Lin Bin was naturally embarrassed to disturb the two best friends who were shopping and had not invited him.

Moreover, from what Zhou Manqing said, it seemed that Su Fei had something else to do.

So, Lin Bin had a casual meal in the hotel.

After dinner, he lay on the bed bored, his mind full of what happened today. He had finally gotten closer to Zhou Manqing, and had planned to promote their relationship tonight, but now something unexpected happened.

Seeing that it was almost eight o'clock, Zhou Manqing took Su Fei back together. Hearing the knock on the door, Lin Bin immediately stood up,"Sister Su Fei, why did you come here suddenly without saying hello so that I could treat you."

Su Fei had a smile on her face, and it was hard to tell what she meant."Xiao Bin, I came to play with Manqing, but I didn't know you were here too."

Lin Bin opened the door,"Come in, don't stand at the door."

Su Fei shook her head,"I'll go back and take a shower first. I'm a little tired today. You two can chat."

After she left, Lin Bin asked curiously,"Manqing, what's going on?"

Zhou Manqing smiled.���"Fei Fei probably encountered some troubles, but she didn't tell me."

Lin Bin became even more curious,"Aren't you good friends? Is there anything I can't tell you?"

Zhou Manqing thought about it and said,"I guess it's about her ex-husband."

Lin Bin was shocked,"What? Sister Su Fei is divorced? Isn't she single?"

"He is single now, and he was married with her once."Zhou Manqing explained:"It's just that they divorced just a few days after they got married. As for why, I don't know."

Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of him, Lin Bin shook his head and stopped caring.

Every family has its own problems. Although he has some money now, since the other party is unwilling to talk, there is nothing he can do.

"cough cough...Well, Manqing, why don't you come over tonight when I'm off, and I'll help you rub your legs."

Rubbing your legs!"

Seeing the smirk on Lin Bin's face, Zhou Manqing knew what he was up to. She was immediately embarrassed and annoyed.

"No, Feifei just came today, maybe she will want to chat with me later....I can't come over."

Lin Bin was disappointed,"Then what should I do?"

Zhou Manqing blushed,"Let's talk about it later."

Lin Bin was delighted,"Okay, I'll find you after ten o'clock."

Zhou Manqing hesitated again,"It's too early, and Feifei lives next door to me."

This doesn't work, and that doesn't work. Lin Bin was speechless,"Then wait until after twelve o'clock, you give me a room card, and I'll sneak over."

Zhou Manqing thought about it, and finally nodded slightly in agreement. Lin Bin let her go with satisfaction.

It's only eight o'clock now, and it's still early for the agreed twelve o'clock.

Lin Bin thought about it and decided to take a nap to recharge his energy.

He set an alarm on his mobile phone and fell asleep.


Just after twelve o'clock, Lin Bin was awakened by the alarm on his mobile phone

"Hey, time's up!"

After getting up energetically, he put on his pajamas and went to the next room.

With a click, the door of the next room was opened.

The room was dark and there was no sound.

"Could Manqing be asleep?"

Thinking of what happened during the day, Zhou Manqing should be very tired now, and it is natural for her to fall asleep.

Lin Bin didn't turn on the light, ready to give her a surprise, and quietly moved towards the bed.

Su Fei lay on the bed with her eyes closed, but she couldn't fall asleep.

Just now in her room, she chatted with her bestie, but Zhou Manqing fell asleep while chatting.

Seeing that Zhou Manqing was so tired, Su Fei didn't want to disturb her, so she went straight to her room.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew.

When Su Fei reacted, a body had already pounced on her.

""Woo woo!"

She suddenly woke up and was about to speak, but a big hand covered her mouth.

""Hush! Don't make a sound, it's me!"

The room was dark, and she couldn't see who was coming, but the voice sounded familiar.

Just as Su Fei was stunned, the man had already made a move.

With a bang!

Su Fei's mind was like a thunderclap, her eyes widened, and she stood there stupidly.

Lin Bin noticed that 'Zhou Manqing' was no longer resisting, and he was relieved.


A strange feeling arose, and Sophie finally reacted, and then began to struggle again.

Snap! A crisp sound rang out in the darkness.

"Stop it."

Lin Bin slapped him, and it felt pretty good.

Sure enough, after the slap, the other party became obedient again.

But soon Lin Bin was stunned.

Something was wrong! It seemed to be bigger?

"No! This isn't Manqing!"

Lin Bin's heart was in turmoil, and his hands slowly stopped moving.

"you...It's not Manqing, it's Sister Su Fei?"

Su Fei took a breath and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Although the other party didn't speak, Lin Bin was sure that the person in front of him was not Zhou Manqing at all, but Su Fei.

But why is she here?

At this moment, Lin Bin didn't have time to think about it, and there was only one thought in his mind.

It's over, things have gotten out of hand!

Lin Bin said with a bitter face,"Sister Su Fei, I'm sorry, I really didn't know it was you"

"I will tell Manqing."

Although it was pitch black and he couldn't see the expression on Su Fei's face, he knew from her tone that she was really angry.

What should he do?

He had just established a good relationship with Zhou Manqing today. If she knew about it, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

"Sister Su Fei, it's a misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding, can you please not tell Manqing?"

"I will tell Manqing."

Su Fei repeated it in a somewhat cold voice.

Damn it! I didn't mean it.

Lin Bin was also a little annoyed,"It's really a misunderstanding. This is Manqing's room. Why are you in her bed?"

In the darkness, Su Fei's eyes flashed. From this sentence just now, she judged that something happened between Lin Bin and Zhou Manqing that she didn't know.

But even if it was a misunderstanding, the one who suffered the loss was herself.

"I will tell Manqing.

Seeing that she still had this attitude, Lin Bin was immediately furious.

Now it was like yellow mud falling into the crotch, it was shit if not shit.

Forget it, since it was already done, I would just accept it.

"Sister Su Fei, since you want to talk, just say it."

Damn it, the result is the same anyway, so why should I be afraid of a hammer.

Go on!

Su Fei neither resisted nor cooperated, just lay quietly, without saying a word.

Half an hour.

An hour.

Two hours.

The two seemed to be competing with each other, no one spoke, only the sound of breathing.

Lin Bin used his super strong physique to the fullest.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Fei, who had been unresponsive, finally moved.

""Woo woo~"

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