Lin Bin stood still at the bathroom door, using his 5.0 vision to see the beautiful scenery clearly.

The floor is so round! The air is so white! (It's OK if you can understand it)

"Ah! Get out!"

After Mu Wenjun squatted down, Zhou Manqing immediately found Lin Bin standing at the door and screamed.

In panic, she quickly stretched out her hands and covered her face in shame. With just two hands, she couldn't cover other places.

""Oh! Oh!"

Lin Bin woke up as if from a dream, and responded quickly, then turned around and closed the bathroom door, standing there obediently.

Zhou Manqing put her hand down again when she heard the door close, but when she saw Lin Bin still standing there, her eyes widened.

"you..."Get out! Close the door!"

Lin Bin slapped his forehead and finally realized that Zhou Manqing had really messed up his brain just now.

Click! The bathroom door closed again.

When Zhou Manqing saw Lin Bin go out, her excitement finally calmed down. She glared at her niece fiercely and said with gritted teeth:"Wenjun���Why did you bring a stranger home?"

This niece is really a jerk to her!

Thinking of the embarrassing scene just now, Mu Wenjun could only say aggrievedly:"Aunt, Brother Bin called you this morning and said that you scolded him, and then turned off his phone.

Later, I couldn't get through to you, and Brother Bin was worried that something happened to you, so he came to see you. Who knows...Who knew this would happen?"

Zhou Manqing was speechless, thinking back to the phone call she received before, and then she realized that it was Lin Bin who called her.

"you...Even if you are worried about me, you can't let him into the bathroom. How can I live my life in the future?"

Mu Wenjun lowered his head, looked at his emotional aunt, and whispered,"It was all an accident. Brother Bin didn't mean it.""Not intentional


Zhou Manqing thought of the scene when Lin Bin stood in the bathroom and closed the door just now, and she was shaking with anger.

Seeing that his aunt was angry, Mu Wenjun quickly changed the subject,"Aunt, why did you fall down suddenly?"

"It's all your fault! I was taking a shower just now, and I heard some noise at the door. I thought it was a thief, and I accidentally stepped on the soap......."

Zhou Manqing sat up with the help, rubbed her buttocks, and took a breath of cool air.

Lin Bin stood at the door of the bathroom, and heard the quarrel inside, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

It's true that when you are young, you don't know how good your aunt is, and you mistakenly regard Wenjun as a treasure!

Ten minutes later, Zhou Manqing, who was neatly dressed, limped out with the help of Mu Wenjun.

She was wearing a silk dress, her short hair was still wet, and her delicate face was flushed. She was less cold and aloof than a queen, and more charming than a young woman.

Lin Bin's eyes lit up, and he trotted over,"How is it, are you okay? Otherwise, let's go to the hospital quickly?"

Seeing his concerned look, Zhou Manqing had a lot of anger in her belly but nowhere to vent it, so she could only frown and say nothing.

After all, when it comes to this matter, she should be blamed for hanging up the phone.

Mu Wenjun said in time:"Brother Bin, don't worry, my aunt just twisted it, no bones were hurt, just rest for a while."

Lin Bin was relieved and nodded:"Okay, do you have safflower oil or something at home? Apply some medicine to your aunt. If not, I will go downstairs to buy some now."

"No need, we just have it at home, Brother Bin, just sit down."

Mu Wenjun sat on the sofa with her jumping aunt. Lin Bin wanted to help, but seeing Zhou Manqing's dark face, he could only stand aside awkwardly.

While she went to the room to find medicine, Lin Bin apologized to Zhou Manqing with a serious face.

""I'm sorry, I haven't seen the world, and my brain just short-circuited, so I didn't react."

Zhou Manqing blushed immediately when she heard the word"world".

However, seeing Lin Bin's clear eyes and serious face, he didn't seem to be that kind of person, so she could only swallow this loss.

"By the way, what happened to me calling you before? I was fine, but you scolded me and made Wenjun worried."Lin Bin said with a wry smile.

First apologize sincerely, then complain and play the victim, the main trick is a routine. As expected,

Zhou Manqing fell into the trap, feeling ashamed and annoyed,"Ahem, I recognized the wrong person, I thought it was a sales call."

Lin Bin's mind was racing. It was not a sales call that could make his well-educated, smart and capable aunt swear.

It seems that there is something hidden in it.

At this moment, Mu Wenjun ran over with a bottle of safflower oil,"Aunt, please stretch out your legs, I will help you apply some medicine."

Zhou Manqing smelled the medicine and frowned immediately,"I'm fine, I'll be fine after a rest, you should go to work quickly."

Mu Wenjun grabbed his aunt's white and tender right leg,"No, you must rest well now, and you can't move around until your injury is healed. I will take care of you at home."

When she pulled, a corner of her long skirt was lifted up.

Zhou Manqing quickly reached out to hold it down, then turned her head to look at Lin Bin. Seeing that he was calm, she could only pretend to be calm.

"Mr. Lin, don't worry about the company's affairs. I have found several suitable candidates in the past two days. I also contacted two people this afternoon. If you have time, you can go for an interview together."

Ms. Zhou, why are you still interviewing when you are in this state? There is no rush for the company's affairs. You should have a good rest at home for a few days. Your health is more important than anything else."

"Brother Bin, thank you on behalf of my aunt."Mu Wenjun was almost moved when she heard Lin Bin's caring words. Zhou

Manqing was also slightly moved, and the slight resentment in her heart just now completely disappeared.

It seems that Mr. Lin is indeed a good person.

However, Zhou Manqing still shook her head. She felt guilty for taking such a high salary and not doing anything.

""Boss Lin, I'm fine with this minor injury."

Mu Wenjun suddenly said,"Aunt, you turned off your phone and said you were fine. What's going on?"

Lin Bin was also curious. When he saw Mu Wenjun asked, he immediately looked at Zhou Manqing.

Zhou Manqing's breathing stagnated, as if she thought of something unhappy, and a trace of anger rose on her face.

She didn't want to say this in front of outsiders, but she was moved by Lin Bin's sincere performance just now, so she took a deep breath and gritted her teeth and said

"I just met a scumbag outside. I splashed a drink on him and accidentally stained my clothes, so I planned to come back to change clothes.

But the scumbag kept pestering me and kept calling me. I thought that the call from Mr. Lin just now was also from him, so I cursed and turned off the phone.

Then I came back to take a shower, and you saw the rest."

I saw it all, but it was not satisfying.

Lin Bin noticed Zhou Manqing's unfriendly eyes falling on him, and immediately coughed lightly,"Actually, my mind was confused and I was thinking about other things, so I didn't see anything."

Zhou Manqing secretly complained in her heart: Bah! It's said to be a 'big world', but I didn't see anything, I don't believe you!

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