Lin Bin didn't want to interrupt, but when he heard someone cursing him, he frowned.

"Gao Hongfei, what you said is a bit extreme, maybe he earned the money by his own ability."

Guan Peng retorted. Although he was envious, he was not jealous, let alone malicious speculation.

Gao Hongfei looked disdainful,"Bah! That car is more than two million yuan, and the people who can afford it have assets of at least tens of millions, or even more. How much is the highest salary of those present? If it weren't for the support of family, how could you afford such an expensive car?"

After these words came out, Guan Peng was a little speechless.

After graduation, he relied on his family's relationship and finally got into the Urban Management Bureau. Although he was only a temporary worker, he made many people envious.

If he didn't rely on his relationship, he was afraid that he might not be able to get a permanent job even if he survived in this life.

The other people present were not doing well either. Like Guan Peng, there were many who rode electric bikes.

Therefore, everyone agreed with Gao Hongfei's words. Everyone had a salary of several thousand yuan, let alone an Audi R8, they couldn't even afford an ordinary domestic car.

"That's not necessarily true! Isn't Miss Qiao also coming to the party today? She's a graduate student in finance. After she starts working, her annual salary will definitely be hundreds of thousands, or even millions. She can still afford an Audi R8.

Suddenly, a girl spoke up.

"That's right! We have low salaries, so we can only say that we have no ability, why are we talking so much!"Guan Peng's eyes lit up,"I will never have the chance to drive an R8 in my lifetime, but our female classmates still have a good chance."

"Good! I must marry a rich man in the future, and then I will buy an R8 for everyone to see."A girl named Wang Qiufang said loudly

"Haha, Wang Qiufang, with your looks, just forget about marrying a rich man, but you can consider me."

"Come on, the few thousand yuan you make a month is not enough for me to buy cosmetics."

Wang Qiufang rolled her eyes at the boy. Although it was a joke, many people took it to heart.

Although no one wants to admit that they are ordinary, they have to face the reality.

"What's so great about being rich! Those people are so rich, but they don't contribute anything to the society." Gao Hongfei said sourly again.

Lin Bin had been enduring it, but this guy was endless, and he finally couldn't stand it anymore,"It's none of your business whether others are rich or poor."

Gao Hongfei stood up,"Lin Bin, who are you scolding? I mean, what does that Audi R8 car have to do with you?"

"I hate red-eyed monsters the most, what's wrong?"

"Who is the red-eyed monster? I am just telling the truth. The car is not yours. What right do you have to say that to me?"

Gao Hongfei's face was livid, and he looked like he was about to start fighting without saying a word.

"Gao Hongfei, what do you want to do? Binzi was right, you were the one who got jealous first. Guan Peng also stood up.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the others hurriedly began to try to reconcile.

"Okay, we are all classmates, what are we doing?"

"Right, right, right, just say less, it's no big deal."As everyone was persuading, the door of the box suddenly opened, and a tall, beautiful woman with delicate features walked in.

""Huh? What's going on? Did everyone know I was coming in and stood up to greet me?"

Qiao Mengyao had a faint smile on her face, and she could tell at a glance that something was wrong in the room. She glanced at Gao Hongfei, who was being held by everyone, and then her eyes fell on Lin Bin.

"Beautiful Joe!"

"Goddess Joe!"

"Mengyao, come sit here with me!"

After everyone saw who was coming, they immediately became enthusiastic. Gao Hongfei was immediately left aside, and the quarrel just now was also ignored.

After Qiao Mengyao came in, she greeted everyone and even reached out to shake hands with them one by one.

All the boys present felt a little ashamed when they saw this former goddess.

""Lin Bin, everyone has stood up to greet me, why are you still sitting?"

Qiao Mengyao made another joke, easily defusing the tense atmosphere in the room.

Seeing that everyone else was standing, Lin Bin felt embarrassed to continue sitting still, so he stood up and joked,"Haha, beautiful Qiao, you are finally here.

Just now everyone was vying to be your boyfriend, and if you didn't come, there would probably be a fight."

Qiao Mengyao was wearing a beige high-waist dress today, which added some noble temperament to her. When she heard Lin Bin's joke, she didn't care too much and replied with a smile.

"It seems that you have a girlfriend! What a pity, I don't have a chance now."

Lin Bin looked at his old classmate and felt a little surprised."It doesn't matter, I don't mind having another girlfriend."

"You are quite shameless. I really believe you have a girlfriend.

Qiao Mengyao was a little surprised. She was keenly aware of the change in other people's attitudes towards her. Only Lin Bin seemed to have no sense of restraint.

""Okay, Binzi, stop talking nonsense, everyone hurry up and sit down!"

Guan Peng called out again, and everyone sat down one after another.

Qiao Mengyao glanced at the empty seat and sat directly next to Lin Bin.

After waiting for a few minutes, when the last classmate arrived, everyone at the party was finally together.

Someone went out to call out, and the waiter quickly started serving the dishes.

At the dinner table, Qiao Mengyao naturally became the focus of everyone's attention. She handled the enthusiastic hospitality of her classmates with ease.

"Mengyao, what exactly do you do now?" A female classmate asked curiously while they were toasting.

Qiao Mengyao smiled and said,"I work at the Xinghe Group. My main business is securities investment and the like."

"Securities investment can make a lot of money! Mengyao, how much is your annual salary now?"A classmate who has no vision asked a stupid question.

"Not much. Our business is mainly based on performance. I just started working and don’t have many clients. Qiao Mengyao didn’t care and joked,"If you have money, please come and take care of your old classmates."

Guan Peng slapped the table and stood up,"Yes! We are all old classmates. If you recommend a few good stocks, we can also make some extra money."

When the others heard this, their eyes lit up immediately.

These days, a horse cannot grow fat without night grass, and a man cannot become rich without external wealth.

Qiao Mengyao happened to work in a securities company and had some inside information. In this way, wouldn’t it be a sure win?

"Guan Peng, you think too highly of me. The stock market is ever-changing. If I had that ability, why would I need to work for others?"Qiao Mengyao declined with a smile.

""Miss Qiao, please don't postpone it. If people really make money, they will definitely remember your kindness!" Someone else said.

Lin Bin smiled but said nothing. He thought to himself that if he really lost money, these people would definitely criticize him.

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