The next day, Lin Bin was woken up again.

Bang, bang, bang, there was a knock on the door.

"I 'm here!"

When he pushed the door open, Zhou Manqing was standing there with an apologetic look in her eyes.

Lin Bin chuckled,"Manqing, when did you leave last night? Why didn't you call me?"

Zhou Manqing was stunned,"I...I had something to do last night, so I didn't come over!"

What? Didn't come over?

Then who was the one driving the car last night?

Lin Bin was stunned.

Could it be that he had a dream last night?

But, that's not right! There was a watermark on the bed sheet, and the feeling last night was so real.

Could it be Su Fei?

As soon as this thought came to Lin Bin's mind, he ruled it out.

He clearly remembered that it seemed to be a little smaller, and even not as ambitious as Zhou Manqing.

Besides, if it was really Su Fei, the time would not be so short.

"Could it be that I didn’t lock the door last night, and someone broke in, and then raped me?"

Lin Bin’s heart skipped a beat. If that was the case, he would have suffered a great loss.

Zhou Manqing also noticed that something was wrong with his expression, and asked quickly,"What happened last night? Did something happen?"

Seeing her concerned look, Lin Bin felt speechless and could only force a smile,"It’s okay, I had a dream last night, and I thought it was you who came over."

Zhou Manqing’s pretty face blushed. What kind of dream could she have in the middle of the night? She could guess without saying anything.

In fact, she also wanted to come over last night, but was delayed by her best friend.

But in this way, Lin Bin was somewhat wronged

"Abin, there will be another chance in the future."

Lin Bin sighed silently, temporarily suppressing what happened yesterday in his heart,"Okay, let's go eat."

When the two went downstairs, Su Fei had arrived one step ahead.

The three did not find another place, so they had breakfast in the hotel.

At the dining table, Lin Bin was a little absent-minded. He secretly glanced at Su Fei a few times and found that the other party was a little listless. He began to doubt again. Could it be that it was really Su Fei last night?

Su Fei did not sleep well last night again.

In order to disrupt Zhou Manqing's plan, she watched her best friend fall asleep with her own eyes, and remained vigilant all night.

She couldn't explain why she did this.

Obviously Zhou Manqing and Lin Bin knew each other first, and the two had confirmed their relationship before her.

However, when Su Fei thought of the feeling that night, she couldn't help it. She had to think that there was a delicious meal in front of her. If she shared it with others, she was afraid that she would not be full.

Even after Zhou Manqing fell asleep, Su Fei thought about whether to go to Lin Bin's room, but she was worried that if Zhou Manqing suddenly woke up and ran over and caught her, it would be over.

"Abin, we have been here for a few days. When will we go back to Jiangcheng?"

Zhou Manqing asked while eating breakfast slowly.

Lin Bin thought for a while and said,"Well, since we are back, I will go home to see my parents, and we will go back together after we finish our business."

Zhou Manqing nodded and looked at Su Fei,"When do you plan to go back?"

Su Fei said slowly,"No hurry, I'll go with you."

Zhou Manqing's eyes widened immediately. Her best friend insisted on chatting with her last night and said that she would go back to Jiangcheng soon, but why is she not in a hurry now?

Lin Bin didn't know what happened between the two of them before, and he had been wondering who it was last night.

Just like that, the three of them had their own thoughts and had breakfast together.

After dinner, Su Fei asked Zhou Manqing to take her to visit Xia Mo, and Zhou Manqing couldn't refuse, so the two girls went to the film and television base together.

Lin Bin was alone, driving an Audi A8 to the department store, ready to make a big purchase.

Since he was going back, he naturally couldn't go empty-handed.

He is now worth hundreds of billions, but his parents don't know, and according to their reluctant character, even if they knew, they probably wouldn't be reluctant to spend money.

Lin Bin simply bought some things himself and took them back.

Zhushan is just a small county town, so the first choice for shopping is naturally the department store. As soon as Lin Bin entered the door, he heard a noise coming from not far away, and there were already quite a few people watching nearby.

First was a man's voice:"Huh! I tell you, you have to agree to this condition whether you agree or not, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Then, a woman's angry voice was heard:"Lu Zhiyong, you bastard, get out of here!"

Huh? Why does this voice sound familiar?

Lin Bin just glanced at the crowd watching the excitement, and continued to walk forward, not intending to watch the excitement.

However, when he heard that the woman's voice sounded familiar, he immediately stopped, turned around and changed direction, and walked towards the noise over there.

"It's her!"

In the crowd, a woman in her twenties was squatting on the ground in a messy manner. In front of her was an arrogant man, gesticulating and spitting.

This woman was none other than Xu Panpan, Lin Bin's old deskmate in high school.

I remember that when my cousin got married last time, he came back to Zhushan County, and the two met and chatted for a while.

At that time, Xu Panpan had just gotten married, with a happy family and a successful career, but now it has become a different picture.

The man saw that more and more people were watching, and his face was a little embarrassed. He raised his hand and slapped Xu Panpan.

Fortunately, Xu Panpan dodged in time, but the man was relentless and prepared to continue.

Although there were many onlookers, no one stopped them.

This young couple looked like a young couple, and everyone was just watching the fun, but no one wanted to cause trouble.

Lin Bin couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately squeezed through the crowd.

No matter who the other party was, it was not okay to hit his old classmate!


Lu Zhiyong is tall and strong, so Xu Panpan is no match for him. Although she dodged two slaps from the opponent, she was about to dodge the third.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out and stood in front of her.

Lin Bin grabbed Lu Zhiyong's arm, making him unable to move, then turned around and looked at Xu Panpan on the ground,"Old classmate, are you okay?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Xu Panpan quickly looked up,"Lin Bin!"

"Boy, who are you? Let me go!"

Lu Zhiyong's arm was grabbed by someone, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get away, and his whole face was flushed.

Seeing this, Lin Bin pushed him back with a little force, and the guy took a few steps back.

After forcing the other party to retreat, he quickly reached out and pulled Xu Panpan up from the ground.

""Old classmate, what's going on?"

Xu Panpan gritted her teeth,"I was blind to marry a scumbag!"

It really is her husband.

Lin Bin sighed in his heart. It's really hard for him to interfere in other people's family affairs.

Of course, he couldn't just watch his old classmate being beaten by others.

Lu Zhiyong staggered after being pushed and was shocked. This guy is so strong.

"Xu Panpan, you are so good, this guy is your lover, why are you pretending to be pure in front of me, maybe you have cheated on me several times."

Xu Panpan was furious,"Lu Zhiyong, you bastard, I have cheated on you, what can you do to me?"

Lu Zhiyong glanced at Lin Bin, wanting to do it, but a little scared,"Bah! Bastard, just wait, I will make you pay!"

He said a cruel word and turned away.

Lin Bin was speechless, why was he mistaken for a thief?

""Okay, everyone, stop crowding around."

Lin Bin waved to the people around him, and then helped Xu Panpan to her milk tea shop.

As soon as they entered the door, Xu Panpan made a request that almost shocked everyone.

"Lin Bin, can you do me a favor?"

"It doesn't matter whether you help or not, we are all old classmates, just ask, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse."

Xu Panpan gritted his teeth,"Then help me to make the guy surnamed Lu wear a green hat!"

Lin Bin was immediately annoyed.

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