Everyone knows that investment is risky, but some people only think about making money and never consider the consequences of losing money.

Guan Peng accidentally started the conversation, and everyone followed suit.

Qiao Mengyao is a graduate student in finance, so she is naturally smart. She refused several times, but she couldn't stand the sarcasm, so she had no choice but to agree.

"My fellow students, the stock market is too risky, and you can’t make money if you have too little money. If you must invest, I suggest you buy some funds in high-quality sectors."

"Miss Qiao, I'll buy whatever you say, but you have to recommend me a fund with better returns."

Guan Peng struck while the iron was hot and took out his mobile phone, insisting that Qiao Mengyao recommend a few funds to him in person.

They all studied financial management, although the school was rubbish and they didn't learn anything professional at all, but they still understood funds and stocks, and knew the risks and returns.

Qiao Mengyao glared at Guan Peng. If this guy hadn't started it, she wouldn't be embarrassed now. In the end, she could only recommend a few funds to him according to her own judgment.

"Haha, Mengyao's vision must be correct. I only have more than 20,000 yuan in my hand, so

I might as well buy them all."Wang Qiufang has a generous personality and never hides anything. Qiao Mengyao reminded her helplessly,"Qiufang, don't blame me if you lose money!"

"I'll lose money if I lose. It's just buying some funds. How much can I lose? Besides, I believe in your vision."Wang Qiufang said indifferently.

"Not bad! Goddess Qiao is a top student, so her vision is correct. However, I only have 10,000 yuan, so I'll go all in!"

"Hey, I have a little more than you. I have saved more than 30,000 in the past two years."

Everyone was talking to each other, and they were all ready to buy the funds that Qiao Mengyao mentioned. Unconsciously, they began to compare with each other.

Most people were from ordinary families. They had neither bought a house nor a car. They could not compare anything else, but who had saved more money.

Some bought tens of thousands of yuan, and some bought thousands of yuan.

Qiao Mengyao was happy to see that everyone believed in her judgment. She looked around and suddenly found that Lin Bin, who was sitting next to her, did not take any action.

"Why, you don't want to buy anything? Don't you believe in my taste?"

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head."I'm just too lazy to bother. Anyway, I'm not short of money."

""Puff!" Qiao Mengyao was amused by his words, but she also knew that it was impolite, so she quickly put away her smile and said,"Sorry, I really couldn't help it....cluck......"

No one would believe that a college student from an ordinary family would have enough money after working for more than two years.

The key point was that Lin Bin said it seriously, which made her feel too funny.

Lin Bin was a little speechless, knowing that the beautiful Qiao didn't believe what he said at all, but he didn't explain much.

"I think there is no money in the card, so you are embarrassed. Gao Hongfei heard Lin Bin's words clearly, and he was gloating.

He just bought 50,000 yuan at the first sight, and so far, no one has surpassed him.

"Who are you talking about?"

Guan Peng had just sat down when he heard this guy laughing at Lin Bin. He immediately became unhappy and glared at Gao Hongfei.

Gao Hongfei looked at the tall and strong Guan Peng and felt a little scared, but he was unforgiving,"I didn't say anything about you, why are you so anxious?"

"I think you want to make yourself uncomfortable, right?"Guan Peng stood up again.

"Dapeng, forget it."

Lin Bin pulled Guan Peng, he didn't want to make everyone unhappy because of some trivial matters.

Whether he is rich or not is none of other people's business.

Qiao Mengyao also hurriedly persuaded him, and Guan Peng sat down angrily,"Binzi, don't argue with idiots."

But he knew that Lin Bin had just resigned, and maybe he didn't have much money, so he couldn't bear to hear Gao Hongfei talking like that.

Because of Gao Hongfei's words, the atmosphere at the dinner table became a little awkward.

Those classmates who had only bought a few thousand yuan of funds just now also felt a little inferior in their hearts.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then the waiter walked in.

""Excuse me." The waiter greeted politely and continued,"I want to ask if the black Audi R8 at the door is yours. Someone bumped into it just now."

That Audi R8 is worth more than two million yuan and is parked at the door of the hotel. Now it was bumped. The waiter saw it and ran in to look for the owner.

Lin Bin had just bought the car and the license plate had not been issued for a few days. He did not have the habit of leaving a phone number on the car, so the waiter could only ask each table of guests.

"Haha, I don't know which idiot's car it was that had to drive here to show off, and now it's been hit."Gao Hongfei suddenly laughed, looking very happy.

Others looked at this guy with strange eyes, and no one knew what he was happy about.

Lin Bin's face darkened, and he ignored the red-eyed monster and stood up to walk outside.

"Binzi, where are you going?"Guan Peng didn't even contact the Audi.

"The room is too stuffy, I'm going out to smoke a cigarette."Lin Bin replied, and walked outside without saying hello to others.

A car crash is a small matter, but if Lin Bin doesn't deal with it, the hotel staff will definitely not let the perpetrator leave. That's why he wants to go out and take a look, if it's not a big problem, then forget it.

The waiter asked around and saw that he couldn't find the car, so he had to go to other places to ask.

After the waiter left, Qiao Mengyao also said hello to everyone,"You guys take your time eating, I'm going to the bathroom."

After leaving the private room, Qiao Mengyao went to the cashier to settle the bill in advance.

Usually, in class reunions, everyone goes AA, but this is her first time to attend, and her salary is not low now, so she plans to pay for it all herself.

"Hey, isn't that Lin Bin?"

While checking out, Qiao Mengyao looked around casually, and when she looked outside the door, she was suddenly stunned.

At the door of the hotel, Lin Bin glanced at a shallow scratch on the front of the Audi and shook his head.

This small scratch could be repaired with a paint job at most, and he made a wasted trip out.

Beside him, a hotel waiter hurriedly introduced:"Sir, your car was hit by this little girl, and it has nothing to do with our store."

"I...I really didn't mean it......."

Mu Wenjun was pushing her electric bike and standing aside, almost crying. She quickly bowed and apologized to the owner of the car.

She was riding a little too fast just now, and a customer happened to be walking out of the store. In order to avoid the other person, she twisted the handlebars and bumped into the Audi.

The waiter of the restaurant said that the car in front of her cost more than 2 million yuan, and it was a new car. She would have to pay at least tens of thousands of yuan for bumping into the Audi.......

"Oh my! That can't be Lin Bin's car, right?"

At the cashier counter, Qiao Mengyao suddenly heard a familiar voice. She turned around and saw that Wang Qiufang had also come out.

At this time, Wang Qiufang was looking at Lin Bin standing in front of the Audi, and a little girl was bowing to him from time to time. She suddenly widened her eyes.

Qiao Mengyao also smiled bitterly in her heart. She didn't expect that Lin Bin's claim of not being short of money was actually true.

"Mengyao, let's go out and take a look, and capture a rich man alive!"

Wang Qiufang also forgot the purpose of coming out and ran out of the store.

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