain became extremely slippery, making it difficult to walk.

Fortunately, Lin Bin held Zhou Manqing tightly, and the two did not return to the original path, but found a relatively flat place and began to slowly go down the mountain.

More than an hour later, the two embarrassed figures finally arrived at the foot of the mountain.

"Qingqing, are you okay?"

Xia Mo rushed over as soon as they reached the foot of the mountain.

Zhou Manqing quickly let go of Lin Bin's arm,"Old Xia, why are you here?"

Xia Mo was relieved,"It was raining so hard just now, and you didn't come down from the mountain. How could I not be worried?"

If it hadn't just rained hard and the scenic area management office banned tourists from entering the mountain, she would have gone up long ago.

Such heavy rain might cause falling rocks or landslides. Xia Mo knew that she might not be able to find Zhou Manqing even if she went in, so she had to wait at the entrance.

Zhou Manqing forced a smile,"Don't worry, Lin Bin went in time and brought me down." Of course, she didn't say anything about what happened in the storm.

Although Lin Bin didn't ask her why she wanted to go to the Moon Spring alone, he had a guess in his heart.

Moreover, everything that should be done was done, so there was no need to ask again.

Xia Mo looked up and down and found that although Zhou Manqing looked a little embarrassed, she didn't have any external injuries. She was completely relieved, and then turned to look at Lin Bin.

"How are you, are you okay?"

Although it sounded nonchalant, there was a hint of concern in the voice.

Lin Bin pounded his chest,"Don't worry, it's okay. Don't you know how strong I am?"

Xia Mo didn't know what she remembered, her face turned red, and she spat lightly,"Bah! Beast."

Lin Bin was a little confused by the scolding.

"All right, let's go back quickly, it's so uncomfortable to be wet all over."

Zhou Manqing saw that the two of them were bickering again, and tried to persuade them.

However, when she raised her legs, her feet went weak again, and she almost fell.

Xia Mo hurriedly grabbed her,"Qingqing, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Manqing subconsciously glanced at Lin Bin, her pretty face flushed slightly,"Maybe you are too tired from climbing the mountain, just take a rest when you get back."

"You are too weak. Come and exercise with me in the future." Xia Mo complained, but she held her hand and dared not let go.

Perhaps because of his guilty conscience, Lin Bin could not directly hold Zhou Manqing in front of Xia Mo.

The three of them went down the mountain quickly. Xia Mo was responsible for driving, while Lin Bin and Zhou Manqing sat in the back seat and returned to the hotel.

"Qingqing, why is your face so red? Did you get a fever from the rain?"

Xia Mo glanced through the rearview mirror while driving.

"without...It's okay."

Sitting in the back seat, Zhou Manqing felt as if countless ants were crawling all over her body, and her whole body tensed up immediately.

Lin Bin showed a faint smile on his face, and put his big hands where Xia Mo couldn't see.......

The storm came and went quickly.

When we returned to the hotel, the sun had already broken through the clouds.

Seeing that Zhou Manqing was indeed fine, Xia Mo returned to the film and television base and continued to urge the progress on site.

"Manqing, your legs are numb, how about I rub them for you?"

"no, do not want......"

Lin Bin curled his lips,"Okay, let's talk about it later."

After all the trouble, both of them were a little tired. They didn't go anywhere in the afternoon, so they just slept well in the hotel.

When they woke up again, it was completely dark.

Lin Bin went to the next door and knocked on the door, but there was no one inside. He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Manqing.

"Manqing, where are you? How about we have dinner together?"

"Abin, Su Fei is here. She and I are outside. You eat first."

Zhou Manqing's voice came from the phone, and it was a bit noisy, as if she was on a busy street.

Su Fei is here?

Lin Bin was stunned and a little puzzled.

He was a little curious before, why did Su Fei go to the TT platform to live broadcast, and now she came to Zhushan.

Could it be that something really happened?

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