The class reunion was scheduled to be held in a small restaurant called Juxiangyuan, which was a bit far from Bishui Bay, but Lin Bin did not waste any time and drove there directly.

Forty minutes later, when Lin Bin arrived, it was just past six o'clock. He sent a message to Guan Peng, but the guy had not arrived yet, which made him speechless.

This guy usually called quite actively, but he hadn't come yet.

After thinking about it, Lin Bin did not rush in. After parking the car in front of the small restaurant, he went to a large supermarket across the street, strolled around, and bought a few packs of cigarettes.

The villa was empty. Bai Lele and the other two were only busy buying daily necessities and did not bother to buy other things. After Lin Bin entered the supermarket, he pushed a shopping cart and went straight to the snack area.

"What the hell is this chocolate bar? A box costs more than 500 yuan?"

Lin Bin looked at the various snacks on the shelf, then at the prices, and was immediately shocked.

Before, he only had a salary of a few thousand yuan a month, so how could he afford to buy such expensive snacks. Fortunately, he is not short of money now, and he can finally do whatever he wants.

Lin Bin no longer pays attention to the price. As long as he is interested in it or has never eaten it before, he will not hesitate to buy it directly. After visiting the snack area, he went to the fruit area.

Imported strawberries at more than 800 yuan per catty, grapes at 500 yuan a bunch, and melons at more than 600 yuan each, things that Lin Bin never dared to buy before, he just picked them up and put them in the car.

This heroic move immediately attracted many people's attention, but he didn't care at all.

Seeing that the shopping cart was full, he gave up.

While waiting in line to check out, Lin Bin saw the safety supplies placed in front of the cash register, his eyes lit up, and he casually put a box of extra-large size in his pocket.

Although he didn't use it when he was with Cheng Ke'er and Bai Lele, boys always put safety first when they go out.

"Hello, sir. The total is 12,546.5 yuan."

Lin Bin looked at the two full bags, which cost only more than 10,000 yuan. It was really 'affordable'!

After scanning the code to pay, he casually put the box of extra-large 'safety helmets' into his pocket. If Bai Lele saw this, the girl would definitely be more alert.

"It's really heavy!"

Lin Bin was panting as he carried two large bags of things. He suddenly felt that his previous large purchase was a bit hasty. Fortunately, he didn't run far. He just crossed the road and arrived in front of the car.

"If you want to buy something in the future, it's better to let Bitch run errands." After putting the things in the car, he began to reflect again, should I exercise for my small body?

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

""Fuck! Binzi, why are you here so early? Are you in a hurry to see the beautiful Qiao?"

Lin Bin turned his head and saw Guan Peng riding an electric bike, just in time to rush over."How dare you ask me to come earlier, but you are here now?""

"Wow, this is an Audi R8! It costs more than two million!"

Guan Peng ignored Lin Bin's complaints. When he saw the car next to him, his eyes lit up.

"Hello? Where are you going?"

Lin Bin was confused when he saw this guy riding his bike backwards again.

Guan Peng parked his electric bike on the side of the road, then ran over quickly, circled around the Audi R8, and praised,"This is an R8, my broken electric bike is still a little far away, otherwise if it gets hit, I can't afford it even if I sell it."

When Guan Peng came just now, Lin Bin had already put his things away, and he didn't see him lock the bike, so he didn't know who the car belonged to.

Lin Bin looked at his buddy's envious look, almost drooling, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

"" Okay, it's just a car, is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

Guan Peng shook his head,"You are in the 4S shop every day, you are used to seeing luxury cars, so you don't feel anything. This is an R8, I can't afford it in my lifetime."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look, but didn't see the owner of the car, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and stood in front of the car to take a picture.

Lin Bin looked at him with a guilty look, and he felt a little happy in his heart. If this buddy knew that he was the owner of the car, he would be shocked.

"Okay, stop touching me. Why did you ride a bike here?"

Guan Peng said,"My workplace is not far from here, so I just rode here and saved some money."

Lin Bin said,"Save money to help the poor?"

"What are you talking about? I have a girlfriend. When I make some more money, I will buy a car. However, the cars in your store are too expensive, and I can’t take care of your business."

Guan Peng glanced at him a few more times, and then reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

Seeing that he was still reluctant to leave, Lin Bin pulled his arm and said,"Let’s go! I just resigned a few days ago, and I don’t need you to take care of my business."

Guan Peng was stunned,"What’s the matter? Why do you want to resign? Are you planning to change jobs?"

""Brother, I am financially independent now, and I plan to enjoy life well in the future. What do you think? Are you envious?" Lin Bin smiled faintly.

Guan Peng gave him a thumbs up,"When it comes to bragging, I admit defeat."

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Lin Bin didn't explain much.

Seeing that Guan Peng came here on an electric bike, it was known that his financial conditions were not very good.

But this is normal. For college students like them who have just graduated for two years, there are not many people who can afford a car without the support of their families. If the other party knew their current worth, there might be a gap in the future, and even the purest brotherhood would deteriorate at that time.

The two men walked into the restaurant together, arms around each other's shoulders, and under the guidance of the waiter, they went directly to the private room that had been booked in advance.

"Dapeng and Binzi are here!"

In the private room, more than a dozen people have come, and there is laughter and joy.

Lin Bin greeted everyone one by one, and then found an empty seat to sit down.

There were more than 20 people at the party this time, and they booked three tables in advance. This private room just had enough space for everyone.

"What are you all talking about? Why are you laughing so happily? Guan Peng sat next to Lin Bin in the corner and asked casually.

"We were just talking about the sports car in front of the restaurant. I wonder which rich guy drove a car worth more than two million yuan to eat here."A male classmate said.

When the car was mentioned, Guan Peng became excited,"You are talking about the Audi R8, right? It costs more than two million yuan."

"That’s right, it would be great if I had that much money and deposited it in the bank to earn interest!"

"Come on, people who can afford this kind of car, why would they care about the interest?"

"What's wrong with the interest? Who would complain about having too much money? A car is just a means of transportation. You can buy a BMW for a few hundred thousand."

"Haha, maybe the rich people have so much money that they can't spend it all."

Everyone was talking about it. A group of old classmates riding electric bikes began to point fingers and talk about the rich people's lives.

However, everyone's eyes and expressions revealed envy all the time.

Lin Bin couldn't reveal his identity at this time, otherwise it would embarrass everyone.

Suddenly, a discordant voice sounded

"Humph! What is there to envy? The person who bought this car is not necessarily a good person. He just relies on his family's wealth and power. Such people will have a bad ending sooner or later."

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