At the dining table, seeing Bai Lele still biting the straw with gusto, Lin Bin was relieved.

He had inadvertently heard Little White Rabbit's inner monologue last night, and he had always kept it in mind.

It was impossible to give up either Little White Rabbit or Bitch. As for the solution, he could only wait until later.

"I have been single for more than 20 years, can't I enjoy myself?" Lin Bin said to himself.

When you are poor, you can only dream. When you have money, of course you have to buy, buy, buy.

Now that there is more and more money in the account, it is time to think about how to spend it.

Lin Bin calculated that so far, he has only bought two houses and two cars. Among them, the large flat worth more than 9 million was bought for Cheng Ke'er, and it cannot be counted as his own.

The two cars are okay, an Audi R8 and a Mercedes-Benz G-Class, both worth more than 2 million.

He also plans to give the Audi R8 to Xiao Baitu. In this way, he only has the G-Class that the beautiful young woman Bai Jie has tried.

Although Jiangcheng is also a big city, it is far behind several super first-tier cities in China, and the level of spending is not up to par.

Take Bishuiwan as an example. A villa worth 50 million is already very good in Jiangcheng, but if it is in places like Shanghai, it is normal to double it several times.

After thinking about it, Lin Bin decided to go out for some fun.

"Forget it, I'll find the house myself." Lin Bin shook his head helplessly,"You two get ready, and when I finish the house matters, I'll take you out to meet and play."

Renting a house can't be delayed, after all, Zhou Manqing is still waiting, and the matter of opening up the structure is also imminent.

When Bai Lele heard that they were going out to play, he immediately became excited,"Uncle, where are we going to play?"

"Um...Let's go to the Magic City first and broaden your horizons."Lin Bin thought for a second and made a decision.

"Yeah, that's great! I've wanted to visit Shanghai for a long time!" Bai Lele got excited,"Then when are we going?"

Lin Bin tapped her head,"Why are you so excited? I'll try my best to get the company's work done today. You guys book your tickets and hotels first. The earliest you can go is tomorrow."

Bai Lele grinned, rubbed her head, and started to flatter him,"Uncle, you can get the company's work done in one day, you're really capable."

Lin Bin smiled but said nothing. He looked at Zhuo Xinyi, who stood up to clean the table and walked in an unnatural manner. He thought to himself: Whether she can do it or not, we can just ask that bitch.

After breakfast, Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi planned to repair the BMW, and Lin Bin asked them to drive the Audi R8 to touch up the paint.

After the two girls left, he began to think about the company's affairs.

If it were in the past, he would have to run errands himself to find a house, but now that he has Zhou Manqing as a good helper, Lin Bin doesn't plan to be polite.

He took out his mobile phone, found the other party's number, and called.

The phone was connected as soon as it rang.

""Get lost! Stop bothering me!"

Zhou Manqing cursed angrily on the phone, and then the call was hung up.

Lin Bin was confused,"Is this woman crazy?"

He called again, but the other party had turned off the phone.

Now, Lin Bin could only look confused.

"Could it be that this woman recognized the wrong person?"

Lin Bin thought about it carefully and there was only this possibility. After all, he had not offended the other party, so he should not be hated so much.

It seems that Zhou Manqing must have encountered some trouble, otherwise, his aunt would not have sworn.

This woman is related to whether he can be lazy or not, so Lin Bin did not dare to delay and directly took out his mobile phone to call his niece Mu Wenjun.

This time, the phone rang for a while before it was connected.

Mu Wenjun's sweet voice came,"Ah, Brother Bin, I was busy just now, do you have anything to do?"

Lin Bin said:"Wenjun, what's wrong with your aunt? I called her just now and was scolded directly. When I called again, her phone was turned off."

In Starbucks, Mu Wenjun was stunned, and then said anxiously:"Brother Bin, wait a minute, I'll call my aunt and ask."

She hung up the phone in a hurry, and then dialed Zhou Manqing's number. Sure enough, just as Lin Bin said, her aunt's phone was turned off.

Mu Wenjun called Lin Bin again,"Brother Bin, my aunt's phone is really turned off. Could something have happened?"

"Wenjun, don't worry." Lin Bin heard that Mu Wenjun's voice on the phone was a little strange, and hurriedly comforted her:"Are you at work now? I'll come to find you, and we'll go and see what happened to your aunt."

""Okay, Brother Bin, I'll wait for you in the coffee shop."

This was the first time that Mu Wenjun encountered such a situation, and he was full of worries.

After Lin Bin hung up the phone, he immediately drove to the Starbucks where Mu Wenjun worked part-time.

More than 20 minutes later, when the car arrived in front of Starbucks, he saw Mu Wenjun waiting on the roadside.

"Wenjun, get in the car quickly."

With the car still running, Lin Bin rolled down the window and called out

""Brother Bin!" Mu Wenjun called out and quickly got on the co-pilot.

Lin Bin first asked about their residence, and then started to set off according to the navigation."Wenjun, has your aunt encountered any trouble these days?"

Mu Wenjun's face was full of anxiety, and he shook his head."My aunt never tells me about her affairs. I really don't know what's going on."

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon. Maybe your aunt just had a quarrel with her family." Lin Bin comforted her while driving.

Mu Wenjun's eyes dimmed and she shook her head and said,"I have lived with my aunt since I was a child, and I don't have many family members."

Lin Bin didn't know anything about Mu Wenjun's family situation, and judging from Zhou Manqing's age, she should have started a family. But from what Mu Wenjun said, could it be that her aunt���is single?

"Wenjun, maybe your aunt had a quarrel with her boyfriend. Lin Bin asked tentatively.

Mu Wenjun shook her head again,"No, my aunt has never had a boyfriend."

Damn! This is important information.

Lin Bin wrote it down in his little notebook.

Along the way, he was trying to get some questions. Mu Wenjun didn't notice it at all, but she told Lin Bin a lot about Zhou Manqing.

Soon, the car arrived at an old residential area.

"Wenjun, do you live in a place like this?"

After getting off the car, Lin Bin looked at the old-style buildings in the community and was a little surprised. It seems that their economic conditions are really not that good.

"Yes, I have lived here with my aunt since I was a child."

Mu Wenjun said as she hurriedly brought Lin Bin upstairs.

She lived in a seven-story building with no elevator. The two of them ran all the way to the fourth floor. Mu Wenjun took out the key to open the door while shouting loudly,"What's the matter?"

"Auntie, auntie! Are you home?"

The door opened. At this moment, there was a thump, followed by a cry of surprise.

"ah——"Zhou Manqing's painful voice came,"Wenjun, come and help me"

"It's my aunt!"

Mu Wenjun's face changed, and he hurried to the direction where the voice came from.

Lin Bin followed him for fear of any accidents. But soon, he was completely dumbfounded and stood there in a daze.

Anxious Mu Wenjun pushed open the door of the bathroom, and Zhou Manqing was lying naked on the ground, with a piece of soap not far from her feet.

It seems that the soap is really slippery!

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