Too hasty! It's too early to say that.

He can definitely help people put on hats. For a moment, Lin Bin didn't know how to refuse. At the moment,

Xu Panpan was obviously angry and her mood was a little wrong, so he couldn't take advantage of her. Besides, although Lin Bin liked beautiful women, he still had a bottom line.

""Well, that old classmate, what happened? Can you tell me about it?"

Xu Panpan's tears fell and she began to tell the story in bits and pieces.

It turned out that Lu Zhiyong was her husband, and they had been married for only a few months.

But some time ago, Xu Panpan suddenly found out that Lu Zhiyong had cheated on her.

In a rage, the two of them started to divorce.

The couple had just been married for a short time and had no children yet. Other aspects were fine, but the problem was with the milk tea shop.

When the shop was first opened, both of them put out some money. Later, Xu Panpan had been managing the shop, and the business was good. At the end of the month, the net profit was about 10,000 yuan.

In a small county like Zhushan, this is not a small amount.

Now that they are getting a divorce, the property must be sorted out.

Xu Panpan originally planned to return the money invested in the milk tea shop to Lu Zhiyong, and the shop would belong to her. But Lu Zhiyong was attracted by the profit of the shop and wanted to drive Xu Panpan away.

Lin Bin was relieved after hearing this. It was just a milk tea shop, and he thought it was no big deal.

"It's just a store. If you don't want it, I'll help you open another one."

"No! I have been running around for this store since it was renovated. Why should I give it to him now?"Xu Panpan wiped her tears, her voice a little stubborn.

A girl from the countryside, she relied on her hard work to finally fight for the life she wanted, how could she let others get away with it.

What's more, it was Lu Zhiyong who cheated first, and if she really let it go like this, how could Xu Panpan swallow this breath.

Lin Bin thought about it, and more or less understood the idea of this old classmate,"How about this, I'll find someone to warn that guy, and then help you find a lawyer. By the way, have you completed the divorce procedures now?"

"The formalities haven't been completed yet." Xu Panpan shook her head,"I thought about hiring a lawyer before, but that bastard surnamed Lu has some connections and knows people in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. If I don't give him the store, he will find someone to check the accounts every day."

This is not a difficult thing.

Maybe for ordinary people, a guy like Lu Zhiyong who has connections can do whatever he wants.

But with Lin Bin's current net worth, it is too easy to solve such a problem.

Apart from anything else, just give Wang Tao a call. For the sake of the film and television base, even if she can't solve it, she will ask the people above to solve it.

"Okay, these are all small matters, I'll help you with it, just tell me the identity information of that guy."

Xu Panpan knew nothing about Lin Bin now, and thought he was going to fight with Lu Zhiyong, so she immediately shook her head and said,"Forget it, we can't beat him.

However, if nothing else can be done, then I will make him wear a green hat, anyway, we haven't divorced yet."

Here we go again! He really can't get over the hat.

Dad Lin was a little speechless, looking at Xu Panpan, it seemed that she was determined to retaliate.

However, he really couldn't take this job.

Although Xu Panpan's facial features were average, she was very good and had a good figure, not to mention the bonus of being someone else's wife.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't refuse such a good thing that came to their doorstep.

But Lin Bin really couldn't do it.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to have a meal with someone at noon, and we can talk about other things later."It was broad daylight now, and Xu Panpan thought Lin Bin was embarrassed, so she didn't urge him.

With the current commotion, the milk tea shop couldn't do business recently, so she simply closed it.

Lin Bin didn't care about buying things, so he took out his mobile phone and called Wang Tao.

"Sister Tao, let's have lunch together at noon. By the way, I remember Director Zhou, who I met last time, please make an appointment with me."

Although Wang Tao was a little surprised when she received the call, she didn't ask much, but agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin saw that Xu Panpan's face was still covered with tears and looked a little embarrassed, so he prepared to take her back to Lijing Hotel first.

"Is this your car?"

Xu Panpan was shocked when she saw the Audi A8 in front of her.

Although she didn't know much about cars, she had heard of the name of Audi A8, and it cost at least several million.

Lin Bin smiled faintly,"It's the company's car, I'll drive it casually."

After hearing him say that, Xu Panpan didn't think much about it.

After arriving at the hotel, Lin Bin opened a room for her next door,"Old classmate, you clean up first, I have an appointment later, let's go out for dinner together."

During this period of divorce, Xu Panpan was kicked out of the house and had no place to live. She usually slept in the store.

Not to mention taking a shower, she couldn't even sleep well.

After Lin Bin closed the door and left, she went to wash up.

Half an hour later, when Xu Panpan went downstairs again, she looked much better

"Let's go, let's go eat."

Xu Panpan had no idea who Lin Bin had made an appointment with.

At noon, in a restaurant, when she saw Wang Tao and Zhou Dahai, she didn't recognize them.

"Haha, Mr. Lin is the pride of our Zhushan County."

Zhou Dahai flattered him as soon as they met.

It is said that the initial investment in the development of the film and television base exceeded 1 billion. He dared not neglect such a big boss.

"No, no, Director Zhou is a good leader who serves the people."Lin Bin also flattered.

Although Zhou Dahai is a bit flattering, he happens to be the deputy director of the Industry and Commerce Bureau.

That Lu Zhiyong has connections in the Industry and Commerce Bureau, so it is just right to find Zhou Dahai for this matter.

"Director Zhou, I want to ask you here today because I have something to ask you......."

At that moment, Lin Bin briefly told the story of Lu Zhiyong.

Zhou Dahai immediately said righteously:"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I will definitely find out the truth about this matter and give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible."

"Then I'll have to trouble Director Zhou."

Lin Bin didn't take Lu Zhiyong's kind of guy seriously at all. It was just a small matter, and Zhou Dahai would definitely handle it flawlessly.

After dinner, when Zhou Dahai and Wang Tao left, Xu Panpan looked at Lin Bin in shock,"Lin Bin, you...What is going on?"

Lin Bin curled his lips,"Don't worry, the man just now is the deputy director of the Industry and Commerce Bureau. Lu Zhiyong will not embarrass you again."

Xu Panpan seemed to have recognized her old classmate again,"Thank you"

"You're welcome." Lin Bin joked,"Well, now that the problem is solved, do you still need my help to put on your hat?"

Xu Panpan blushed immediately, and when she saw Lin Bin's teasing eyes, she immediately straightened her chest and said,"Wear it, why not!"

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