It is said that same-sex love is true love. Although Lin Bin could not accept it, he suddenly became curious about the strange woman Zhou Manqing mentioned.

"You are not in that relationship with her, are you?"

When Lin Bin thought that Zhou Manqing was 30 years old and still had no boyfriend, he suddenly understood.

"Bah! I don't know how to grind tofu." Zhou Manqing spat.

After she finished speaking, she realized that she had just said something wrong, and felt Lin Bin's unscrupulous gaze on a certain part of her body.

Zhou Manqing's face immediately turned red, her heart was beating like a deer, and she quickly changed the subject,"I...She and I were classmates in college. After I found out about her problem, I have been avoiding her."

Zhou Manqing felt a little at a loss when she thought of her old classmate. If Lin Bin had not wanted to set up a film and television company, she would never want to meet him again in her life.

Lin Bin curled his lips and said impatiently:"Then when are we going to meet your old classmate?"

If it was other things, he would not bother to intervene, but seeing Zhou Manqing's panic, Lin Bin suddenly wanted to see who the other party was.

Zhou Manqing calmed down and said,"She is in Shanghai. I will hand over the work today and we will go tomorrow."

Her old classmate is not an ordinary person. If she wants to recruit her, she must do it herself.

Lin Bin nodded,"Okay, I'll leave it to you to arrange it. Just notify me when you leave tomorrow."

"OK, I'll book the flight and hotel right away. Zhou Manqing agreed immediately.

"Remember to book business class tickets, forget about hotels. I bought a villa in Shanghai, and no one usually lives there, so we can just stay there when we get there."Lin Bin hurriedly said.

Living in a villa with the boss? Zhou Manqing's eyes flickered, and she felt a little nervous. However, seeing Lin Bin's calm expression, she didn't say much, and nodded gently in agreement.

"By the way, when you have time, help me choose a suitable secretary, so I won’t have to bother you with trivial matters like booking air tickets in the future.

Lin Bin took the opportunity to ask for a secretary, and Zhou Manqing didn’t think much about it.

In the future, as the company grows bigger, Lin Bin will definitely have more and more things to do, and she can’t be as thorough as a nanny.

"Mr. Lin, do you want me to gather everyone in the company so you can meet them?"

The matter of the film and television company was temporarily settled, and Zhou Manqing went back to work.

Lin Bin shook his head and said,"Forget it, let's wait until everyone in the company is recruited, and then we'll meet."

The company is just starting out, and there will definitely be a large number of employees to be recruited in the future. He doesn't have time to spend every day in the company.

"OK, I'll go get busy if nothing else." Zhou Manqing left in a hurry after saying that.

After she left, Lin Bin stayed in the office for a while, and finally left quietly without disturbing anyone.

At noon, he returned to Bishuiwan and had lunch with Bai Lele. In the afternoon, Lin Bin took the two of them to the live broadcast company.

The company's office space had been rented a long time ago and was well decorated, but Zhou Manqing had not had time to recruit people, so it had not started running yet.

"Xinyi Network Media Co., Ltd.! Sister Xinyi, this company uses your name!"

Bai Lele looked at the sign hanging at the entrance of the company and shouted in surprise.

""Brother Bin, thank you."

Zhuo Xinyi stood at the door of the company, her heart was quite excited, and her body was even a little rosy.

She was just an ordinary girl who came from a small mountain village and worked hard in the big city. If she hadn't met Lin Bin, she would never have achieved what she has now.

Although Zhuo Xinyi also paid some things, compared with the gains, it was insignificant to her at the beginning.

""Let's go, let's go in and take a look."

Lin Bin looked at Zhuo Xinyi, who was showing her true feelings, smiled faintly, and directly opened the glass door of the company.

The key was given to him by Zhou Manqing this morning, and he kept it with him.

The venue of this live broadcast company is only more than 600 square meters, which is much smaller than that of Shuangmu.

But in a first-tier city like Jiangcheng, being able to open such a company is also considered to be of considerable scale.

"Wow, what a beautiful office! Sister Xinyi, the uncle is so nice to you."

Bai Lele pulled Zhuo Xinyi around and kept exclaiming.

Zhuo Xinyi couldn't hide the joy in her eyes, and said with a smile:"Lele, didn't Brother Bin say that he would invest in a professional club for you? You will be a big boss in the future."

Bai Lele didn't care whether she was a boss or not, but she was very eager to create her own team.

But she also knew that investing in a club would cost a lot of money, so she secretly looked at Lin Bin, with both expectation and uneasiness in her eyes.

Lin Bin took in her expression and said with a smile:"Xiaobai, don't worry, the club's affairs are more troublesome, but I have arranged for someone to handle it. It may not be able to keep up this season, but you will be able to lead the team to fight next season."

It is too troublesome to set up a club again, so he plans to directly acquire a team at a premium.

And he has sent people to negotiate the price, so that he can get a seat in the professional league by the way.

"Uncle, I......"Bai Lele hesitated for a long time and was speechless.

If she really accepted Lin Bin's gift, she would owe him a huge favor, and she might have to pay it back for the rest of her life.

But seeing that her dream was about to come true, she couldn't say no.

Lin Bin reached out and rubbed her cute bun,"Be an obedient little white rabbit in the future."

"Got it, uncle." Bai Lele nodded hurriedly, and Lin Bin couldn't help but pinch his chubby face because of his cute look.

"Okay, I'll leave the things here to you. By the way, I'm going on a business trip soon, and it may take a few days for me to come back, so you guys stay at home."

""Okay!" The two girls answered in unison.

Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi were still fresh to the company, so they stayed, while Lin Bin drove away directly. He would not go to Shanghai until tomorrow, and he had other things to do now.

When he returned to Jiangcheng yesterday, Lin Bin called Cheng Keer and learned that she was at home, so he drove directly to Xingfuli.

"Abin, you are here."

Cheng Ke'er is still so beautiful, especially when she smiles, she always makes people lose their minds.

Lin Bin hugged her tightly in his arms,"Ke'er, I want to accompany you today."

"Okay." Cheng Ke'er smiled, and a hundred flowers bloomed.

It was still early, so Lin Bin took her shopping for the whole afternoon. They bought all kinds of clothes, bags, and cosmetics, and spent more than 800,000 yuan. They kept shopping until it got dark. Considering that there would be a big battle in the evening, he had to save energy now, so he took Cheng Ke'er back to Xingfuli.

Dinner was prepared by Cheng Ke'er herself, but this time it was just a simple three dishes and one soup. After eating and drinking, they finally got to the point.

Cheng Ke'er has always had an unusual position in Lin Bin's heart, not only because of her beautiful appearance, but more importantly, she was the first person to reverse the critical strike.

It was also from that moment that Lin Bin began his wonderful life.

""Ke'er, you are so beautiful!" Lin Bin praised sincerely.

Since he had the system, his life has changed dramatically in these short days.

Sometimes when he thinks back on it, it seems like a dream, which makes Lin Bin feel unreal.

But now, Cheng Ke'er's rapid breathing clearly tells him that everything happening now is real.

"Abin...Turn off the lights......."Cheng Ke'er's voice was trembling with nervousness.

"OK, I'll listen to you." Lin Bin reached out and turned off the light.

Click! The whole world became hot.

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