(I deleted several hundred words in the last chapter.......)

Lin Bin also tried his best and persisted.

However, for two hours, Su Fei neither resisted nor cooperated, and even her expression did not change. This made him a little discouraged.

""Could it be that my skills have declined?"

Just when Lin Bin was about to give up, Su Fei finally responded. Her pretty face, which had always been calm, began to turn red, and her eyes became a little blurry.

At the moment when he was confused, a whisper as soft as a mosquito sounded in his ears.


This small sound was like a catalyst.

Lin Bin was instantly excited, and his fighting power exploded again!

Su Fei also responded, letting go of the bed sheet with both hands and hugged him tightly.

"Sister Su Fei, will you tell Manqing?"

"I won't tell her."

"Good! That's what you said."Lin Bin smiled.

This time, it took more than half an hour.

Tired but happy......

The next day, Lin Bin woke up at noon.

He was exhausted by the end of the night and didn't remember what time he returned to his room in the early morning. He only remembered that he fell asleep as soon as he got back.

After sleeping for a few hours, he finally recovered his strength.

"" Manqing, why are you here?"

Lin Bin got up from the bed, hungry, and was about to find something to eat. When he opened the door, he saw Zhou Manqing standing there, and raised her hand as if to knock on the door.

Zhou Manqing rolled her eyes at him and said,"You can sleep so well. It's noon. I came to call you for dinner."

Thinking back to the stupid things he did last night, Lin Bin felt inexplicably guilty when facing Zhou Manqing.

"Well, I was so tired yesterday that I overslept....How did you sleep last night?"

Zhou Manqing also remembered their agreement, her face slightly red,"I fell asleep last night, too."

When she woke up this morning, she found herself lying in Su Fei's room. Fortunately, Lin Bin also overslept yesterday, otherwise she would have waited for a whole night in vain.

Moreover, Su Fei also said that she dreamed of some nonsense at night, which caused her not to sleep well.

When Zhou Manqing thought of this, she felt a little uneasy, fearing that she would tell the story between her and Lin Bin.

If that happened, she would be embarrassed in front of her bestie.

"It seems that Su Fei really didn't tell Manqing about what happened last night."

Lin Bin, who had calmed down, also breathed a sigh of relief,"Let's go, I'm hungry too."

The two went downstairs immediately.

After leaving the hotel, Zhou Manqing drove the car and Lin Bin sat in the passenger seat without asking where they were going.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped in front of a restaurant.

Zhou Manqing led the way and went directly to a small private room on the second floor.

""Eh? Old Xia, why are you here too? And Sister Su Fei?"

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Bin found two beautiful women sitting at the table.

Xia Mo pouted,"What? Did I disturb your date with someone? I'm telling you, just give up on this idea. Qingqing won't be interested in you.""

"Old Xia, what are you talking about?" Zhou Manqing blushed, feeling a little flustered inexplicably, and shyly glanced at Lin Bin. Lin

Bin was secretly happy in his heart.

He had succeeded, but Xia Mo was still in the dark.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw Su Fei from the corner of his eye, who was staring at him with a smile.

The smile on Lin Bin's face froze.

Xia Mo didn't know about this, but Su Fei already knew about it.

However, it seems that he is not at a disadvantage!

Thinking of this, Lin Bin's eyes became calm, and he looked directly at Su Fei.

Sure enough, when it comes to being thick-skinned, no one can match him.

Su Fei was defeated directly, picked up the teacup on the table, and pretended to be nothing.

""Okay, everyone, please sit down. I'm starving. Waiter, serve the food!"

Zhou Manqing was afraid that her bestie would notice something, so she changed the subject immediately.

Soon, the food was served.

Lin Bin had been hungry for a long time, and he didn't bother to talk back to Xia Mo, and started to eat with relish.

The four of them sat around a round table. In order to avoid suspicion, Zhou Manqing sat next to Xia Mo, and only Lin Bin sat opposite.

Fortunately, the table was not big, so he didn't look that pitiful.

Xia Mo was a picky eater, and she didn't move her chopsticks much after eating a few bites. Looking at Lin Bin who was wolfing down the food opposite her, her eyes flashed, and suddenly she came up with an idea. Under the table, Xia Mo kicked off her high heels, then slowly raised her legs and stretched them towards the opposite side.


Lin Bin had just picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, and before he put it in his mouth, he suddenly felt someone kick his calf.

He was stunned, and the ribs in his hand fell down.

The foot continued to move up, from the calf to the knee, and then moved up!

Lin Bin suddenly put his legs together, clamped the foot, and then looked up at the opposite side of him.

Zhou Manqing was also absent-minded, secretly looking at Lin Bin from time to time. Seeing him suddenly staring at her, her face inexplicably turned red

"Wow, is Manqing so open-minded?"

Lin Bin was shocked!

Su Fei and Xia Mo were still there, and she dared to take the initiative to stretch her legs to tease him?

However, it was really exciting!

""Damn it!"

Xia Mo gritted her teeth and cursed in her heart.

She stretched out her foot just now, just to tease Lin Bin and make him look bad, but she didn't expect this guy to be so bold that he clamped her legs. Now she couldn't retract them even if she wanted to.

In fact, her toes seemed to touch something. The most hateful thing was that this guy was still smiling at Qingqing.

Xia Mo was afraid of being discovered by others, so she quickly stretched out her other foot and kicked towards Lin Bin.


Lin Bin was attacked successfully and escaped.

However, he was not a person who would suffer a loss.

Since others could stretch their legs, so could he.

Thinking of this, Lin Bin began to take the initiative to attack.

Su Fei was also very tired last night, and when Lin Bin left���It was almost dawn, and in order to avoid being discovered by Zhou Manqing, she hurried back to her room.

As a result, before she had time to sleep for long, Zhou Manqing woke up. She was already a little tired after accompanying her for a whole morning.

While eating, she quietly stretched out her legs and wanted to relax.

But the next moment, Su Fei's eyes widened.

Under the table, a big foot kicked over rudely from the opposite side.

As soon as it touched, Su Fei was startled and quickly retracted her legs.

""Huh? I'll see where you're going!"

Lin Bin curled his lips and continued to stretch his foot forward.

However, after several attempts, he still couldn't find it.

Lin Bin slightly shifted the direction and finally found it.

Zhou Manqing froze and almost dropped the chopsticks in her hand.

Under the table, a foot was almost reaching below her waist.

"he...What is he going to do?"

Seeing Zhou Manqing's face flushed, Lin Bin smiled cunningly.

His right foot began to get naughty.

But soon he was stunned again.

Wait, something is wrong!

The leg just now seemed to be wearing stockings, right?

Zhou Manqing was wearing long pants today!

Lin Bin was a little dumbfounded.

Just now, whose leg was that?

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