The next morning, when Lin Bin woke up, there was no one around him.

He got up and looked around the room, and finally saw Cheng Ke'er in the kitchen, standing there alone, as if in a daze.

"Ke'er, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Lin Bin hugged her from behind, and Cheng Ke'er's body stiffened, as if she was frightened.

"Abin, you're awake." Cheng Ke'er forced a smile,"I'll make some breakfast, wait a moment, it'll be ready soon."

Lin Bin noticed that Cheng Ke'er's expression seemed a little strange, and hurriedly said,"Ke'er, are you too tired last night? Why don't you take a rest while I go out to buy some breakfast?"

Cheng Ke'er chuckled and shook her head,"No, it'll be ready soon"

"OK, I'll wait for you outside."

Lin Bin didn't take it seriously and left the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Cheng Ke'er prepared breakfast, fried eggs, toast, and a glass of milk.

"Ke'er, why don't you eat?"

At the dinner table, Lin Bin wolfed down his food, but Cheng Ke'er didn't move at all. She held her cheeks with both hands and looked at him quietly.

"I'm not hungry, you eat first."

Lin Bin always felt that Cheng Ke'er was a little strange today, but he couldn't tell what the problem was. After thinking about it, he could only think that it was because of overwork last night.

"Ke'er, I'm going to Shanghai on a business trip these days, and I may not be back for a few days. What gift do you want? I'll bring it back to you when the time comes."

After dinner, Lin Bin was ready to leave.

"Abin, I just bought you a small gift. Please wait for me.

After cleaning the table, Cheng Keer immediately turned around and went to the bedroom. After a while, she came out again with a small gift box in her hand.

""Haha, what did you buy for me?" Lin Bin asked with a smile.

Cheng Ke'er opened the box, and inside was an exquisite watch."I went to Shenzhen a few days ago, and I bought you a watch. Do you think it's suitable?"

Another watch.

The one that the bitch gave him before, Lin Bin put it away and never wore it. It's not that he disliked the watch because it was too cheap, but he was not used to wearing it.

"It's still a Rolex, Ke'er, you spent a lot of money, didn't you?"

Lin Bin picked up the watch and put it on. When he thought about the last time that bitch bought a Patek Philippe and made a huge profit of 2 billion, he felt a little excited.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a consumption rebate of 568,000 yuan from Cheng Keer, a sincerity index of 91.56, and a reverse critical hit of 9156 times!"

"The amount received is 5200608000 yuan, please check it!"

5.2 billion in one go!

And the sincerity index is 91.56%!

The sudden surprise made Lin Bin ecstatic.


"Haha, Ke'er, you are so good to me! Sometimes, I feel like I am dreaming."

Lin Bin couldn't help but kiss her, looking at the Rolex on his wrist, as if it were a treasure.

Although the Rolex worth more than 500,000 is not a valuable thing, it was given to him by Cheng Ke'er with sincerity, how could he not like it.

Cheng Ke'er had a complicated look in her eyes, and murmured softly,"I feel like I am dreaming too."

""What did you say?" Lin Bin didn't hear clearly and asked back.

Cheng Ke'er smiled and shook her head,"It's nothing, as long as you like it.""

"Like it, of course I like it!"

Lin Bin stayed for a while, then heard his cell phone ringing. It was a message from Zhou Manqing, so he reluctantly said goodbye to Cheng Keer.

After going downstairs, as soon as he got in the car, he took off his Rolex,"I'm really not used to wearing this thing."

Putting the watch in his pocket, Lin Bin drove straight to the airport.

Upstairs, in the room.

Cheng Keer sat quietly on the sofa, with an empty small gift box in front of her, a little absent-minded.

This box was used to hold a Rolex watch just now. After Lin Bin put on the watch, he did not take the gift box away.

""Abin, I'm leaving."

In the empty room, Cheng Ke'er muttered to herself, then took out a bunch of room keys and a bunch of car keys, and placed them all on the coffee table.

Finally, she went back to the room and took out a piece of letter paper, wrote a few lines, and then pressed the letter paper under the gift box.

At the door, Cheng Ke'er looked back at the familiar room, hesitated for a moment, and finally turned around and left.

Jiangcheng Airport, the plane took off on time at 9:30

""Manqing, what's the name of your old classmate?"

Although he took the business class this time, he was not lucky enough to meet a big star. Lin Bin was a little bored and could only take the initiative to chat with Zhou Manqing.

"Her name is Xia Mo. Apart from work matters, you'd better have less contact with her."Zhou Manqing said

"Oh? I'm a man, how can I be afraid of a lesbian?" Lin Bin was refreshed.

Zhou Manqing opened her mouth, but finally uttered one sentence,"She is just a slut, I'm afraid you can't stand it."

Lin Bin's eyes flickered. It seems that Zhou Manqing has a deep grudge against Xia Mo. Maybe there is some unspeakable experience between the two.

"Manqing, please tell me in detail about Xia Mo's situation. She is the vice president of our film and television company, and I need to know more about her in advance."

Zhou Manqing was a little speechless. She didn't want to mention Xia Mo's affairs at all, but what Lin Bin said made sense. In the end, she could only grit her teeth and tell the story.

When the plane landed in Shanghai, it was already past eleven o'clock.

Lin Bin first took Zhou Manqing to the villa of Tomson Yipin and put the gifts away.

He came here empty-handed this time. After all, the villa here has everything, but Zhou Manqing brought a suitcase with personal belongings.

The last time he came to Shanghai, Lin Bin could only rent a car from a car rental company. Fortunately, before he left, he told Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi, and bought a top-of-the-line Audi A8 here and put it in the villa.

After putting away the gifts, the two had lunch nearby.

Seeing that it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Bin followed Zhou Manqing's instructions and went to Xia Mo's residence.

Looking at the villas in front of him, Lin Bin said with some surprise:"Manqing, your old classmate lives here, he should not be short of money, right?"

Zhou Manqing didn't know whether she was nervous or for some other reason, she felt a little irritated,"Old Xia doesn't lack money to begin with."

"That...Can we invite her?"

The car stopped in front of a villa, Lin Bin touched his chin and said

"It depends on your ability. Anyway, I have recommended the candidate for you. Whether it succeeds or not is none of my business."

Zhou Manqing rolled her eyes, got out of the car, and rang the doorbell.

Ding Dong! The doorbell rang a few times, and the door opened.

""Qingqing, you are finally here!"

A figure rushed over and made a surprised sound.

Then, Lin Bin heard Zhou Manqing's scream.

"Let me go! Female hooligan!"

The two girls started fighting, as if they didn't notice that there was a man standing next to them.

Xia Mo was so good at making moves, how could Zhou Manqing be her opponent?

Lin Bin was so excited that he wanted to move a bench to watch the fun.

He had seen Zhou Manqing's greatness a long time ago, and more of his eyes fell on Xia Mo.

She was wearing a white vest on top and yoga pants on the bottom. Her body was well-proportioned, and she had a perfect proportion. Her wheat-colored skin was a bit wild and flamboyant.

Especially her slender and tight waist, coupled with her devilish figure.

What a waist beauty that brings disaster to the country and the people!

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